• Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Security

HEMUS, Bringing fortune and prosperity through cooperation

Join us as Member or Affiliate!


For more information please read our [ History ], [ Manifesto ] and [ Charter ]



HEMUS is an interstellar organization found by political idealists which believe that trade brings worlds together. Since these days the organization is actively forging diplomatic and trade connections, trading, securing and developing the shape of the verse together with its allies and affiliates. Bringing fortune and prosperity to those who seek prosperity and cooperation.

The Founders

The Founders are political idealists which believe that trade and the common interests could bring the worlds together. Before the foundation of HEMUS the Founders have spend many years studying the ways of the Banu society and its ways, culture and social organization. With the time they have integrated some of the Banu ways into the HEMUS organization and used it as a foundation for their future endeavors.

The Members

The members of HEMUS are friendly, helpful and reliable, traders, soldiers, pilots, engineers, explorers and all-rounder. People with understanding and open mind, always open for new opportunities and are willing to take the shot even if its hard.

Join us as Member!


HEMUS is building a large Network of Affiliates. Join HEMUS as Affiliate and increase your trading profits, get new opportunities, access new markets, get involved in security, mining, exploration, engineering and many other activities. Make new friends and follow your path in the verse.

For Affiliated Traders

– profit from new and limited markets and goods
– access to trade routes
– access to HEMUS Network special contracts and deals

For Affiliated Security

– get lucrative escort and support combat contracts
– participate in recon and black ops security operations
– build up reputation within the HEMUS Network

For Affiliated Explorers

– get lucrative exploration contracts
– get involved in the HEMUS exploration missions
– we buy your exploration loot and data for a good price

Join us as Affiliate!

Diplomacy and Contact

For Diplomatic Inquiry’s and contact please join our [ DISCORD ] and [ GUILDED ]


HEMUS is an interstellar organization.

We are forging diplomatic and trade connections, trading, securing and developing the worlds, together with our allies and affiliates. Bringing fortune and prosperity through cooperation.


– Establishing new trade connections and relations with other player organizations
– Reliable delivery and buy up
– organizing trade routes and establishing trading posts for our merchants
– trading with exotic, alien and high end tech goods and equipment


– Security ground and space Escorts
– Black Ops and Recon
– Military Support
– Rescue Operations


– Mining, Engineering and Research
– Exploration

Diplomacy and Contact

For Diplomatic Inquiry’s and contact please join our [ DISCORD ] and [ GUILDED ]



§1. Friendly attitude
§2. No discrimination
§3. No offensive language
§5. Respect the leadership and the community members
§6. Be in Discord while playing


§1. No Scam
§2. Fair trade


§1. No Piracy

Join us!

Diplomacy and Contact

For Diplomatic Inquiry’s and contact please join our [ DISCORD ] and [ GUILDED ]