Hammelburg Dragoons L.L.C. / HMMBLRG

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Security

“Do not look for kindness in us. Do not look for hope in us. We are not the kind children of this new age. We are the rocks of its foundations. If you want hope, look what we created. If you want kindness, look at those who will come after us.”- Rogal Dorn



It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Hammelburg Dragoons LLC, otherwise known as The Dragoons, information seminar. My name is Rajjack, and I’m handling this initial briefing. This information is crucial in ensuring that you, and the Org, are a compatible match. Should you read this document and decide this is not for you, no harm done, we appreciate your time, and be sure to grab a free cookie on the way out, courtesy of our HR department.
First and foremost, we are all here to have fun. This document outlines what our organization has set as it’s internal policy structure. Please abide by these rules so that we can continue towards our objectives, and therefore have fun, and accomplish our tasks and goals at the same time.

••About Hammelburg Dragoons LLC:••
The Dragoons were formed in 2936, by a small group of friends, as a business venture upon their completion of UEE Military Service, which as originally, and remains at it’s core, a Private Military Contractor, has expanded to cover many other ventures, and yes, has bees acussed of being nothing but mercenaries and alleged warmongering.

Our motto is “Invictus Maneo” (“I Remain Unvanquished”). We as an organization believe there’s an opportunity for wealth in most situations, with risk only increasing reward.

These values are the foundation of our organization. We expect you and all other members to abide by them in and out-of-game. Remember, even when not in game, you’re a representative of this organization. An organization’s reputation is paramount when dealing with customers. It can take time and effort to build a reputation, and seconds to ruin it.

Our organization will provide you with countless resources, such as training in any area of Star Citizen, game knowledge, ship lending, job opportunities and, most importantly, friendship, that we are able. We hope to inspire a sense of pride and unity as we push out into the Verse and expand our influence and share in the profits. In return, we ask that your efforts take into account the Organization at all times, that you place the Company above all other factional allegiances.

We all carry responsibility within the organization, we ask that you meed those responsibilities, as they apply to you. We also understand that life happens. If unable to participate, alert someone in charge and we’ll adapt to the situation until you can resume your duties. 

We are only as strong as the weakest link in our chain. Always help other members. Always place the organization, and the mission, above your personal interests. We have your back, and you should have ours.

Integrity is what you do when no one is looking. Don’t be a shady individual. In game, however, we will not bar our members from “profiteering”, which we define as the raiding of “Non-Aligned/Hostile Ships, or similar actions, against entities not protected under oath of Hammelburg Dragoons LLC Command”. Essentially, feel free to engage in Piracy, provided you verify the act is not commited against persons of “Allied or Protected status”, acknowledged neutral parties, or parties of overwhelming superiority. Also, ensure you pay the Company it’s %.

With that said, the realities of life in the Verse aren’t all silver lined, and a profit must be made. The key word of the day is “Plausible Deniability”.

“Without training, they lacked knowledge. Without knowledge, they lacked confidence. Without Confidence, they lacked victory”-Julius Caeser


••Organizational Structure••
Our organization uses a hierarchical “Rank” system to organize its members. There are five tiers to this system, even though this structure is always subject to change, as we grow and add or change roles to cope with our size. They will be indicated in more detail on discord, through roles. For now, they are:

•Colonel – Commanders of the Company, the “Colonel and his 2IC”
•Major – Company Level Officers, in charge of making the broad decisions that guide the future of The Dragoons. Each Company will have their own Commander, such as Intelligence, Security, Trade, Diplomacy, Community, Recruiting, etc.
• Captain – Platoon commanders. Subordinate to their Company Commander. Each Platoon will have own Platoon Commanders, such as Protection Company Commander, Bounty Company Commander, Mining Company Commander, etc.

•Sergeant – Section Commanders. Subordinate directly to their Platoon Commander. Directs a section of their platoon. Each Section of a Platoon will have their own Section Commander, such as Section Commander of 1 Section, Ground Operations Platoon, Security Company.
• Corporal – Member of a Section – Members who have been with the Dragoons for a while, and have proven proficient in what would be expected of a non new member to the Verse. Expected to guide those under them, and when required/directed, corral and direct them, under the authority of the Sergeant.
• Lance Corporal – Member of a Section – New members of the Dragoons.

••Elected Representative•• a link between the members and Officers. Allow Officers to get the feelings of the members of the Dragoons, and presents a way for the members concerns and such to be presented. To be elected by members, will sit in on closed meeting where appropriate. Will also represent the Members as their elected Official. There will be 2-3, or as numbers dictate.
••NOTE: This is an Appointment. Not a rank within the chain of command, but an appointment to a position to fill a need/role.••

Further Ranks/Appointments may be added to delegate roles as needed.

••Our Objectives As An Organization
Through our main activities, we want to amass as much wealth as possible, and share that wealth with our members. You are welcome to participate in any and all areas of Dragoon operations.

•Main Activities/Companies•

Bounty Hunting

Passenger Transit

Exploration Company Commander: Oversees all mineral, derelict, jump point, system, planet, commodity, etc discovery.
Jump Point Platoon Commander: In charge of the fleet dedicated specifically to finding new jump points.
Jump Point Platoon Commander: Focuses on discovering new systems, and all the things within those systems.
Infrastructure Jump Point Platoon Commander: Manages routes maintenance. Includes building bases of operations.



Intelligence Transport
Collection of information pertaining to all aspects of Org needs, from areas of operation or planned operation, to HUMINT and gathering of information on groups, pertaining to capabilities, strength, composition, weaknesses, and personell.

••NOTE: Military intelligence is a military discipline that uses information collection and analysis approaches to provide guidance and direction to assist commanders in their decisions. This aim is achieved by providing an assessment of data from a range of sources, directed towards the commanders’ mission requirements or responding to questions as part of operational or campaign planning. To provide an analysis, the commander’s information requirements are first identified, which are then incorporated into intelligence collection, analysis, and dissemination.

Areas of study may include the operational environment, hostile, friendly and neutral forces, the civilian population in an area of combat operations, and other broader areas of interest. Intelligence activities are conducted at all levels, from tactical to strategic, in peacetime, the period of transition to war, and during a war itself.••

Org to Org Relations
PC Relations

••Your First Steps In The ‘Verse as a Dragoon••

Now that you’ve joined, we’re here to help you get started a Dragoon. You will begin your time with us as a Private, and will eventually graduate to Corporal. With that in mind, once you have chosen an area or more of interest, we will direct/assign you to a mentor. Keep in mind that you’re invited to participate in any areas that interest you, and what you choose early on is what you’re stuck doing, or restricted to. Should you have an interest in any areas after your mentoring period, just let the relevant Platoon Commander know and they’ll gladly on-board you.
The mentor you’re assigned will be an existing organization member who is knowledgeable in your area of interest. He or she will not only be able to share information on the specific game mechanics with you, but will also be able to teach you how the Dragoons go about that part of our operation.
If applicable, documents will be shared with you (e.g. first-person-shooting standard operating procedures, trading sheets, guides, videos etc.) to enhance and expedite your on-boarding.
Once the mentor is satisfied that you have been properly checked out, he or she will report your progress and you’ll be promoted to a Standard Member.

We use Discord as our main communication tool, both text and voice. As Spectrum and the in-game Voice Over IP feature develops, we expect to possibly shift some communication that way.
Typically Discord text is used for out-of-game communications, informal chatting, screenshot sharing, questions and answers, while Discord voice is used when in-game or just as a fun hang out spot. Our main voice channel when in game is Star Citizen in Reception, so if you see anyone there, chances are they’re in game, feel free to hop in.

•Your Next Steps
Our members play regularily, and although there are peak times (nighttime US time zones, for example), if you see someone on the Discord, pop in and have a chat, if not, DM myself on the discord about joining. You can also
 We don’t have an attendance policy, or any excel sheets for attendance and abscence, and I don’t plan to. Play when you can. If you say you’ll be on to do something and can’t, try let someone know if possible.

•Council Meetings
The first Monday of the month at 1900 EST we will hold a CO’s hour. This is where important discussions happen, information will be officially passed on, and where most high-level decisions get discussed and voted on, however, this doesn’t mean members will vote on every matter. Company and Platoon commanders will vote on issues regarding their Commands, as appropriate. We encourage all org members to attend to listen in, as we seek to be transparent on how the future direction of the org is shaped. If things become rowdy, offenders will be muted.

This is the final section of this document, but the most important one. We have a dedicated channel on our Discord server named #org-feedback. Please let us know your thoughts.


1. Always prioritize the safety and well-being of clients and fellow Dragoons.
2. Maintain strict confidentiality regarding all operations and client information.
3. Follow all protocols and procedures.
4. Adhere to all rules and regulations set forth by the Hammelburg Dragoon CoC.
5. Maintain equipment and vehicles to the highest standards of readiness.
6. Report any incidents or breaches of protocol to superiors immediately.
7. Refrain from engaging in any illegal or unethical activities, if they can be proven.
8. Respect the sovereignty of other nations and organizations while on operations.
9. Follow all rules and guidelines for onboard conduct and behavior.
10. Comply with all requirements for training and professional development.

Code of Conduct & Punishment:
An enlisted member in Hammelburg Dragoons may be subject to dismissal (removal from the mercenary unit) based upon infractions committed. Infractions are classified as outlined below:

I. Minor Infractions – In the event that a minor infraction has been committed by a member and there is sufficient supporting evidence of the infraction, the member will be given a written warning from a superior officer. If three (3) minor infractions are committed within a 30-day period, the offender is removed from the unit. If at the end of this period no infractions are committed, the earliest infraction will be removed from that pilots record.

List of Minor Infractions:

II. Major Infractions – In the event that a major infraction has been committed by a member and there is sufficient supporting evidence of the infraction, the aforementioned member will be removed from the mercenary unit and banned from accessing the resources of the unit.

List of Major Infractions:

These are the rules, regulation, and code as determined by theCommanders of the Hammelburg Dragoons, on the signing of this Charter, on the Twenty Second of October of the year 2936. All who are enlisted amongst the ranks of Hammelburg Dragoons must abide by these rules or find themselves punished as set aside by these rules.