The Heavy Hitters / HH3B

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Freelancing
  • Smuggling

We are a fast moving and hard hitting group.


The Heavy Hitters 3rd Battalion is one of the oldest battalions in the galaxy, once serving as a private military organization for the New Conglomerate while space exploration was still in its infancy, the men and women of the HH3B valued liberty and freedom above all things and would fight to the death to defend the rights of their people. When the New Conglomerate finally began sending colonists to new worlds they used cryosleep pods, and on one ship they sent the core of HH3B as a top of the line military defense force for their colonists. Unfortunately the ship was lost in space never to be seen again for centuries, and while many believed the ship and all aboard it were lost forever, it would later become clear that it wasn’t that simple. After sometime the New Conglomerate was taken over by RSI and in the year 2938 a military vessel was on patrol around the planet Mars when they picked up a distress signal. The vessel rushed to the distress signals origin to find a battered ship the likes of which they had never seen before, and when the vessel deployed a team of soldiers to go check the wreckage they found the old and long forgotten NC logo on the ships hull, among a graveyard of dead soldiers floating around the debris. When the UEE rescue team made it to the bridge they found 30 alive inside, and after a full search of the ship they found a total of 50 soldiers still alive. When their ID tags were read by the search team they we’re shocked to find that these were the remnants of the HH3B which went missing all those centuries ago. The surviving HH3B members found themselves in a galaxy they didn’t recognize as well as a government which seemed to be more imperially ruled than that of the UEE, the democratic republic they once were apart of. This, as well as the lack of any current funds lead the HH3B into becoming a gun for hire group as well and quickly got them caught up on the wrong side of the law. The year is now 2942 and the story of the HH3B is now in full swing as the group tries to rebuild themselves and adapt to this new galaxy they’ve found themselves apart of, will the HH3B rise in influence and power in this new galaxy or shall they be left behind as a spec in history.


The Bosses will let you know what you need to know when you need to know it!


1. What happens in the Outfit stays in the Outfit

2. When running as a team follow lead

3. Work together to complete tasks

4. Don’t leave a man behind unless the risk is to grate for retrieval

5. If in a fire fight or dog fight, support your squad members, don’t leave each other hanging

6. If someone says clear comms stop talking through voice chat as an important message is being transmitted

7. Don’t be a D**k without just cause