Here for Marks / HFM

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Piracy

PvP minded group, with members that are into all aspects of the game.


HFM was originally founded in the pirate survival game Atlas, labeled Here For Maps, in early 2019. The group plays a variety of games together and we’re generally an older group of players, ages 28-40. More recently, many of us played New World and Lost Ark together.

We have always had a primary focus on PvP, however, we also have many members who have a primary focus on the economies of these games or the more PvE related aspects in general. We gladly accept people from all groups and don’t force anyone to partake in any sort of content they don’t want to. This is a game. We will likely ask for you to man a turret, but, we’re not going to be mad if you say you just want to mine, etc.

In general, we like to get along well with both our allies and our opponents when possible. In survival games, we find that can be difficult given the playerbase, but when it works out, it can be a good time for all.




1) No kink shaming.
2) Don’t be a dick. Don’t cause drama.
3) Don’t exploit. We will never allow exploiting or gameplay intentionally for the sole purpose of griefing others with no strategic advantage to the current fight.
4) Remember the game is there for fun. Don’t take it too seriously.