The Hermes Group / HGX

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

The Hermes Group is an Organization whose missions are to help new players take their first steps with the help of skilled, knowledgeable veterans, and to forge players into better Guides by assisting and teaching one another all there is to know about Star Citizen.

- Victoria per Scientiam -


The Hermes Group was founded early in 2953, with the aim to be both a repository for hard-won knowledge, and a place for those who need assistance to find it readily.


The Hermes Group has two roles -

1 – The Hermes Group will provide all possible assistance and aid in helping new players come to learn and understand the workings of Star Citizen, features both intended and otherwise. Even on a good day, Star Citizen can be quite unforgiving; the Hermes Group aims to make players better prepared for all they may encounter.

2 – The Hermes Group will mold existing players into ones able to teach and guide other players on their own by acting as a place for sharing and teaching information to those looking to improve their own knowledge and to become the best possible Guide they can be in the cruel Star Citizen universe.


1 “Who can join the Hermes Group?”

The Hermes Group is open to all players who wish to join it be they a new player looking to learn the ropes, regular players who are unfamiliar with the things they come across in the ‘Verse, and veterans who want to become better tutors to the newer players around them.

2 “I mostly play [insert gameloop here]. Can I still join?”

The Hermes Group itself has no defined gameplay orientation, so players of all stripes are welcome to enlist. As a matter of fact, having a variety of interests among our members makes us better able to serve our purpose of teaching others.

3 “I spend more time in prison than out, is that alright?”

The Hermes Group does not limit the activities of its members in their free time. When acting as a Guide, it is recommended that Hermes Group members do what they can to stay on the right side of the law, however learning and knowing how to perform the more illicit acts within Star Citizen does fall within our purview, e.g., piracy. That said, the Hermes Group does not tolerate griefing as stated by CIG’s own rules, and the Hermes Group also follows the “Don’t Be A Dick” rule and takes a dim view of excessive ganking.

4 “I’m not very good at the game.”

That’s okay! The Hermes Group is predominantly focused on knowing the how and why of Star Citizen. Skill is no limiting factor in joining or maintaining membership.

5 “Can you give me some money to get started?”

The Hermes Group as a whole does not provide handouts, but we will not prevent members from donating to newer players or players in need on an individual basis.