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House of Wolves / HOWS

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Welcome to the Den. The House of Wolves is invested in many varying aspects of the Verse — from trading to bounty hunting, security to transport, and everything in between. Our member’s obligation is to advance the Unity, Resources, and Power of the HoW. Above all, stay awhile and have fun.


The House of Wolves was started during Star Citizen Alpha 3.9, on June 29 2020. The origins of the ideals and platform of the group began long before that. The idea was always to create a platform within a game that engaged and fostered a good amount of camaraderie, competitiveness, and provided a more fulfilling experience for all sorts of players. The House of Wolves, prior to the proper organization being formed, consisted of a few friends simply looking to have fun. Bounty Hunting NPCs and criminal players was a common past time as well as cargo running and trading. There is great pride in not limiting the House to one specific method or approach to playing the game, rather the focus is on seeking a rewarding time.


Our intentions as an organization is to become formidable. Our view of ourselves as an organization and our identity within the greater Star Citizen Universe rests upon the actions and engagements of our members. By being part of the House of Wolves, members participate in many of the same activities they otherwise would outside of the Pack, either solo or within a group. By our Wolves pursuing and advancing themselves within the Verse they also advocate and carry the group to a higher position. Ultimately, the House of Wolves will secure great influence and prestige as a result of its members — all of whom play a major part in the success and role of the group. Members will follow their own path to success, but if called upon by other members or the Lord, Wolves of the Pack pledge themselves to aid and defend one another even unto sacrifice.


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith and Code.
- Members must always remember they represent not only themselves, but the House as well.
- Toxicity within the group or the Verse will lead to suspension and potential abandonment by the Pack.
- Violent or destructive actions towards other House members within the Verse is absolutely intolerable (bounties included).
- The House, and its leadership, will NEVER demand resource donations from any member.
- This group is not pro-furry. That is all.
“Our Creed is to the Pack, with souls as fierce as wolves and hearts as spirited swords, we strive into the dark. Our blades guide us into the unknown, in trusting each other and unto battle — our claws cut deep and our fangs sing. For the House, for each other, for eternity. No sacrifice, no victory.”