• Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Infiltration


It’s an acronym for

Humanity’s Assertive Watch for Knowledge thru Enemy Engagement.

We are here to vet sentient xeno beings. We operate discretely as a trading organization named Xeno/Exotics (X/E— as in exotic artifacts often found in the farthest sectors of the galaxy.


Date: 2947, July
The idea for this clandestine organization is conceived, but it wouldn’t be registered on Spectrum until 2949.07.09. As the foundation was being set in later years so was the funding. The bulk came from a philanthropist in the Core Bank’s Chairman’s Club.

The remaining backing came from trading and cargo hauling around the Stanton and Pyro systems.

295? HAWKEyE is finally able to purchase it’s own ship and even a hangar in New York. This New York location was strategically selected for its ease in spying on our heads of government.

We aren’t bad people. We just do what needs to be done and in the manner it needs to be done, for the sake of the UEE, but moreso for humankind.


We are an independent trading company. At least that is what we appear to be to xeno species. The reality is that we use the business of trading as a front. A way of getting up close and personal to any potential xeno threat that humanity may face. It’s important to note that the word “humanity” was used instead of “UEE”. This is because we don’t trust the tevarin with citizenship any more than we trust any other non-humans sentient beings.

The above is background lore. Our in-game reality is that this is a trading organization that will also likely do a little smuggling. You can, at the very least expect to get your hands dirty in the underworld as we run missions for who we perceive to be corrupt. The idea is to build a repore with perceived devious entities. These suspects could be human if they have a lot of influence over the UEE as a whole. In other words, we don’t take kindly to government corruption either.

We believe that in order to extract the information we seek we need to go hard core criminal. The dirtier we get the smarter we become. “Bad for good.”

If you don’t mind the criminal label; think it would be fun to roam around the edges of the universe, and find trading an acceptable way of financing your venture, your enthusiasm is met with a high five.


Only mature personalities please. Drama and war mongering is not our goal. We want to be a highly productive group so mutual respect and consideration of others is required.

More will follow. Page Under Construction. Please check back soon!