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Halcyon Dynamics / HALDYN

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Trading

Halcyon Dynamics— paving the way to the future, together.
Join our discord for more information

HALDYN Discord



Halcyon Dynamics’ main concern has always been paving the way to the future by exploring past the borders of UEE space, one jump point at a time.

-Founder, Sebastian Pulsarus, circa 2938


We’ve always strived for greatness, and the method in which we take our strides through the universe is with professionalism and efficiency.

-Advisor, Mikhail Moiseyev, circa 2945 at the Annual Corporate Summit.

Halcyon Dynamics was founded on the principles of discovery, trade, and expansion. HALDYN’s founding was based upon these pillars in order to facilitate fast growth and steady income from a variety of sources as to keep the corporation’s horizons broad and expansive. While HALDYN’s main focus is exploration and trade, the corporation always maintains that it wishes to expand into other branches in the economy of the empire.

Founded by Sebastian Pulsarus in 2938, this young corporation has expanded rapidly, finding its home in the Branaugh system, working alongside the largest Tevarin population in the galaxy, helping them sustain the planet they call home. The corporation also hires Tevarin, alongside Humans and other species that call the UEE home, making it an equal opportunity employer. HALDYN has also been known to support the Stronger Together movement, giving portions of its income as donations to the organization.

Operations around the Branaugh System are usually meant for training purposes, allowing any and all employees who work in the exploration branch of the corporation to experience dangerous conditions, preparing them for the unknown. HALDYN also mines and utilizes the planets around the system as outposts— making full use of a system that has been widely abandoned by the UEE.


We stand firmly with the reintegration of the Tevarin people into the UEE. It’s been 300 years— I think enough time has past for prejudice. Not only do we plan on helping the Tevarin on Branaugh II, we plan to help all who are disenfranchised with employment opportunities. I think thats what “Stronger Together” ultimately stands for.

-Chairman, Shaemus Roffo, circa 2950 at the Stronger Together Committee on Terra

HALDYN promotes a strong sense of unity, an environment of acceptance, and a goal of reintegrating. Since its founding, the HALDYN corporation has called Branaugh home— using Ne’er as an outpost for mining, research, trade, and exploration, helping the Tevarin populace expand their homes on the planet farther than ever, making it safer for them to exist on such a harsh world.

Unity and acceptance are of high importance in HALDYN. Ever since it’s founding, the company has promoted a culture of togetherness. Most employees live together, work together, and achieve together. No one is a stranger, and everyone is considered family. Prejudices are pushed aside for the greater good of the corporation, and everyone has every opportunity to succeed. Despite Branaugh being abandoned by the UEE, HALDYN still utilizes this place as home, keeping the Tevarin safe from outlaws and the like.

Reintegration has also been part of HALDYN’s corporate motto. Many Tevarin feel, to this day, despondent and separate from the UEE. HALDYN wants to change this by providing them work, and allowing them to reintegrate into imperial society as a whole. Branaugh at one point was considered a place where many would become stuck— but the corporation offers employment to most, giving everyone from the common person to the citizens trying to come back into legitimacy. Everyone is welcome into HALDYN, as long as they uphold the values of the corporation to their fullest.


HALDYN maintains a fleet of ships ready for all sorts of activities, and makes sure that all employees are equipped for almost all situations that may come up in their lines of work.

-HALDYN Employee Handbook, section 2, chapter 1.

The corporation has a fleet of ships equipped to handle any situation at hand. Two of their biggest purchases being the Novabyne, a MISC Endeavor, and the Sirály, an AEGS Reclaimer.

HALDYN owns and operates a fully operating MISC Endeavor called the Novabyne, which allows the corporation to have a mobile base of operations, as well as a place to call home off of Branaugh II. The Novabyne moves as bigger exploration opportunities arrive, allowing the corporation to maintain footholds in uncharted space for long periods of time.

To aid in large scale salvaging operations, the Sirály boasts a large crew compliment and the most state-of-the-art salvaging equipment on the market to date. The Sirály operates within any conditions required of it— from freshly fought battlefields, to harsh stellar storms, if there’s a need to salvage, the Sirály is there.


A recent contract with Terra Mills, maker famed soda beverage Pips, has opened up further opportunities for expansion with Halcyon Dynamics. Due to HALDYN’s expansion further into the fields of mining and refining materials, Terra Mills has agreed to allow HALDYN to collect, refine, and deliver all raw and refined materials to all of their major manufacturing and distribution centers. Due to the company’s high demand for liquefied quartz and hephaestanite.

The partnership has led to HALDYN fielding better ships, equipment, and personnel, allowing the corporation to expand rapidly, both in size and reach across the Verse. Because of the ever-growing threat of piracy, HALDYN’s security sector has increased significantly, as demands for protection of assets grows. Protecting everything from trade routes to mining sorties, the security sector maintains a fleet of ships equipped with state of the art weaponry and components. Ever ready, ever vigilant, while the rest of the corporation churns out profits, the security sector stands guard.



Discovery means finding and researching planetary bodies outside of UEE space, and even researching planets within UEE territory. Any planetary survey data HALDYN collects is up for purchase for other corporations that wish to expand to parts unknown— saving them time, money, and manpower. HALDYN also conducts long range research missions on government contract basis at low cost.

Trade allows HALDYN to conduct business past just exploration and planetary surveys. HALDYN maintains everything from mining operations to salvage fleets, allowing them to participate in industrial projects around the UEE. Using their complex networks of trade routes within the Empire, HALDYN moves any and all materials it has gathered to other ports of interest and corporations who require the material. The corporation also retains its own fleet of security forces to help protect all of their industrial assets without the need to utilize outside help.

Expansion is what HALDYN aims for. Constantly maintaining franchises across the ‘Verse, HALDYN keeps costs low and returns high. Many franchises within HALDYN’s business model participate in logistics and industry that keeps the flow of UEC steady, allowing the corporation to grow their fleets and exploratory efforts ad infinitum.


Halcyon Dynamics is a partial roleplay organization that, at current, focuses on exploration, mining, and trade. We plan to grow as Star Citizen grows and as more mechanics are finalized, we will begin to mold our organization to them as permitted.


Exploration is, as of yet, not currently a fully fleshed out mechanic in Star Citizen. However, this does not stop us from exploring what the current game has to offer. We will explore planets as fully as possible to scope out business opportunities as much as we possibly can given the frame work of the game as of now.


Mining is currently implemented in the game as is one of two primary sources of income the organization has. We currently utilize an ARGO Mole, and do utilize ROCs when possible. Given our current size, we will either do one or the other, but in the future, as the organization grows, we wish to hold both mining and trading operations concurrently.


Trade is currently implemented in the game as one of two primary sources of income the organization has. We currently utilize a sizable fleet of Caterpillars to do trade routes incredibly frequently. Given our current size, we will either do one or the other, but in the future, as the organization grows, we wish to hold both mining and trading operations concurrently. Trade, being lucrative and dangerous however, has opportunities for hazard pay for security details accompanying cargo caravans.


Security is an ever-present need in the ‘Verse, and HALDYN is always looking for members who are ready to defend not only trade caravans, but mining operations as well. Given the rise of piracy and what will eventually be added to the game, HALDYN wants members who are competent in both PVP and PVE aspects of Star Citizen, but is always willing to train those who are unfamiliar with the game and wish to get into these fields. We maintain ship lists and loadouts to make sure all of our ships are maximized to their fullest efficiency and to the current meta of whatever patch that is live at the time.


Rules and Regulations Within Halcyon Dynamics

Halcyon Dynamics (HALDYN) follows U.E.E. law. We do not condone piracy, acts of aggression or other activities that break the law. Piracy falls under kidnapping, offensive acts, and stealing private property. Other rules are listed within our Code of Conduct within our Discord.

  • Affiliates with HALDYN benefit from certain privileges but do not get the full benefits of being a full-time employee of HALDYN.
  • HALDYN Employees are given privileges based on rank within our corporation. All benefits are listed in our Discord (see below).

Industrial Operations Rules and Regulations

During Industrial Operations, all HALDYN employees are expected to follow a set of rules regarding their employment under us.

  • All employees contribute a percentage of all profits to the Corporate Bank, which allows HALDYN to maintain a supply of UEC that goes directly into the purchase of equipment for further operations. This percentage varies between operations and is subject to change.
  • All employees are expected to provide support to each other at any given moment when online. HALDYN believes in protecting their own, and when employed by HALDYN, you are always considered our own.

Other Rules and Regulations

As features are released in the game, other rules and regulations will be added to this section as we will have an idea of what we should be following at that moment. Benefits given to HALDYN employees are also subject to change as the game changes in its development— however, the benefits given to HALDYN employees are always plentiful and understanding.

Halcyon Dynamics Operations and Events

HALDYN also holds public and private operations and events that are new player friendly. Anyone is allowed to join, and we’re always happy to bring you along for the ride. The types of operations we currently hold are;

  • Mining Operations, consisting of MOLES and Prospectors; ROCs will sometimes be utilized as well. Defense will be ran along side those mining to defend from pirates.
  • Trade Caravans, consisting of Caterpillars. Defense will be ran along side caravans to defend from pirates.
  • Combat Training, consisting of ground and space operations. This will train for defense operatives that travel along side miners and traders.

Benefits of Being an Employee

HALDYN operates a bank account that holds funds that the org gathers from operations and events to help fund org purchases when the need arrives. There’s also a wide array of benefits that are given to those who are fully employed by HALDYN.