42nd Hitchhiker Squadron / HITCHHIKER

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration


The 42nd Hitchhiker Squadron is born of a long standing group of casual gamers that like to have fun together.

The name comes from both Squadron 42, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and Freespace/Freespace 2.


The 42nd Hitchhikers are freelancers at heart. We explore, we trade, we scout, we sell our services, about the only thing we don’t do is pirate.


Rule #0: Have fun
Rule #1: No piracy
Rule #2: Help each other out
Rule #3: Never forget your towel
Rule #4: Don’t screw your friends
Rule #5: Do your utmost to complete any contract you accept

More to be added later