House Jurai / HOUSEJURAI

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Piracy

Every point has its counter

  • Logic and Emotion
  • Order and Chaos
  • Calm and Fury

Where do you fit in?


House Jurai is one of the oldest competitive MechWarrior units. Currently engaged in MechWarrior Online, we will soon be representing ourselves in other genres. We have members active in games such as Star Citizen, World of Tanks, Guild Wars 2, Neverwinter, Planetside 2, and Battlefield 4.

Founded in 1996, our heritage as a gung ho, tournament winning unit spans NetMech, MW2:Mercs, StarSiege, Mechwarrior 4, and many more. Nevertheless, House Jurai is a community of players that transcend our gaming hobbies, having become friends and family to one another.

Our community has endured because our tenets — loyalty, trust, honor. We have a unique culture, and have forged our own legends. Our members embrace that which makes HJ unique, and pledge themselves to the future of Jurai. We are a proud people: proud of our uniform, proud of our long history, proud of all that we have done & will accomplish.

We currently have 250+ members spanning the globe.

Nodachi is your gateway into our realm. Within you’ll find what makes us family, what makes us proud, and what it means to be a Civilian, Warrior, or Samurai of House Jurai.

We are proud to be Jurai!


House Jurai is a conglomerate of many different attitudes and opinions.

Most notably, each of the noble houses are essentially free to operate how they wish, with respect to the charter and tenets of the House proper.

We intend to excel in all aspects available to us, and are always looking for more challenges to hone our skills upon.

We will carve a name out for ourselves in this universe, and whether by virtue of friendship or hatred, we will make ourselves known.

When you join House Jurai as part of the Star Citizen branch, you will be assigned the rank of Heyazumi. This is the basic entrance rank, do not take it as a sign of disrespect. The ranks assigned to you in Star Citizen are not necessarily related to your achievements in other divisions of House Jurai.

We rank as follows;

  • OyabunBoss/Chief/Head — Ultimate say on Star Citizen based decisions; Answers to the Warlords of Jurai
  • Waka GashiraLeader of henchmen — Point of call for any grievances; Typically will be controlling assets/families of House Jurai (Proper)
  • Waka Gashira HosaAssistants of the Leaders
  • KyodaiOlder Brothers — Members who have proven their worth to the House
  • ShateiYounger Brothers — Newer members, who have proven their worth to the House but lack the experience/seniority to be Kyodai
  • HeyazumiYoungest/Dependent Son — Newest members, who have yet to prove themselves/Live-in Soldiers


We are a community of gamers who have very diverse views and opinions. We pride ourselves in that fact. Juraians possess a mutual respect for each other’s right to speak as they wish, believe as they wish, and see as they wish. Because of our tolerance of another member’s race, religion, creed, or sexual preference, we expect to hear of some differences and disagreement. All Juraians are free to state their differences with another member’s views, but by no means should there ever be harassment.

Values and Pillars of House Jurai

Loyalty – Above all other things required of a Juraian is loyalty. We are not merely a unit of gamers who get together to game. We are a community.

Trust – We trust our own. While the one thing that is required to be a Juraian is loyalty. Our closeness as a community is built upon trust. Games, skills, abilities, and whatever else are all subordinate to our friendship.

Honour – It is quid pro quo that certain behaviors and actions are frowned upon. We have a long tradition of honour among ourselves. We do not use our diversity or our revered Role Playing as an excuse for disrespect. We hold our fellow community members in high esteem, and treat our gaming enemies with respect.

These things all coalesce in the area of Diplomatic Behavior. As a Juraian you certainly should represent yourself with pride.
However, as a representative of Jurai, we want to respect the customs, courtesies and traditions of other units/communities.

Everywhere you go and whenever you speak, you represent all of us, from the venerable founder down to the newest member.

If you are unable to adhere to those above tenets, then it may just be that House Jurai is not for you. Though we would like it to be, we understand that our community is not an ideal experience for every person.