Honour Amongst Thieves / HAT

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Piracy
  • Smuggling

Honour Amongst Thieves: A pirate clan of TRUE CITIZENS, for the interest of the TRUE CITIZENS of the verse.


We had ships. We had dreams. Quantum Dynamics would make the Verse a better place, one cargo haul at a time.

3 Generations of our people slaved away hauling for mega-corporations. Eyes set to the future, factories were erected and our own goods were ready for shipment. Time and time again, disaster would strike. UEE patrols gone missing. Pirates laying in wait along “protected” trade routes. Pleas for assistance fell on deaf ears. Evidence of foul play mounted; only ships with Quantum Dynamics’ goods had been targeted.

We have intercepted transmissions with damning evidence that rival MegaCorporations have paid off UEE patrols to pull out, and even employ pirates to raid our shipments. When presented with this evidence and demand for action, UEE bureaucrats turned the other cheek. Only “citizens” are ensured UEE protection.

Up against insurmountable government corruption and corporate greed, all planetary assets have been dissolved. Quantum Dynamics will be no more. We have left this so called “civilized” space and relocated to the Cathcart system. Here, we will rebuild… From here… we will make them pay.


We submit to you the following list of grievances:
  • The mega-corporations, vast in wealth, are defended by the dutiful armies of the false Imperator, while the working man must fend for himself.
  • The population at large is unjustly taxed to the benefit of the False Empire, with no representation
  • The rights of the TRUE CITIZENS of the Empire go largely unrecognized.
  • Piracy and lawlessness abound in every corner of the verse. The source of this piracy is the UEE and Mega-Corporations. Not only do they steal from us in the form of unjust taxation, but we must also endure raiding and looting by the very people who claim to protect us.
Our Requests for Change:
  • We are TRUE CITIZENS of the Verse, bound together in the common struggle to survive, We demand the rights and benefits of our Citizenship be recognized by the false Imperator.
  • The Imperator must renounce his power and bow down to the TRUE CITIZENS of the Verse.
  • The end of Mega-Corporations

The UEE and Mega-Corporations, in their support of and active engagement in acts of piracy, and their failure to recognize our legal rights have made it abundantly clear to us that we have but one course of action to follow. The only way to survive in the Verse is to be that which we most despised. Until our demands are satisfied no UEE or Mega-Corporation asset is safe. Those who oppose us or who will not join us will be met with terror in the name of TRUE CITIZENS of the Verse!


Honour Amongst Thieves Charter

Article 1

Section 1
All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in the High Council.
The High Council shall be composed of the three former executives of Quantum Dynamics who drafted this document. If additional council members are needed, the High Council will elect its own members per Article 4, Section 1.
For all intents and purposes the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor are considered members of the High Council.

Section 2
The High Councilors shall be immune to judicial prosecution. If such violations offend members of the clan, the High Council should be petitioned to address the issue using Article 4, Section 1.
The High Council may establish their own rules and officers.
The High Council will keep a record of its legislative proceedings. All items in the record will be published unless classified as top secret by a simple majority and Chancellor approval.

Section 3
The High Council shall be empowered:
To collect taxes and duties
To borrow money
To regulate commerce with other clans
To establish rules of naturalization
To declare war
To make rules to govern the Armada and Division forces
To enter into a treaty alliance or confederation
To form, split, merge or disband Divisions
To set term limits and defer elections of Division leaders
To make all laws necessary for carrying into execution the forgoing powers, and all other powers vested within the charter, or in any department or officer thereof

Section 4
No Division shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation without direct permission from the High Council.
No Division shall levy any duties or taxes on its members without the consent of the High Council.
No Division shall charge another Division any fees or duties except that which is absolutely necessary to do business without the consent of the High Council.

Article 2

Section 1
The executive power shall be vested in the Chancellor of the High Council who will be elected by the High Council.
The Chancellor may appoint a Vice Chancellor. If the Vice Chancellor chosen is not already a High Councilor, the High Council must confirm the Vice Chancellor per Article 4, Section 1.
The Chancellor has the privilege of dismissing the Vice Chancellor as needed. However this does not remove the former Vice Chancellor from the High Council.
If the Chancellor seat on the council is vacant the Vice Chancellor may be sworn in as Chancellor, if confirmed by the High Council with a simple majority.

Section 2
The Chancellor will be the commander in chief of all forces.
They may solicit the opinion of the principal Officer in each of the executive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices.
They shall have the power to grant reprieves and pardons for any violations of law.
They may veto any item passed in the High Council with a simple majority. Items passed in the High Council with an overwhelming majority supersede this power.
They shall have the power to delegate some of their executive powers to other members of the High Council in order to form a cabinet of executive appointees.
They may appoint ambassadors and all other officers, whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by law: but the High Council may by law vest the appointment of such inferior officers, as they think proper, in the Chancellor, or in the heads of departments.
They shall have power to fill up all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the High Council, by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next session. If said vacancy is a Division leader the commission would expire when the Division elects a new leader.
They shall have the power to provide fleet and infrastructure as well as purchase industries and acquire resources.
They shall have authority over the clan bank accounts and all other clan assets.

Section 3
All the executive powers of the Chancellor are vested in the Vice Chancellor as well, for all purposes of the use of the word Chancellor – with the following exceptions and special cases:
The Vice Chancellor is second in command of all forces.
The Vice Chancellor is excluded from filling in for the Chancellor on an Article 4, Section 1 item. This includes calling the item as well as altering the required majority to pass the item.
The Vice Chancellor is excluded from using the Chancellor’s veto power as well as approving a legislative item.
If the Vice Chancellor alters the required majority as per Article 4, Section 2, to allow an item with a simple majority to pass the High Council with an overwhelming majority, the Chancellor may still veto the item.

Article 3

Section 1
The judicial power will be held within the Chief Justice and in any other inferior Justices.
The High Council will elect one of its members to the position of Chief Justice. If the position is vacant the Chancellor will appoint a High Councilor to serve as temporary Chief Justice on a case by case basis.
The Chief Justice may appoint other inferior Justices, said appointments must be confirmed by the High Council.

Section 2
The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this charter, the laws of the clan, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority: to all cases affecting High Councilors or Councilors, to all cases of admiralty and Armada jurisdiction, to controversies to which the clan shall be a party, and to controversies between two or more Divisions, between a Division and members of another Division, between members of different Divisions, between members of the same Division, or between a Division or a member thereof and foreign powers, citizens, or subjects.
In all cases affecting High Councilors, Councilors, and those in which a Division shall be party, the Chief Justice shall have original jurisdiction. In all the other cases before mentioned, the Chief Justice shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact.
If a case should arise regarding the interpretation or intention of the charter, the Chief Justice may rule on the matter provisionally. In the end it falls to the High Council to edit the Charter through the process in Article 4, Section 1.
Clan members can be tried in absentia at the judge’s discretion.
The trial of all crimes judged by the Chief Justice or another Justice shall be by bench.

Section 3
The Chief Justice may assign jurisdiction or individual cases to all subordinate Justices.
Justices are empowered to fine or suspend a member of the clan they sit in judgment over.
A Justice has the latitude, to escalate the case to the Chief Justice to seek a greater penalty.
The Chief Justice is empowered to impose any penalty they see fit on those they sit in judgment over. The only exception being the black mark which may only be exacted in cases of high treason.
The ultimate penalty for those convicted of high treason before the Chief Justice is the black mark. Receiving the black mark means the accused and their kin are to be hunted down by the clan and executed.

Section 4
In the event that a situation arises where a judgment must be made immediately, the Chancellor and the Chief Justice both have the authority to give a summary judgment by drum head.
The Black HAT espionage agents will have a certain latitude to bend the clan laws as determined by their superiors and they will be sheltered by the judicial branch.

Article 4

Section 1
The High Council, with a unanimous vote, will edit or amend this charter as they see fit.
The High Council may elect or impeach members of the High Council with an overwhelming majority.
If the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, or Chief Justice leaves the High Council, the Chancellor’s, Vice Chancellor’s, or Chief Justice’s respective seat automatically becomes vacant.
The Chancellor, Chief Justice, and High Councilors all serve indefinite terms.
For Article 4, Section 1, the Chancellor alone must declare quorum present, for these items to be called during any legislative session.

Section 2
All items passed in legislation must go to the Chancellor for approval and implementation. The Chancellor should respond within 7 days of the item passing with an approval or veto.
If not otherwise stated, the High Council will make decisions with a simple majority.
A simple majority is considered to be 51% or 50% with the Chancellor’s approval.
An overwhelming majority is considered to be 80% or a simple majority may be used instead with the Chancellor’s approval. This is still considered an overwhelming majority.
The High Council with an overwhelming majority will:
Elect the Chancellor
Elect or Impeach the Chief Justice
Establish the rules of naturalization
Declare war
Enter into a pact, treaty, or alliance
Add edit or remove (Out of Character) clan laws

Section 3
At least 50% of the High Councilors must be present to have quorum.
The Chancellor has the privilege to declare quorum not present after quorum has been established in the event the entire High Council is not present. If the entire High Council is present, quorum must be declared present.
In the event a High Councilor is absent or incommunicado for 4 consecutive regularly scheduled sessions, where those sessions were scheduled on different weeks, that person’s seat will not be counted for the purposes of quorum – additionally a simple majority vote can declare the seat vacant. This rule, for the purposes of not counting the seats for quorum, is absolute for all intended purposes of quorum and the use of the phrase ‘the entire High Council’ in Article 4, Section 3.

Article 5

Section 1
Members of a Division will elect a Councilor with majority vote. The High Council will appoint an Electoral Officer, who will manage the election process.
The Electoral Officer will be responsible for: determining candidate eligibility, the voting process, voter eligibility, and swearing in the winner.
If a Councilor is absent, in dereliction of duty, or has somehow offended the members of their Division to the point of no confidence in leadership, the members of the Division should petition the High Council for a vote of no confidence.
If the High Council votes for no confidence, the current Councilor’s seat is declared vacant.

Section 2
The Councilor has executive authority over the Division and is the Division’s commanding officer.
The Councilor may appoint subordinate officers such as Squadron Commanders, Captains, and other Officers to command each subordinate group. They have the privilege of replacing said appointees as needed.
Divisions may establish their own rules and regulation.
Divisions may have a trial of crimes by drum head.

Section 3
The penalties a Division may impose on its members are limited to suspension from Division activities and expulsion from the Division. The Division, under these rules, may even have a trial of crimes for the violation of clan law.
Extreme violations of clan law should be escalated to the Chief Justice or the appointed Justice with jurisdiction at the Councilor’s discretion.

Article 6

This Charter, and the laws of Honour Amongst Thieves which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the High Council, shall be the supreme law of the Verse; and the Councilors in every Division shall be bound thereby, anything to the contrary notwithstanding.
The High Councilors, Councilors, and Justices shall be bound by oath or affirmation to support this Charter. “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute my duties as (High Councilor, Councilor, or Justice), and will – to the best of my ability – preserve, protect, and defend the Charter of the clan Honour Amongst Thieves.” After so swearing, those in attendance will say, “No power in the verse will stop us!”

Charter Clarifications (Out of Character)
• Charter Clarifications (Out of Character) are considered part of the Charter.
• Out of Character: charter clarification, charter amendments, and laws are always referring to and attached to the actual player not the in game character.
• Judgments rendered that suspend or expel a member from a Division or the Clan transcend character death and are attached to the actual player.
• Elected positions or appointments transcend character death and are attached to the actual player.
• The Black Mark is worded the way it is because it transcends character death and is attached to the actual player.

Clan Laws (In Character)
• Our code of honour extends to the affairs of moment; The Imperator and his collaborators be our true enemies, they will be afforded no quarter. All non-UEE aligned targets will be given the opportunity for honourable surrender. No non-UEE aligned, helpless person shall be intentionally harmed in our undertaking.
• Defense of the Imperator, the possession, mention, or facilitation of his propaganda, or association with the Imperator or his cohorts are to be considered treason against clan, and shall be dealt with pursuant to Article 3, Section 3.
• In the prizes taken from action, it is prohibited that any member of the clan abscond or conceal the least thing they find amongst the prey. Any who are found unfaithful shall be judged harshly.
• Every clansman has equal responsibility to uphold the honour of the clan. If these so called ‘civilized folk’ do not respect us for our military might, they will respect us for our honour. When you give your word, you are obligated to keep it to uphold the honour of the clan. Furthermore, direct and outright lies are discouraged – not to mention bad for business.
• The following are crimes if committed against another clansmen or Division: accessory, aggravated assault, aiding and abetting, arson, assault, battery, bribery, burglary, computer crime, conspiracy, disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace, embezzlement, extortion, forgery, fraud, harassment, kidnapping, money laundering, murder, perjury, rape, robbery, tax evasion, and vandalism. If committed against the clan they can be tried as treason.
• Aiding or abetting any inside or outside source that intends harm upon the clan or failing to report said intention of such individual or organization shall be considered treason and dealt with pursuant to Article 3, Section 3.
• Tampering with a Division election is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to joining and voting in a Division you don’t intend to participate in or removing a member that would not vote your way.
• It is the duty of all clansmen to report any crimes to the proper authority. The order of proper authority is the officer in charge of both parties, followed by the Division leader of both parties, ending with the Chief Justice.

Clan Laws (Out of Character)
• The discussion of religion or politics is prohibited in public channels.
• Racism and sexism will not be tolerated.
• Hacking, cheating, botting, and exploiting is prohibited. This refers specifically to anything a Star Citizen game developer would classify as such. Sharing information on how to do these things is also prohibited.

Rules of Naturalization
• High Councilors individually have the ability to approve or deny applications.

Wars Declared
• The UEE as a whole including but not limited to: the Imperator, the UEE Navy, the mega corporations incorporated under UEE law, any protectors of the UEE system of government, and Citizens of the UEE.

Treaty’s Alliances and Confederations
• The Rebel Alliance Organization / TRALL

Regulations and Taxes
• None

Executive Appointments
• None

High Council Rules of Order
These rules of order may only be changed with an Overwhelming Majority

High Council Internal Positions:
The Speaker – This position can rotate
The Clerk – Vacant
The Sergeant-at-Arms – Vacant

General Rules:
A. The High Council will meet weekly for a regular session. The regular session’s schedule may be altered with a simple majority. The High Council may suspend regular sessions with an overwhelming majority. A special session can be called by the Chancellor as needed. In the event the Chancellor seat is vacant any High Councilor may call a special session in order to elect a Chancellor.
B. High Councilors will schedule items, one each to be called during legislative session. Items assigned by committee or items already on the table do not count toward this total.
C. The executive branch will add any Division vacancies to the legislative schedule.
D. All legislative items, allowed by the Charter, must be called by the Speaker during a regular session.
E. The Speaker may appoint a pro-tempore Speaker of the session. This should be done right after the Speaker position is assumed.
F. During a special session the Speaker has the privilege of calling or not calling any item.
G. Privileged motions can be called at any time and may interrupt the floor. Subsidiary Motions may only be called when you have the floor. Main motions may only be called when the Speaker asks the floor for additional items.
H. Unless otherwise stated, motions must be seconded.
I. When debate time is up, closing subsidiary motions can be made but additional floor speakers are not allowed unless debate is extended.
J. A Sergeant-at-Arms may be elected, with a majority vote, to balance the Speaker’s power to keep order in the room.
K. The Speaker has the authority to keep order in the room. If a member is disorderly the Speaker may have them removed unless the Sergeant-at-Arms disapproves.
L. A member is out of order if they are speaking without the floor. The Speaker will decide who has the floor.
M. A Clerk may be elected, with a majority vote, to record the proceedings and the results of the votes.

Order or business rules:
1. When attendance is determined, the Chancellor – followed by the most senior High Councilor – will assume the position of Speaker of the session.
2. The Speaker will declare if quorum is present and begin the legislative session or if quorum is not present adjourn.
3. Once quorum has been established, it may not be broken by a member leaving. If a member leaves, the session continues but the absent member abstains in all votes. The only exception is the Chancellor’s privilege to break quorum outlined in Article 4, Section 3.
4. If the Chancellor (Vice Chancellor excluded) declared quorum present, Article 4, Section 1 items can be called. If the Chancellor (Vice Chancellor excluded) is not present Article 4, Section 1 items may not be called.
5. Scheduled items, will be called by the Speaker – starting with all Article 4, Section 1 items then followed by all other prescheduled items in an order of the Speaker’s choosing.
6. When an item is called, debate will begin and end when everyone has had their say or end early if no one has anything else to say. Motions can of course change any of this.
7. When voting occurs each High Councilor in attendance shall vote Yay, Nay, or abstain. Those not in attendance automatically abstain.
8. When all scheduled items have been called, the Speaker may: open the floor to additional main item motions, or may adjourn the legislative session.

Privileged Motions: (in order of priority)
Point of Order – Used for clarification/question or to enforce the rules. This item does not need to be seconded and the Speaker decides.
Withdraw – Used to withdraw a motion only if you were the proposer. This item does not need to be seconded and the Speaker decides.
Suspend the Rules – Specifically requested rules can be suspended for the current session. This motion requires an Overwhelming Majority. Charter rules may never be suspended. This is debatable and amendable.
Appeal – Appeals a decision the Speaker made. This is debatable (If the Main Motion is debatable).
Elect/Vacate an Officer – Elect an Officer will propose a candidate, if the seat is empty. Vacate an Officer will remove the seated officer. The required majority to elect or remove is per position in the general rules. This is debatable and amendable. (This is only for internal High Council Officers that are provided in these rules)
Adjourn – The current item and all remaining items are tabled until the next scheduled weekly session. This motion requires an Overwhelming Majority.
Recess – The current and all remaining items are tabled so everyone can take a break. The session must be scheduled to resume later that day or later that week. Quorum must be re-established. This is amendable.

Subsidiary Motions: (in order of priority)
Table – The current item is tabled to move on to more important matters.
Previous Question – The current item will be voted on immediately. This motion requires an Overwhelming Majority.
Extend or Limit Debate – The current debate time allowed will be changed. This motion requires an Overwhelming Majority. This is amendable.
Postpone – The current item is postponed until an established future session. This motion requires an Overwhelming Majority. This is debatable and amendable.
Refer to Committee – The current item will be postponed until the next session to allow a committee to report back. This is debatable and amendable.
Amend – Propose a change to the current item. This is debatable (If the Main Motion is debatable) and amendable.

Main Motions (Only one at a time)
Additional Item – A new unscheduled item is presented. This is debatable and amendable.
Take an item from the table – A tabled item will be considered again.
Reconsider an Item – Reconsider the vote on a previous item. If adopted the original item would again be before the assembly.
Rescind and Amend – Change something previously adopted. This motion requires an Overwhelming Majority. This is debatable and amendable.
Discharge a Committee – Take a matter away from a committee. This is debatable.

Primary Positions and Schedule
The Chancellor of the High Council is Zhadum101
The Vice Chancellor of the High Council’s seat is vacant
The Chief Justice seat is vacant
The current High Council Members are: Zhadum101, Dread_Pirate_Chaos, and Dethman
The founding High Councilors are: Zhadum101, Dread_Pirate_Chaos, and Dethman
The High Council has currently suspended regular sessions