The Fuunist Order / HEVATISM

  • Faith
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Infiltration

Welcome stranger! You look like you desire something? Well, your search is coming to an end! Follow me to our reverently Master and all your questions will be answered!



Once, humanity lived in an age of abundance and glory, thanks to the benevolent reign of the old gods! But than, with the rise of technology and fornication humanity began to lose their faith in the gods! Finally, the first Humans began there travel to the stars and their faith was entirely lost, soon. The gods couldnt accept the behavior of their underlings, so they send humanity the plague of oblivion, as a condign punishment for their sins!

After we sensed the absence of any godly power we seize the moment to lead humanity back to the faith in the old gods and in a golden age. For this sole reason the Funnist Order was founded on christmaseve of the year 2949. With our expirence to avoid the watchful eyes of the UEE and our faith in the old goods we will prevail once again! So beware, the true disciples of the old gods will rise to leverage their masters to old power they once held so the age of glory will be established afresh. True believers will be the chosen ones of the new age, but all the heretics shall be vanished from the stars, as the gods arrive!

The old gods

God of instinct

Goddess of death

The goddess of peace, victory and truth

The god of war, deceit, and lie

The god of magic, miracles and knowledge

The legend

Chapter one: The first Answer

As the instinct, in eternity surrounded by nothing than death, PILL shouted, without any hope, all his unawareness out to the darkness and suddenly his question was shaped. As the loneliness was eternal, only NEC the death himself, tormented of his thirst for knowledge, was able to answer the questioner. So it was that instinct and death were the question and answer at the same time.

NEC gave birth to three children, which should be the testimony of her unity with PILL. The children, named WOROM, FUNN and HEVAT, the last two differentiate like brother and sister. Nevertheless, HEVAT were of such gracefulness and sublimity, that FUNN was blinded by his bright spirit and countenance, that she switched forms constantly, but never adopted any form which could remotely called human like. Although HEVAT gladly liked FUUNs presence and her clarity was his incentive to strive, but their brother WOROM received all this with only resentment and envy. Also was his heart heavy of love and his spirit twisted by lust. His eyes were always on FUUN.

Because NEC regretted looking at her Sons suffer, and she could not longer be ashamed of him, so she gifted him the shadow, a freak of light, which HEVAT among all his ideas, discarded as and imperfect creation. Here she left WOROM to hide and overcome his shamefulness. However, too successful and powerful was HEVATs creation, even the worst and incomplete of them all, awarded WOROM with more power than was appropriate for the silence.

There in the shadow WOROM recovered from his wounds, was wallowed and spoiled by devised plans to awaken FUNNs appreciation for him. After all no illusion or lie seemed clever enough, that she would pretend his conduct, so his intention should be doomed. As said FUNN was wise as beautiful and solely to create the image of her spirit HEVAT devised the blade. In order not everyone who saw her would fall into a frenzy, the shadow should originally be her dress.

WOROM was aware of all this. Surrounded and enveloped in his brothers creation which was no salvation for his mind. So he made the shadow subservient to himself and soon he even mastered it and were able to alienate him to his purpose. So once he returned unseen from HEVATS stable, his pockets full of stolen goods. All of them freshly conceived creatures whose meaning he did not knew and drunk of power and undisturbed by eyes and light mad them into his slaves. He repeated his act many times. But all of his work did not alleviate his desire for FUNN.

So it happened that HEVAT built the ship, out of nothing than light and wispy clouds. Another gift to FUUN, invulnerable by its nature and always a benchmark for speed. Then the shadow bearer went to his brothers workshop once again. As of now it had become a familiar game for him, and he always sought out magical artifacts to steal, to give them as his own presents to the goddess of truth, so she, the one he desired would finally become his own. Although he manged through his hustle and bustle that FUNN was even well-disposed towards him, it was out of question for her to ever be with him.

In this ship, however, WOROM saw the prospect of triumph. It was too beautiful and never again was there one to surpass its design in skill and grace. Aft all, by the magic of the builder the ship was initially tied to its place and WOROM was unable to carry it away. Careless in his boldness, he did no notice how, when he fled, a fraction of his shadow came to hang on the newly built ships bow, to ring in bad fate.

As HEVAT discovered this, he got into tremendous resentment. For while with bitter tears he saw the ship more and more ruined by wicked shadows, it became clear to him where all his works had ended – and worse, who their thief had been.

The alterable HEVAT masked himself through the form of rays and remained unrecognized by his brother WOROM when he approached, because he, as no one else had ever seen stars before.

Full of wrath, HEVAT wrested all shadows from WOROM, so that when unmasked to sheer light, he had to solidify. The light also took away all color from him, in the end his face remained vitreously forever.

FUUN, deeply hurt by all the shamefulness, fell into a blind rage. The fact that such nefarious thereness was allowed to breath in her presence, made her feel hatred at WOROM and never again wanted to be surrounded by him. The last time she found a hearing at HEVAT, disintegrated into a myriad of parts of various shapes, lay mourning at the stern of the corrupted ship. She told him to give her the shadow as it had been determined before WOROM’s outrage.

She raged and staggered and all the falsehood made her feel hot and cold. And wrapped in her shadow she devised a way not to let such goings on again. But she took her dress to destroy as the work of HEVATE and in this distress she decided to distribute the shadow. In this way, she concluded, his magic would never again be of benefit for anyone. And so she distributedit – on everything she saw. But this act demanded a high price from the goddess. Although she remained the most graceful and beautiful of all beings forever, her efforts deformed her into human form.

HEVAT never found such imaginatively power again and many of his creations did not find their way back to him and remained unseen forever. Nevertheless, there were too many of them, so HEVAT wouldnt be able to provide home to all.

So PILL struggled to help his offspring and decided that only the parts of his seed, whose appearance resembled those in shape and face, in which HEVAT himself appeared, should remain in his care. But those, corrupted by shadows, enraptured their kind and equalled man, should guard FUUN as their children. However, only the boldest of these wanted to stay with her because too many of them were afraid and sought fatherly advice. Were they just created a wink ago. Then PILL shouted in his impatience that WOROM should become their guardian. WOROM obeyed and humbly accepted them.

When the distribution was complete, little was left of HEVAT himself. He was almost completely gone when NEC finally, full off mercy, joined him. As ruler over death she was able to postpone his parting so that in a last array of strength and magic, he escaped into the great silence. Where his bones rest forever gracefully in the form of stars and turning, in spherical form. His children followed him and sat down on what was left of him to live there from then on. In front FUUNs endless dress.

WOROM and those entrusted to him withdrew to PILL’s encampmend. Where he spoke to him to take new courage because after all, he was now intended to be a following. And WOROM liked to be surrounded by human kind because he soon saw them as slaves too.He thought his great suffering had been completely overcome until the hour when peace and light-heartedness had disappeared. Just at the moment when his eys meet FUUN in human form……


Reconstitute Faith

Founded on christmaseve of 2949, the sole purpose of the Funnist order is to restore the faith of all humankind in the old gods. This and nothing else should guide the friars and should become their only task at which they grow or perish, as all the heretics which get in their way on this holly and noble mission.

For all true believers who like to follow us on our path to the golden age, you’re free to join us in the orbit of Pyro VI at the space station, commonly known as “Ruin Station”. Only here, free from the plague which they call themselves UEE, we can pursue our destiny. But beware your faith and willingness to make sacrifices will be put to test, so only the purest may prevail.


We are many but stand as one.

As the old gods commanded, their followers should be divided into three groups and yet be one. No follower of the gods should harm another one, only if they lose their faith and deny the old gods they should be punished for their heresy.


The first group, the initiates, consist of the newly arrived disciples, which have to prove their faith in the old gods before they become fully friars of the order.


The second group, the friars which already proved their faith in the old gods, are the main group of disciples in the order. They also earned the right to bear the insignia of the order on their cloths and ships.


The third group are the prophets, which by no means stand over all other disciples, but as they in direct contact with the old gods, all followers of the gods should listen to them and be guided by their wisdom.