Hale Aerospace Dynamics / HAD

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Engineering
  • Trading

Thank you for contacting Hale Aerospace, your leader in shipboard innovation. Our mission is to keep everyone flying.
For a bonus on activation, enter this referral code: STAR-3WYR-QFGS


Company History
Founded in 2931, Hale Aerodynamic has for its 15 years of service had the customer’s satisfaction held above monetary gain. Upon its founding, the company comprised only of a trio of Technical Mechanics and a single Engineer. With skill, and no little amount of luck, they have grown to the corporation of today, with dozens of shops throughout known space, servicing thousands of ships per year. Their Engineering team, likewise, has grown to a fully functional laboratory, where the latest in sustainability, durability, and efficiency in ship engine and system design is performed.

Current Events
08-22-43 – RP – Contract announced with Anvil Aerospace to design gimbals for new F7C Hornet series
03-13-45 – RP – Hale Aerospace joins the ESMC (Exotic Ships Manufacturing Council)
08-11-46 – RP – Contract announced with Crusader Industries to market new energy efficient Avionics Package for use with the Genesis Starliners
05-25-46 – RP – Company Anniversary party at HQ on Bremen, televised presentation of upcoming projects announced, including Rapid Response Initiative, a Concierge Service providing Refuel, Rescues, and Rides. By utilizing functionality of MobiGlass and some proprietary software, new corporate functionality and utility will allow the universe to be a little bit safer and a whole lot friendlier.
05-25-46 – Tech – Corporate Discord Server spun up
05-25-46 – PR – New Corporate Logo added to site, promotional info-graphic and company website to follow
06-02-46 – PR – Company Manifesto, Charter, and History updated to improve outward facing transparency of policy
06-17-46 – PR – Company Events and Division Priority Missions added to Company Charter
08-03-46 – PR – Company Charter updated to clarify rank and Division perks
11-19-46 – RP – Company execs, senior staff, and select representatives from all Divisions attended the 2146 Aerospace Expo as part of the Exotic Ships Manufacturing Council, showcasing some ship designs of upcoming projects in production.
12-22-46 – RP – Designs from SciDiv on new pipes throughput put into official production. Serpent Series v1 first batch sent to production floor for casting.
02-9-47 – RP – Trade agreement signed with the Banu Free Trading Conglomerate: Dorian House. Celebratory shipment of Dorian wines and trinkets sent to all field offices.
04-1-47 – RP – New ship design leaked to the public. Codename: Dragon deep recon e-war vessel causes stock scare and media backlash for “overstepping established Anvil & Aegis contracts regarding military grade vessels”.
04-2-47 – RP – Galaxy-wide apology vid released by PR Senior Officer Jamie Singh for his April Fool’s joke that went too far.
05-25-47 – RP – Company Anniversary party held at main office on Bremen, temporary workers hired to man stations across the Galaxy to gather entire fleet and personnel cadre for 2 day televised showcase of yearly progress.
07-02-47 – RP – Contract announced with Drake Interplanetary to market new unmanned turret AI programming and accompanying Avionics upgrades on select test vessels.


The main focuses of our organization are Technology and Trade, and the facilitation thereof. Our Mission is to provide a group to join where:
  • If you want to feel safe, you have the most loyal members in the black on your team.
  • If you want danger, you have the best engines and systems to take you far and wide and feed your adrenaline requirements.
  • If you want Role playing opportunities, we have science, exploration, trade negotiations, racing, bounty hunting…the sky isn’t the limit, the stars are.

We want to be inclusive rather than exclusive, a group that people would be proud to call their own, a home to small groups and large, loners and socialites alike.


____________________Code of Conduct____________________

We will be a large group of diverse individuals from many backgrounds, cultures, and upbringings. To ensure that intra-corporation conflict is kept to a minimum, the following tenets are expected of every member.
  • Piracy, as defined by Cloud Imperium Games, will not be tolerated.
  • Corporate property is not to be re-painted in any colors but the Corporation colors and logo unless called for during a specific mission.
  • Always remember that you are the face of the Corporation; therefore, when dealing with non-members, unsportsmanlike conduct is deeply frowned upon. Name calling, taunting, gloating, and otherwise rubbing faces in the proverbial mud is bad not just for your individual image, but for the Corporation as a whole.
  • We are a unified front as far as non-members are concerned. When dealing with conflict with another member, do not allow non-members to see it. Quietly bring the matter up to your chain of command if you can not solve the issue yourself, and loud displays and tantrums will not be tolerated.
  • Support your Team, Division, and Corporation whenever you can. If you are free and another Team needs warm bodies for a mission, volunteer. If a member sends out an SOS, go to their rescue.
  • If someone treats you poorly, do not answer in kind. The full might of the Corporation is behind each and every member, and as such there is no need to resort to baser solutions. This does NOT mean that you are not allowed to defend yourself. If attacked you are free to retaliate, using deadly force if needed, but the Corporation’s honor does not need defending, so if someone badmouths us as a whole, the best way to deal with it is to prove them wrong.
  • If you see a problem, have a concern, issue, or grievance, bring it up to the chain of command. If your Manager can’t solve the problem, bring it up to your Senior, then your XO, then your Division Chair if necessary to get things taken care of. We are here for all of you, just as you are here for us.

____________________Division Mission Statements____________________

Three tenets support the Science Division: Imagination, Innovation, and Industry. There are numerous disparate facets: refinement of raw materials, research and development of new products and product lines, mapping and exploration, and retrieval and reverse engineering of technology. In the end, though, SciDiv strives to push the boundaries, allowing every other division to succeed more efficiently.

The purpose of the Security Division is to first be the Shield of the corporation, and if needed, to also be the Sword. All aspects of combat strategy are under the purview of SecDiv, from protection escort, to bounty hunting, to large scale pirate fleet assault, and from boots-on-the-ground marine firefights up to capital ship combat.

The mission of the Commerce Division is to grease the wheels of the universe. All aspects of trade relations from supply route analysis to trade blockade running, and from raw material transport through finished product demonstration are the specialties of those in ComDiv. From peaceful systems to war torn worlds, the Commerce Division will be there, to increase company profits.

The Marketing Division’s job is to have the most fun possible, and to make sure everyone knows about it. From bar hopping, to racing, to parties across the universe, the MrkDiv will be there spreading the word about Hale Aerospace.

____________________Rank Structure, Responsibilities, and Perks____________________

President & CEO – Chief Executive Officer
  • Oversight of Chief Officers Board, insurance claims on Fleet ships, oversight and distribution of incoming and outgoing finances, assistance in Team/Division missions as needed
CTO – Chief Technical Officer – Science Division Board Member
  • Oversight of Procurement, Research & Development, and Exploratory teams, control of Science Fleet ships, control and responsibility for intra-corporate fleet movements, assistance in Team/Division missions as needed
  • Priority command and use of the Science Flagship
  • Personal use vehicle chosen from the Corporate Garage
  • Pay at end of Calendar month of UEC (determined once the economy is more fleshed out by CIS to determine competitive wages)
CSO – Chief Security Officer – Security Division Board Member
  • Oversight of Security, Escort, Anti-Pirate Interdiction, Bounty Hunting, and Counter Espionage teams, control of Security Fleet ships, control and responsibility of protection detail assignments, marine missions, and fleet level combat sorties, assistance in Team/Division missions as needed
  • Priority command and use of the Security Division Flagship
  • Personal use vehicle chosen from the Corporate Garage
  • Pay at end of Calendar month of UEC (determined once the economy is more fleshed out by CIS to determine competitive wages)
CCO – Chief Commerce Officer – Commerce Division Board Member
  • Oversight of Sales, Negotiation, Purchasing, and New Markets teams, control of Commerce Fleet ships, control and responsibility for trade route mapping and planning, purchase and expenditure tracking, and profitability ventures, assistance in Team/Division missions as needed
  • Priority command and use of the Commerce Division Flagship
  • Personal use vehicle chosen from the Corporate Garage
  • Pay at end of Calendar month of UEC (determined once the economy is more fleshed out by CIS to determine competitive wages)
CPO – Chief Publicity Officer – Marketing Division Board Member
  • Oversight of the Advertising, Racing, and Community Outreach teams, control of Marketing Fleet ships, control and responsibility for extra-corporation event design, scheduling, and implementation, assistance in Team/Division missions as needed
  • Priority command and use of the Marketing Division Flagship
  • Personal use vehicle chosen from the Corporate Garage
  • Pay at end of Calendar month of UEC (determined once the economy is more fleshed out by CIS to determine competitive wages)
Executive Officer (XO)
  • One for each Chief Officer, responsible for tracking and maintenance of Division fleet ships, coordination with other XOs for cross-Division rentals as necessary, assistance in Team/Division missions as needed
  • Command and control of Division Flagship when not in use by Division Chief Officer
  • Personal use vehicle chosen from the Corporate Garage
  • Pay at end of Calendar month of UEC (determined once the economy is more fleshed out by CIS to determine competitive wages)
Senior Officer
  • Up to ten for each XO, responsible for running Teams, and the events, missions, and other activity that includes engaging with the Juniors, Associates, and Managers thereof, assistance in Team/Division missions as needed
  • Rental of vehicles from the Division Garage Tier 1-3 Collections
  • Pay at end of Calendar month of UEC (determined once the economy is more fleshed out by CIS to determine competitive wages)
  • Up to ten for each Senior Officer, responsible for organizing section level events, missions, and otherwise actively engaging with the Juniors and Associates to further the aim and goals of their Division, assistance in Team/Division missions as needed
  • Rental of vehicles from the Division Garage Tier 1 & 2 Collections
  • Pay at end of Calendar month of UEC (determined once the economy is more fleshed out by CIS to determine competitive wages)
  • Up to 50 for each Manager, full employee in the company, full authorization for Team and Division transfers with discussion from exit and enter Team Seniors or Managers, assistance in Team/Division missions as needed
  • Rental of vehicles from the Division Garage Tier 1 Collections
  • Pay at end of Calendar month of UEC (determined once the economy is more fleshed out by CIS to determine competitive wages)
Junior Associates
  • Probationary employee, full authorization for Team and Division transfers with discussion from exit and enter Team Seniors or Managers, assistance in Team/Division missions as needed
  • Pay at end of Calendar month of UEC (determined once the economy is more fleshed out by CIS to determine competitive wages)

Members are not restricted from intra-division activities or mission participation. Each member is free to choose which missions, teams, or events they assist with, however they get first priority on missions within their own Team, and second priority after resident Team members within their chosen Division, should an excess of volunteers arise.

____________________Division Example Missions____________________

Below are a list of actual and potential missions available to members of the Corporation. These missions will be led by members of the Division identified, however members from all Divisions are allowed and encouraged to participate. Cross-Division cooperation is essential to the growth, stability, and success of Hale Aerospace and its members.

A few designated survey sectors have been identified that require investigation for profitability in materials, research, or connections. These survey missions range from peaceful (mapping of the Brenan Nebula), to tense (exploration of northern Xi’An space), to outright hostile (exploration and mapping of northern Vanduul space).

Spaceborne missions will be plentiful for those that choose that path, from Protection Patrols within UEE space along the Vanduul border, to Escort Missions accompanying Commerce and/or Science Division vessels entering Vanduul or Xi’An space, as well as Deep Incursion recon missions to gather intel on ship numbers and movement deep within Vanduul or Pirate space.

Supply Runs will run the gamut from peaceful to hostile, depending on the client and cargo in question, and may include pirate blockade running, inter-corporate informational gathering, and inter-species trade futures investigation as deemed necessary by the team on mission.

Monthly or weekly mixers, as determined by interest, availability, and locations available, to provide a safe and fun place for anyone within or without the Corporation to gather, drink, chat, and possibly find an opportunity to talk (RP), join a pick-up mission, or compete in friendly contests and competition for trivial prizes and bragging rights.

____________________Example Teams____________________

Below are some team options, but the list is far from exhaustive. New teams that fill necessary niches are always welcome from both new and existing members.

  • Procurement & Salvage
  • Research & Development
  • Repair & Upgrades
  • Supply Futures Exploration
  • Mapping & Exploratory Analysis Team
  • Design Oversight Team (NPC Raw Materials, Repair, Refining, & Manufacturing 1/2/3)
  • Capital Ship Crew
  • Dogfighters
  • Marines
  • Universal Assault Team (both ground and air/space combat)
  • Bounty Hunting
  • Escort & Protection Services
  • Security Oversight Team (NPC Training)
  • Trade Negotiations
  • Demonstration Team
  • Supply Runners
  • Manufacturing Oversight Team (NPC Assembly, Transport, & Resale)
  • Marketing & Advertising
  • Racing
  • Diplomatic Corps
  • Prospective & Repeat Customer Relations
  • Personnel Oversight Team (NPC Population & Entertainment)

____________________Example Events____________________

Below are listed a few options for Corporation or Division level events that will be run to better foster intra-Corporation esprit de corps, generate business and recruitment, and just generally to have fun with our galactic community.

  • New Player Assistance
  • Group Missions
  • Group RP
  • Infra-Corporate Races
  • Ship v Ship and Marine v Marine Gladiatorial Matches
  • Capture the Flag Scenarios
  • King of the Hill Scenarios
  • Scavenger Hunt (hidden members / items / ships in various systems)
  • Ship Lotteries ($UEC buy-in, online at X time on Y date to be eligible to claim the prize)
  • Award & Promotion Ceremonies (medals, hangar swag, etc for going above and beyond the call of duty, such as:
    • Science Junior invents the engine that wins the next Murray Cup, etc
    • Security Associate who flew 15+ missions in a month total, covering all divisions
    • Commerce Manager secured a permanent trade outpost on an Eastern Banu world
    • Marketing Senior Officer negotiated the incorporation of a decent size smaller organization

____________________End of Employment Terms____________________

In all below cases, all company property must be returned within 48 hours of departure from the company or the former employee is assumed to have sold or otherwise destroyed the materials, and thus they will be reported stolen.

If an employee chooses to leave the company amicably at the end of their contracted time, they shall receive a bulk payment worth 3 months pay (UEC) as severance. During the following 3 months, the former employee may not be re-hired, unless the employee is willing to forfeit the balance of their remaining severance. After 3 months, employees of this category may be re-hired as normal, with previous rank within the company on the table for negotiation.

If an employee chooses to leave the company agreeably before the end of their contract, they shall receive a bulk payment of the balance of pay for the month in which they quit, as well as one month’s full pay as severance. These employees may not be hired for one month, after which time they may be hired back on as a Junior Associate, beholden to all rules and regulations of that rank.

If an employee is asked to leave the company under less than agreeable terms before the end of their contract, they shall receive a bulk payment of the balance due for that month’s pay and no severance. These former employees will be blacklisted in the Corporation, and not considered for rehire. Multiple character references from current employees would serve to facilitate a re-evaluation and interview process, if the desire to return is sincere.