Mercury Incorporated / HGINC

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Transport
  • Resources

Mercury Inc. is a logistical company with the main focus on providing support to other organizations. Our aim is to fill the gap or augment other missions while remaining a neutral party in any conflict. Remember, when you can’t, Mercury can!


November 29th, 2948: We have grown our fleet! We have acquired a Hull-D and an Endeavor. The Hull-D compliments our scale perfectly, and the endeavor master set allows us to compete in any market we want.

October 20th, 2948: Mercury acquired a Kraken. The battle was hard fought to get one, but we now have our mobile base of operations. Only 350 hull were released, and we snagged one just for you.

August 12th, 2948: A partnership was established with Citizen’s Coffee Company and Order of Pioneers of Uncharted Space. This will give Mercury an avenue to advertise its services, as well as partners in charting a base of operations.

July 6th, 2948: Another Reclaimer was acquired to help improve salvage functions.

July 5th, 2948: To quell the growing need for fuel, a Starfarer Gemini was purchased. Plans for refueling operations commenced soon after.

May 19th, 2948: An Orion was added to Mercury’s fleet. Mining operations began shortly after.

April 20th, 2948: Mercury Incorporated was founded. It started as a small salvage operation based around a single Reclaimer.


Most other Corporations spend a lot of money on defense. That is because most people think a Javelin is a more attractive ship than a Hull-E. While the Javelin will need to either have scores of players or NPCs to man it, all costing money, the Hull-E needs only 5. While the Javelin will be a money sink to keep up military might, the Hull-E will reliably generate you income. While the Javelin is protecting a few Orions that are making some income off of mining, the Hull-E is buying the ore on the spot, and transporting it to a place where it can sell it. While the Javelin splits the profit from the Orions 100 ways, the Hull-E splits the same profit 5 ways. And then, the Hull-E players get to make more money than the Javelin players ever dream of.

Sure you could choose an Organization with a lot of big ships that have a lot of guns, but we here at Mercury like our Reclaimers, our Starfarers, our Hulls, and our Orions, Merchantmen, and Endeavors. We let the others be busy getting shot at; we just like making money.


1. Remain true neutral. Do not take sides in game or IRL. We do not need drama.
2. Remain professional at all times.
3. Try to recruit. More people means more money for everyone involved.
4.Remember, Mercury’s first duty is to its members. We are a For-Profit Organization, so act as such.