Heller Heavy Industries / HHIC

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Resources
  • Trading

Welcome to Heller Heavy Industries, your one stop shop for anything from ships and components, to arms and armor, or to tune ups and custom jobs. Our foundries and technicians on Castra stand ready to assist you with anything you or your Organization might need.


Founded in 2789, and formed from members of the 89th technical squadron, Heller Heavy industries has historically consisted of Prior-service members, keeping the old foundries alive and continuing on their tradition of protecting the people of the UEE in the way that really counts, providing for the common defense. The following years have been hard fought, no longer in space, dogfighting Pirate and Vandul ships, but in the foundries and hangars of the galaxy, keeping ships in service and making sure those that go into combat do so with the knowledge that their ship will not be found wanting.


We don’t have it, we find it.

We cant find it, we build it.

we cant build it, we invent it.

We cant invent it, we steal it.

If we cant steal it, it just doesn’t exist.

And we deliver only the best to our clients.


Article I: Name and Location

The name of the corporation shall be Heller Heavy Industries
The principal office of the corporation shall be located in Castra II, Castra.
Article II: Purpose
Heller Heavy Industries is organized for the following purposes:

To design, manufacture, and maintain advanced spacecraft for commercial, governmental, and exploratory purposes.
To conduct research and development in aerospace technology, focusing on innovative propulsion systems, materials, and automation.
To provide training and support services for spacecraft operators and maintenance personnel.
To engage in partnerships with governmental agencies, academic institutions, and private enterprises for the advancement of space exploration.
Article III: Powers
The corporation shall have the power to:

Conduct any lawful business necessary to fulfill its corporate purposes.
Enter into contracts, lease or purchase property, and acquire intellectual property rights.
Hire personnel and establish employment policies in alignment with industry standards.
Promote public awareness of space technology and its benefits to society.
Article IV: Governance

Board of Directors: The corporation shall be governed by a Board of Directors consisting of Five members.
Directors shall be elected by the shareholders at the annual meeting.
The Board shall have the authority to establish policies, approve budgets, and oversee corporate operations.
Officers: The corporation shall have the following officers:
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
Other officers as deemed necessary by the Board.
Committees: The Board may establish committees to address specific areas such as finance, technology, and compliance.
Article V: Shareholders

The corporation shall have shareholders who hold shares of common stock.
Each share shall entitle the holder to one vote on matters presented to shareholders.
The corporation shall conduct annual meetings to discuss corporate performance, strategy, and elect directors.
Article VI: Amendments
This charter may be amended or modified by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors, subject to approval by the shareholders.

Article VII: Indemnification
The corporation shall indemnify its directors, officers, and employees to the fullest extent permitted by law against any liabilities and expenses incurred in connection with corporate affairs, provided that such indemnification shall not apply to matters arising from gross negligence or willful misconduct.

Article VIII: Dissolution
In the event of dissolution, the corporation’s assets shall be distributed in accordance with applicable laws and the interests of the shareholders.

This charter was adopted by the Board of Directors and shareholders of Heller Heavy Industries on October 22nd, 2789.