House of the Shattered Devils / HOSD

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Freelancing

Our mission is to deploy patrol crafts and accompanying Marines to provide security for contracted clients. We accept Escort, Bounty, Mercenary, Search and Rescue, Security, and VIP Transportation jobs.



The House of the Shattered Devils formed in 2949 from the remains of the crew of the UEE Tigerfish after it was crippled beyond repair. The crew members, at the end of their contracts with the UEE Military, purchased the salvage rights to their former ship and formed together to create the House of the Shattered Devils mercenary company to perform antipiracy and security operations within the UEE.

Operations Conducted

Performed numerous escort missions both internally and for multiple clientele, ranging from close in fighter escorts for mining missions to intrasystem convoy escorts.

Provided personnel to perform security for a public bar onboard an 890 Jump. Preventing persons of unknown affiliation from seizing and destroying the vessel.

Took lead on a multi-org operation using a variety of assets to provide escort to protect cargo ships recovering supplies during the Xeno Threat Incursion from Xeno threat and Xeno threat aligned players, as well as defending UEE assets and engaging Xeno Threat forces.

Maintained airspace security of Jump Town AO with flight of Gladiators. Conducted area denial to criminal elements operating in AO.


The House of the Shattered Devils is a PMC that specializes in joint operations in security, asset recovery, HVT recovery, VIP transportation, area denial, and assaults on hard targets. We prefer missions that does not put us in direct conflict with the UEE.

We do this through the versatility of equipment that we employ and competence of our commanders in the field.

We intend to make the verse a safer place for those in hazardous environments and locales.


We are a PMC set on providing security and assistance to the Verse. As such, Members shall:

- Not conduct criminal activities. Having a criminal rating can put you at odds not only with our potential clientele but also can cause problems with our overall mission.

- Ensure the Safety of those under our charge at all Costs. Our reputation is that that we will lay down our lives and ships if that is required to complete the job. While this is extreme, it can happen. As such members should be prepared for the ultimate sacrifice.

- Once a contract is acquired be sure to complete it. If a contract is accepted and something happens that requires your departure pass it along to another member of the Company.

- Be respectful. As a member, it is the Company’s Reputation that is at stake when you are out on missions or taking R&R. Be mindful, everything you do in the verse reflects on us as a whole.

- Real World Politics are not an aspect of the Verse. Under no means are they to be brought up.