Galactic Underground Alliance / GUA

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Scouting

Welcome to Galactic Underground Alliance. While recruitment may be limited during beta we are looking to make alliances with other organizations. If you are interested in us and would like to talk more about the possibilities of partnerships please send a PM to any of our High Council.


     GUA is an ancient organization with roots tracing back to a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away who are now in our 3rd evolution together.

     We were founded following a dream of two of our ancestors, Duncaan Darkcrest and Monsofo Lexius. These two forged out from Tyrena, Corellia in the Scylla Galaxy to search out a place to build an empire. They later settled outside the small foggy city of Moenia on the planet Naboo and armed with many new comrades founded the city of Darkcrest also on Naboo. Using networking and extensive resource sourcing the first generation of GUA retired very early in their lives.

They were doctors, entertainers and crafters who supported a rag-tag rebellion against an evil dictator. While we did explore some of our Dark Sides here our focus was mostly on studies in Peace and Enlightenment. Most everyone enjoyed defending the Star Systems and making regular Jumps To Light-Speed. We helped many master in space flight and some of our relatives were even buried in their ships.

     In the second generation GUA continued to grow our knowledge in the force. Duncaan Darkcrest and Monsofo Alexios (Lexius) set out with the rest of the GUA misfits in an Old Republic. With support from the usual suspects and many new recruits we grew our numbers and made new alliances. This generation lived mostly a nomadic life and explored both Peace and our Dark Side with equal passion.

They joined in the war effort on Alderaan, defended Novare Coast and played in the Huttball sporting events. This generation grew very large families and rumors are if you set out to find a Harbinger, or find any Shenanigans going on in Jedi Covenant, you may run into many of our relatives living there still.

     For our 3rd evolution Clan Gribblemeister, Monsofo (aka Apolonia), a Drunken Bastard named Keggur, our Member Down Under (aka Bingora), and friends set out into a new Verse. While we will continue to expand on both our personal Light and Dark Sides we will start our group support strongly in favor of the UEE…….

We will see you all “In the Verse!”


Supporting a common goal

Our motivation is to continue our fun and fast paced environment where everyone can do what they find most interesting. Our intention is to be bounty hunters that work within the framework of the UEE and support ourselves financially with resources gathering, production and sales of finished goods, working towards a generous market penetration in focused areas. Our primary mission will be to generate revenue. Our organization will grow through crafting, trading relationships, bounty contracts, pretty much whatever we can do to make a buck. We will also be making good use of the calendar and we will be scheduling organization events at various times of the week for those that can attend to join in the fun.

There are things that we all like to do on a regular basis. We all love to explore, open up new jump points, locate new sources of ore, craft needed items, or forge new trading relationships. Our organization will try spend a lot of the time when we are together fulfilling contracts and running group operations when we can get our time scheduled together. We will be investing plenty of time solo and in guild groups engaged in combat.

Our bounties and contracts will come almost exclusively from the lawful side of engagements. We take our reputation seriously, and although we are definitely not a straight laced organization, we will not tolerate someone getting caught on the wrong side of the UEE too often. So if your intention is to be a pirate and disrupt the shipping lanes then you are our nemesis instead of our ally. Although we value our reputation, we are not against someone making a living in a shady manner. Our motto is “Live and Let Live!”.

We are motivated to become a powerful organization through it’s alliances and growth in numbers. We are always looking for other like-minded organizations who would like to keep their core organization intact while acquiring the benefits of larger numbers when more firepower is desired or to spread out the requirements of manufacturing finished goods for sale. We also look forward to building alliances that allow multiple smaller organizations to work together to complete large scale objectives including: capturing and holding space stations and carriers, taking forays into Vanduul space, or just running a trading mission escort. All of the things that make life worth living.


GUA Member Rules and Organizational Charter

Member Rules

  • Joining
    • Recruit is your first stop with us, there may be mild TM hazing. What you bring with you will always remain your property unless you choose otherwise.
  • Conduct
    • Full Disclosure: GUA will be a full affiliation disclosure organization. Any potential conflicts of interest will be decided upon by the founders. Full disclosure will be shared only to high-council and founders.
    • Members will respect one another, our partner organizations and show each other kindness and understanding or we will shove you in a toilet and flush. While doing business or assisting partner organizations we will understand and respect those Organizations’ Manifestos or you will be shaved and put to pasture. We are all human/humanoid and will make mistakes, we wish to limit these yet allow everyone to be who they are (with or without hair).
    • Reputation in the Verse will have an impact on all in an organization. Members will keep in mind that their actions, both in the verse and in online chat/etc, reflect on the organization as a whole and will conduct themselves appropriately and in accordance with our Manifesto or genitals may/will be removed.
    • Podding or griefing: These behaviors are looked upon very poorly by the organization and any reports of this by a GUAn will be investigated and handled with a machete and no pain-killers.
  • Separation
    • Members may leave at any time but can only be expelled if we really don’t like you (AKA by unanimous High Council or Founders vote). Exception to this are sponsored recruits, they can be removed after the sponsor had been thoroughly beaten into not repeating the mistake.

Organizational Charter

  • GUA – The Galactic Underground Alliance
    • GUA exists to allow our like-minded members to work together towards common goals while allowing them to maintain mostly varied schedules. The organization will be funded by a small TBD % of all members’ income. These Organizational funds will be used to make investments and purchases to help GUA achieve the long term goals set forth by the Members and ratified by the High Council. The percentage of benefit will have some relation to the percentage of investment by each member.
  • Organizational Control Systems
    • The 4 organizing members for GUA on Star Citizen (Grib, Monsofo, Keggur and Kybor) are the Founders. A majority rule of the active members of this group will help keep GUA true to its origins and make appointments to the High Council with a simple majority vote.
    • The High Council will set current organizational direction, help set economic focus for our guild efforts and ratify alliances. All High Council votes will need a 3/4 majority to pass. Membership is not permanent to the high council, typically lasting 6 months. This is to allow fresh ideas, new directions and keep us having fun over time and prevent burn-out!
    • Officers will run the day to day operations of the guild and will have jobs assigned to define duties (future system TBD)
  • Roles/Administrative tasks
    • Chairman hold the keys and maintain the GUA vision as it is written in our Manifesto and Charter.
    • Human Resources moves members agreed upon ranks and roles around.
    • PR Manager (or mis-manager) updates our public information.
    • Recruit Managers are able to bring in approved new members.
  • Organization Ranks
    • High Council: Current governing members, the members of this group can change depending on the current needs and direction of the organization. Any rank of member, Comrade or higher, can be considered for the High Council and appointments are not permanent.
    • Officer: Officers, along with the High Council, will run the organization. Each Officer will have a specific dedicated or shared area of GUA day-to-day operations they are responsible for. Officers may also be assigned to multiple areas. The areas will be defined and applied as full time jobs in the future.
    • Old Guard: 2nd or 3rd Generation GUAn. This rank is reserved for those of us who have had multiple generations with GUA, going back to the founding of the organization. While this rank does not imply any specific powers or responsibilities to its holders we keep a special place in our organization for continued long term members. Its a nice rank but you still only get out what you put in!
    • Comrade: Welcome to Mother GUA! This is where more work will start. Help us grow the guild, take ownership of some areas! Officers and high council get appointed from here. This is where the profit sharing starts at, Enjoy the scraps we toss your way! Part-time jobs can get assigned at this level and full-time level job can be earned by mutual consent.
    • Associate: So we may keep you around for while, we like you! Enjoy yourself and your stay. You don’t have a lot of responsibility, but many people like it just like this. Never a need to do more, no table scraps here, but the responsibility matches the pay! You can get assigned jobs at this level but only by repeated request.
    • Recruit: Welcome! Sit down, pour a drink (on your own tab) and enjoy yourself. This is where the fun, and considerable hazing, starts. Time to get to know each other and for you to run at warp speed as far as you can away from us.
  • Full-Time Positions
    • Treasurer: Will update every two weeks a log of guild member contributions. This log will be made available on request to any guild member and a back-up copy will be sent to a founder monthly.
    • Liaison: Designated to keep GUA up to date on our partner organizations. Communicating needs and cross-organization events.
    • Supply Chain Manager: Helps set up the I need it’s with the I got it’s
  • Part-Time Positions
    • Retired High Council: Set to show those who have served on the council, after a successful term.
    • Enforcer: Self defined combat addict.
    • Pick-Ax: Procurement specialist of ore or other resources.