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The Hangar / HNGR

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Social

Welcome to The Hangar, a community where Star Citizen players come together to create unforgettable memories. As we like to say, “We don’t just play the game, we live it.”


In the year 2953, a group of skilled pilots and freelancers banded together to form a tight-knit organization called “The Hangar.” Comprised of friends who shared a love for the freedom of the open skies and the thrill of exploration, The Hangar quickly gained a reputation for being the go-to group for any job that required a skilled pilot.

Operating out of a secret hangar located deep within the shadows of a bustling space station, The Hangar’s members quickly became known for their exceptional abilities in navigating the vast expanse of space, transporting valuable cargo across treacherous space routes, and completing complex missions with ease.

As their reputation grew, The Hangar began to attract more and more members, drawn to the camaraderie and sense of adventure that permeated the organization. Despite their growing numbers, The Hangar’s leaders remained committed to keeping the organization tight-knit and focused on their core values of freedom, exploration, and fun.

Over time, The Hangar became known as a place where freelancers could come to find work, make new friends, and escape the often-cutthroat world of corporate space travel. And while they were sometimes criticized for their lack of formal structure, The Hangar’s members always managed to get the job done, relying on their tight bonds of friendship and trust to see them through even the toughest of missions.

Today, The Hangar remains a force to be reckoned with in the world of Star Citizen, known for their exceptional skills, their unwavering commitment to one another, and their unquenchable thirst for adventure. Whether it’s exploring uncharted territory, hauling valuable cargo across dangerous space routes, or simply enjoying a drink at their favorite space bar, The Hangar’s members are always ready for whatever the universe throws their way.


At The Hangar, we believe in the power of camaraderie, creativity, and fun. As an organization in the virtual world of Star Citizen, we aim to create a community where people can come together to explore, create, and thrive.

Our mission is simple: to provide a welcoming space for all players who share our values of cooperation, respect, and enjoyment. We recognize that Star Citizen can be a vast and daunting universe, especially for new players. That’s why we offer support, guidance, and friendship to anyone who needs it. We believe that by working together, we can achieve more than by going solo.

Our core values include:

Camaraderie: We strive to build meaningful relationships with our fellow players, regardless of their background or experience. We believe that having fun is more important than winning, and that laughter and friendship are the best rewards.

Creativity: We encourage our members to express themselves and unleash their imagination. Whether it’s through customizing their ships, creating new gameplay modes, or telling stories, we celebrate diversity and originality.

Fun: We believe that gaming should be a source of joy, relaxation, and inspiration. We organize events, competitions, and activities that cater to different interests and skill levels. We also respect each other’s boundaries and preferences, and never pressure anyone to participate in something they don’t enjoy.

We also recognize that some of our members may be interested in making money in the game. While we don’t have a specific goal or strategy for this, we encourage our members to share their knowledge, resources, and opportunities. We believe that by helping each other, we can create a sustainable and prosperous economy.

Joining The Hangar means joining a family of like-minded players who are passionate about Star Citizen and about each other. We welcome everyone who shares our vision of a fun, friendly, and fulfilling community. Let’s fly together and see where the universe takes us!


Article I: Name and Purpose

Section 1. Name: The name of this organization shall be The Hangar.

Section 2. Purpose: The purpose of The Hangar is to create a vibrant and inclusive community of Star Citizen players who share a passion for freelancing, socializing, and having fun. The organization aims to provide a supportive and engaging environment where members can develop their skills, explore new opportunities, and enjoy the game to the fullest.

Article II: Membership

Section 1. Eligibility: Membership in The Hangar is open to any Star Citizen player who shares the organization’s mission and values. There are no restrictions based on age, gender, race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, or any other personal characteristic.

Section 2. Application: Prospective members may apply for membership by submitting an application form that includes their in-game handle, their interests and goals in Star Citizen, and their agreement to abide by the organization’s rules and guidelines. Applications will be reviewed and approved by the organization’s recruitment team.

Section 3. Roles and Responsibilities: Members of The Hangar are expected to uphold the organization’s mission and values, and to contribute to its growth and success in various ways. Specifically, members may:

Participate in organization events, activities, and projects
Collaborate with other members on freelancing, trading, or other in-game opportunities
Share their knowledge, skills, and resources with other members
Provide feedback, suggestions, and constructive criticism to the organization’s leadership team
Respect the opinions, preferences, and boundaries of other members
Adhere to the organization’s rules and guidelines, as outlined in the Member Handbook.

Article III: Leadership

Section 1. Structure: The Hangar shall be led by a team of officers who are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the organization. The officers shall be elected by the members on a regular basis, as determined by the organization’s bylaws. The officers shall include, but not be limited to, the following roles:

Founder: The Founder shall be the primary visionary of the organization, responsible for setting its mission, values, and goals. The Founder shall also serve as the chief executive officer of the organization, responsible for overseeing its activities and representing it to the external community.

Officer: Officers shall support the Founder in carrying out their duties, and shall assume the Founder’s role in their absence or incapacity. Officers may be assigned specific tasks or responsibilities as needed.

Recruitment: The Recruitment Officer shall be responsible for reviewing and approving membership applications, and for promoting the organization to potential members.

Branding: The Branding Officer shall be responsible for managing the organization’s brand image and visual identity, including the creation and maintenance of logos, banners, and other visual assets. The Branding Officer shall also work with other officers to ensure that the organization’s communication materials, such as newsletters and announcements, adhere to the established brand guidelines.
Section 2. Election: Officers shall be elected by the members of the organization through a democratic process, as determined by the organization’s bylaws. All members in good standing shall be eligible to run for office and to vote in the election.

Article IV: Meetings

Section 1. Types of Meetings: The Hangar shall hold regular meetings of its members and officers, as well as special meetings as needed. The meetings may be conducted in person, online, or through other means as determined by the organization’s leadership.