Ho Fleet / HCC1

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Freelancing

you’ll have access to a network of experienced pilots, navigators, and traders who can help you achieve your goals. Whether you’re looking to explore new planets, trade valuable commodities, or engage in combat with other players, we’ve got your back.

Discord: https://discord.gg/JnX99b2rbB


The History of Ho Fleet
Origins in Adversity
The Ho Fleet was founded in the wake of the devastating Vanduul incursions in the early 30th century. As entire systems fell under attack, a small group of independent captains banded together for mutual survival. Led by visionary trader and explorer Fleet Commander HoDavis, the fleet began as a loose coalition of resourceful individuals committed to protecting their ships, assets, and livelihoods. With limited resources and a shared desire to navigate treacherous space safely, the group established the core principles of the Ho Fleet: cooperation, adaptability, and resilience.

Building an Alliance
Over time, the Ho Fleet grew from a defensive network into a thriving interstellar organization. By partnering with the Banu Protectorate for trade routes and leveraging advanced technology from MISC and RSI, the fleet expanded its operations. Its focus shifted toward exploration, trading, and fleet coordination, earning it a reputation as a reliable force in the Stanton system and beyond. Ho Fleet also gained recognition for its efforts in discovering new jump points, providing critical navigation data to both civilians and the UEE government.

Defining Moments
The fleet faced a major turning point during the Kessler Skirmish of 2952, when pirate syndicates attempted to blockade one of its key supply routes. Instead of retreating, Ho Fleet’s coordinated response routed the attackers, securing its position as a formidable organization in both commerce and defense. This victory cemented the fleet’s legacy and inspired new members to join its ranks.

The Mission Today
In the present day, Ho Fleet operates as a beacon of collaboration and progress in the Star Citizen universe. The organization is committed to exploring uncharted territories, securing vital resources, and establishing trade networks across the known systems. Members of Ho Fleet take pride in their ability to adapt to any situation, from negotiating interstellar alliances to defending against unforeseen threats.

Fleet Philosophy
At its core, Ho Fleet upholds a philosophy of shared purpose. Its leaders emphasize that strength lies in unity, whether it’s coordinating a multi-ship convoy or tackling the challenges of space exploration. The fleet welcomes pilots from all walks of life who are ready to contribute their skills, creativity, and determination to build a brighter future among the stars.



We, the members of Ho Fleet, hereby declare our intentions for the organization. Our goals are as follows:

1:To promote exploration and discovery: We aim to explore the vast universe of Star Citizen and discover new planets, systems, and phenomena.

2:To facilitate trade and commerce: We aim to build a network of traders and merchants who can help us acquire and trade valuable resources.

3:To defend ourselves and our allies: We aim to be a strong and capable force that can defend ourselves and our allies against hostile players and organizations.

4:To create a positive and supportive community: We aim to create a welcoming and inclusive community where all members can feel valued and supported.

5:To promote teamwork and collaboration: We aim to work together as a team to achieve our goals and build a successful organization.

6:To uphold the values of honesty, integrity, and respect: We aim to maintain a culture of honesty, integrity, and respect in all our actions and communications.



1: Respect: All members should treat each other with respect, regardless of rank or position within the organization. Any derogatory or discriminatory behaviour towards others will not be tolerated.

2:Communication: Communication is key to the success of any organization. Members should stay active in the organization’s communication channels and respond in a timely manner to any messages or requests.

3:Loyalty: Members should be loyal to the organization and its goals. Any actions that are detrimental to the organization or its members will not be tolerated.

4:Participation: Members should actively participate in the organization’s activities, events, and missions. Failure to participate may result in disciplinary action or removal from the organization.

5:Collaboration: Members should work together towards the organization’s goals and be willing to help each other out when needed. Collaboration and teamwork are essential to the success of any organization.

6:Honesty: Members should be honest and transparent in their actions and communications. Any dishonesty or deceit will not be tolerated.

7:Follow the game’s rules: Members should follow the rules and guidelines of Star Citizen at all times, both in-game and on any external platforms or communication channels.