Hurakan Aegis Private Security / HAPS

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Freelancing

Welcome to Hurakan Aegis Private Security! As you may have guessed, we are an Organization that’s focused mainly on all things SECURITY. Whether it be protection during events, such as Jump Town, or you need an escort for your largest cargo runs, Hurakan Aegis will answer your call.


Hurakan Aegis was established in the midst of the Xenothreat Invasion in the year 2954.


Hurakan Aegis Private Security was established with the intentions of working in collaboration with various orgs, as escorts, during their large scale operations. Whether it be a singular request or a contract, our Organization is willing to take on any challenge.

Although all our members enjoy making “FAT STACKS” among the stars, Hurakan Aegis was made with community in mind. All of our members are searching for one thing… a fun, immersive experience with people from all walks of life. We want to be able to make strong allies and relationships with many different orgs across the Stanton System and future systems to come.

If you are intrigued in joining Hurakan Aegis and becoming a “Hurakan Hawk” or want to submit a request for work, feel free to join our discord!
Become a Hurakan Hawk:

Submit Requests:


All members must ULTIMATLEY respect other members of the Org. For more information, refer to our “Rules” channel in our discord!