Hephaestus salvage / HEPHSAL

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Resources
  • Engineering

welcome to the Hephaestus salvage page, here our motto is using the old to make the new.


A recently formed startup, Hephaestus salvage was created by a pilot in hopes of creating a salvaging business to help struggling pilots in the verse with repair and construction needs. With a sizable investment by a mining mogul in need of a reliable source of cheap materials for repairs Hephaestus’ founder was able to hire on pilots for salvage ships and transports to begin their work in the verse tripping wrecks and derelicts to help others repair their ships or to sell the materials for construction.


Here at Hephaestus salvage we intend to use our salvaging ships to sell recycled materials for ship repair or construction purposes to help keep pilots moving and growing in the verse


1. Be respectful to your fellow salvagers and transporters
2. Aim to help other pilots in need if they ask
3. Be courteous to those you help
4. report and misconduct or issues to management staff
5. piracy and assault in the verse is discouraged but not unacceptable