Global Space Trade Company / GSTC

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Transport

“If it exists, the Global Space Trade Company sell it”


Everything started on Earth…

In 2521, three big terrians companies, Global Tech, Space Khamarov Inc. , and Fasyio Aerospace, grouped to stop the lot of economic wars between them, to found the Global Space Consortium, a giant company involved into the space industrialisation and trade around the Solar System.

After a decade of happyness and prosperity, Thomas I., CEO of the GSC at this time, died into a ship crash. This incident started a year of battles between the board members to become the new chief of the GSC.

Finally, in 2532, Dimitri K., CEO of ancient Space Khamarov Inc., became the new CEO of GSC, and renamed it “Global Space Trade Company” ( still in place ) to confort the spirit of unique company, and not only a big consortium.

To the infinite space !

The end of the 26th Century marked the start of the space conquest for GSTC, which quickly became one of the most important companies of the Solar System and Centauri System in terms of commerce and goods transports.

In 2562, the Global Space Trade Company ™ obtained his SWT-1 UEE certification, and started its all new weapons’ transport service.

The dark descent…

The weapons’ transport service had became one of the largest service of the GSTC. But the greed of Dimitri K. and his board members was so strong that they opened, secretly, a black service for contraband / black market service, to trade all kinds of non-legal weapons, and other stuffs.

In 2565, the “Dark Year” of the company, one of the pilots in charge of a contraband transport from Centauri System to Earth died into his ship, and so let his ship continue to our mother planet.
The Earth’s customs services didn’t take so long to discover the ship, abandonned, with a full cargaison of illegal weapons, and the logo of the company.

This incident was the start of a long, and complicated period of lawsuits, launched by the UEE against the GSTC, which finished by a financial crash of the company, which finally closed.

Until today

The company has been bought by Jimmy S., actual CEO, who decided to re-launch it as it was at the end of the 26th century.

The trade and transport services has been reconstructed, and we are now proud to recruit any pilot, commercial, or mercenary who wants to take part of this great adventure of reconstruction.

The Global Space Trade Company has been misdirected for too long. Today, our goal is to restore the image of the company, first recreating a relationship of trust between us and our clients, and then proving that the GSTC is still able to transport anything, anywhere in the space, for anyone.


As a future main trade company, the Global Space Trade Company™ is commited to give any UEE company the ability to purchase and transport the resources they need to prosper.

To achieve this goal, the GSTC offer the following services…

Provide resources

A selling platform

As a main trading platform of UEE, GSTC offer to its customers a purchase service to find and buy every resources needed by companies. Power, weapons, goods, food, trained people… As our slogan says “If it exists, the Global Space Trade Company sells it”

Buy your goods

You have something to sell ? Maybe could you sell it to us. Weapons, goods, food, employees… GSTC is interested by all the things that can be re-selled to a higher price !

Working with suppliers

GSTC is looking for suppliers in the all universe. You produce goods ? Resources ? Weapons ? We need you !

Become one of our associates by contacting us, or simply by becoming a full member of the Global Space Trade Company. We’ll be happy to welcome you in our great family.

Transport everything


You have a working well commerce, but don’t know how to send your goods to your clients ? GSTC is here to help you carrying all stuffs from a company to another.

Our great armada of ships can bring everything in the universe, from one point to another.


As a recognized transporting weapon company by the UEE commercial administration, the Global Space Trade Company™ is allowed to carry every type of weapons around the universe.

A lot of companies and freedom fighters has choosen us to bring them the best weapons on the market.

Reliable, armed, and protected by some very effective protection squads ( freelancers or not ), our ships to transport weapons and their high qualified pilots are a guarantee of security and quality for the transportation of your weapons.

The GSTC is actually certified SWT-1( Safe Weapon Transporter level 1 ) by the UEE defense organisation, since 2562.

Food / Water / Power

Some space stations and colonies need to be stocked with food and water, or power, to continue to keep alive their population, and keeping a good life level.

GSTC is an efficient supplier for space stations, and colonies in need. With our “ANS” program ( “Automated Non-Stop Stock”), all the colonies can be stocked again and again with fundamental resources without to worry about payments or shortages.

Transports security service

As we used to do, we never let our ships go to the hyperspace without protection. It’s one of our priorities.

To ensure the security of the goods we transport, our armored ships and their pilots are always available to follow any cargaison, from a planet to another.

( This service is actually in construction due to the reconstruction of the company, and we’re actually recruiting every pilot who wants to take part of this service )


“We need you for the GSTC army !”

Currently in reconstruction, GSTC is looking for every person who wants to work in trading or in security services.GSTC is proud to welcome everyone who wants to take part of the amazing space trading adventure.

You want to make money quickly, and easily ? Join us by filling the A-1 submission form, available in each GSTC administration center in UEE’s systems, and enjoy your all new job by taking part of one of our missions.

Everything you need

Your mission needs to be armed, or fast ? You need an extra of fuel or plasma to complete your transport mission ? Or a more armored ship with a protection team ? No problem !

Every associate of GSTC can be stuffed with all the equipements of the company if he can explain his needs.

Just fill the S class forms, available on your associate profile on the GSTC website, and we’ll be happy to help you to accomplish your job with all the equipment you need.

Salaries and bonuses

Every associate of GSTC is payed for every mission he makes during the month. Take part of difficult transport / trading missions to be payed in consequence.

Every mission is evaluated in function of his difficulty, the amount of resources to be transported, and the time needed to transport it.
The mission classification is the following :

  • A1- Missions : On planet missions, with a low range of moves and a relative low time to share resources, with no danger
  • A2 – Missions : Same missions as A1 missions, with more danger, or on extra – UEE’s planets.
  • B1 – Missions : Inter-planetary missions, which need the collaborator to move between two planets of the same system.
  • B2 – Missions : Inter-planetary missions, which an high risk for the collaborator like danger, or a high amount of resources.
  • C1 – Missions : Inter-systems missions, which need the collaborator to go out of a star system to move to another.
  • C2 – Missions : Inter-systems missions, involving a star system not owned by the UEE, or presenting a risk of attacks.

Taxes on missions

GSTC find missions for you, and so is involved in your success as a transporter. As we help you to find good missions for you, and as we give you all the equipments you need to accomplish it, we think it’s normal for you to participate to the monetisation of the company.

So after each mission, in function of your role in the company, you earn a minimum of 10% of the cost of the resources you transported.
The more missions you accomplish, the more you earn.

Each collaborator earn a percent in function of his classification :

  • Young transport consultant ( 0 – 10 missions ) : 10% of the resources’ cost
  • Regular transport consultant : ( 10 – 30 missions ) : 15% of the resources’ cost
  • Master transport consultant : ( 30- 50 missions ) : 20% of the resources’ cost
  • Company veteran associate ( 50+ missions ) : 30% of the resources’ cost

( This colaborators classification can be changed by the direction )