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Galactic Transportation & Exploration Corporation / GTEC

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Transport
  • Exploration

Welcome to The Galactic Transportation and Exploration Corporation

Organizational Status

Recruitment: Open

Positions Available: TBA

Recent Recruits: None

Fleet Status
Cargo: TBA
Escorts: TBA
Exploration: TBA
Rescue: TBA


The Galactic Transportation and Exploration Corporation (GTEC) is an innovative organization that was created in 2015. The focus of the corporation is simple, to procure wealth through the transportation of goods. GTEC is an opportunistic organization, and as such also embraces deep space exploration and approved freelancing activities. The organization generally operates under a simple, yet effective, set of internal and external regulations that reflect the organizations ethical standards. Those interested in joining the GTEC family must undergo a rigorous recruitment process to vet themselves to senior members.

The core of GTEC is primarily comprised of a close group of individuals that have been playing online games together for many years, which means we highly value commitment, integrity, and gallantry. GTEC is not about who you know, but rather what you bring to the table. You can offer little and still be successful if you work hard and are enjoyable to play with.


Mission Statement: To provide superior transportation and exploration service through prudent, dependable, and economical operations.

GTEC Code: Honor, excellence, integrity, service, commitment, and trust.

Slogan: Planet, moon, station, or asteroid, GTEC will make it happen. Second to None


Internal Regulations

1. All members will conduct themselves in a respectful and professional manner while operating in an official capacity. Remember, you’re not only representing yourself, you’re also representing GTEC. As such, members are expected to act accordingly.
2. All members must maintain direct communication via TeamSpeak while operating in an official capacity.
3. Rank is a privilege, not a right. Those who are promoted are expected to complete assigned tasks in a timely manner.
4. Utilize the chain of command to resolve problems at the lowest possible level. Do not jump the chain of command.
5. Try to remain active and notify a senior member if you need to take a leave of absence.
6. Members will display the [GTEC] tag in front of, and [Rank] behind, their name on the Community Monicker while playing in an official capacity. Example: [GTEC] Your_Name [Rank]
7. When in doubt, deffer to the guidance of a senior member.
8. Members are required to follow any reasonable direction given by a senior member.
9. Only Commanders and above are authorized to operate as pilot in command of a craft being used in an official capacity. Deviation is allowed in emergency situations; however, those who deviate must be able to articulate their actions once the situation is resolved.
10. Freelancing is authorized on a case by case basis. Approval must be obtained by a Captain or higher.
11. Pilots must be certified on each type of spacecraft prior to operating the craft in an official capacity.
12. All spacecraft operating under official capacity must be insured.
13. Operations and logistics are controlled by the ranking officer within the team.
14. It is recommended that each team operate with a minimum of a two spacecraft, which should be comprised of a transport ship and an armed escort.
15. Only Admirals, Captains, Commanders and Lieutenants can ride in pilot/co-pilot seats.
16. Never damage, destroy, sell, or release cargo to unauthorized entities.
17. All members must be in uniform while operating in an official capacity (uniform TBD).
18. Members are encouraged to interact outside the scope of GTEC’s established official capacity.
19. Official capacity defined: Any member who is on duty, wearing a uniform, or operating in a capacity which directly effects the interests of GTEC.
20. Always follow the GTEC code.

External Regulations

1. Treat all players with dignity and respect.
2. Never start a conflict with another player.
3. Do not troll.
4. If a conflict arises, attempt to neutralize the situation without the use of force. If force is required, use the force necessary to defend yourself, your crew, and your cargo. Only resort to deadly force if no other options exist.
5. Members are required to respond to provide assistance to any fellow member who requires aid.
6. Fly responsibly and be considerate to other ships operating within the immediate vicinity.
7. Providing assistance to other players/vessels is discretionary.
8. Do not lie, cheat, or steal while operating in an official capacity.
9. Do not engage in any illegal activities while operating in an official capacity.
10. Do not consume drugs or alcohol while operating in an official capacity.
11. Obey all UEE laws.
12. Cooperate with any and all law enforcement, and government, agencies. If contact is made, notify a supervisor once it is practical to do so.

Profit Sharing

All profits are divided equally between each participating crew member after all expenditures are paid in full.


Training can be conducted by any member, who is a Lieutenant or above, that is recognized, and certified, as competent in the field in which he or she is instructing.

Promotions, Rank, and Responsibilities

Recruit: (1 week Min) Probationary position held until the recruit proves they have what it takes to join the team.

Ensign: (1 week as recruit) The Ensign is responsible for assisting with assigned tasks.

Lieutenant: (1 week as Ensign) Lieutenants are responsible for training, and overseeing, lower ranking members to ensure smooth operations. Certified Lieutenants are also authorized to pilot spacecraft when manpower is low.

Commander: (2 weeks as Lieutenant) Commanders are charged with supervising Lieutenants to ensure sorties operate effectively. Commanders generally assist their assigned Captain in flight operations and logistics. Certified Commanders are also authorized to pilot spacecraft, conduct sorties, and approve freelancing operations in the absence of a Captain.

Captain: (4 weeks as Commander) Captains are responsible for the craft and crew each is assigned. Captains can also be assigned other responsibilities, such as security or public relations.

Admiral: Highest attainable, appointed, position within the organization. Admirals are the final authority within the group and are responsible for the safety and security of all assigned equipment and personal.