GametechUK / GTUK

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Security

Welcome to the official Star Citizen org for the GametechUK community.
Everyone is welcome from beginners to experts.
Play nicely in the ‘verse, Citizens!


The official Star Citizen org for the GametechUK Community.

We’re a large community who enjoy simulations, racing, trucking and RPGs.

Check out the channel on, follow on Twitter at and join in on our Discord at


This is the official GametechUK community Star Citizen org where members can play, learn and improve together. Whether you’ve just logged in for the first time or you’re a seasoned veteran, the GTUK community is a helpful environment where help, advice and co-op players are never far away.


  1. Be nice to others in the ‘verse – everyone is just trying to make their way
  2. No piracy please – we have a good reputation with other gaming communities and we’d like it to stay that way
  3. If you are asked for help, please give advice honestly or signpost to someone that can assist