Helix Industries / HELIXIND

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Resources
  • Transport

Helix Industries is a one-stop-shop for all your industrial needs, including resource collection, cargo transportation and various other utility services.



Helix Industries was founded by a group of like-minded miners, who realised that they could significantly improve their profits and efficiency by working together.
As Helix Industries began to grow, the business expanded from a simple mining operation to encompass all areas of industrial and utility professions.


Helix Industries is made up of several distinct divisions, all focusing on different aspects of the Helix Industries empire.

Helix Resources

The Resources division is dedicated to mining and other forms of resource collection; this division represents the core of Helix Industries. Responsibilities within this division include managing and coordinating resource collection runs, to piloting and crewing the ships. This division is primarily focused on gathering the resources required by Helix Industries to expand, however there will also be a secondary focus on contract based work for other individuals or organisations.

Helix Transport

The Transport division is tasked with the transport of cargo to facilitate the work of the other divisions within Helix Industries. Along side the main focus of facilitation, this division is also responsible for managing and fulfilling transportation contracts of all kinds with other invidiuals or organisations.

Helix Utility

The Utility division is responsible for supporting all other Helix Industries divisions, whether that be by refuelling extended resource collection runs, repairing long haul transports that have suffered damage, or re-arming the defensive escorts that protect the Helix Industries operations. As with other divisions, they will also be responsible for managing and fulfilling third-party contracts for Utility services with individuals or organisations.

Helix Expansion

The Expansion division is the backbone of Helix Industries’ development across the stars. This division paves the way for an ever-growing network of operations by surveying and deploying outposts and operation centers throughout the ‘verse. Managing the outsourcing of the powerful tools and expertise to other individuals and organisations is another vital role in cementing Helix Industries as the leader in industrial services.

Helix Security

The Security division represents the in-house defensive detail tasked with the protection of vital Helix Industries operations. As an industrially focused organisation, combat is not something we actively seek out, but we understand the importance of protecting our operations from those who wish to do us harm. As such, this division will primarily manage contracts with third-parties to outsource the protection of our assets where needed.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.