Hermes / HRMS

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Transport
  • Security

Our Corporation is divided in two main branches : Transportation and Security.
Our goal is to aim for large capacity transports with high trained pilots and crews and providing security at any levels with military training based combat and protection teams flying the best ships.


Year 2920. Where the richs are using any way to drain more and more on the system Chronos while undertaking it, a few professional and military pilots start taking on their own time and money to mass-transport people in need to some more promising places in the recently habitable systems.

In great conflicts with the UEE policy at first, the small group decided to finally get more in the ranks for a while. It would allow them to found a small but reliable corporation that focuses on long distance transports for life-sustaining goods and people. The MOTO was “One ship to transport, a bigger ship to protect”, meaning the transportation would always be secured at MAX.

But with the Vanduuls threat growing especialy around system borders, the little Corporation wasnt big enough and not making any self-profit due to the growing need of armed ships and combat pilots leaving the transportation branch to a minimum of consideration.

Year 2940, the Corporation eventually stopped any activities with the death of 3 of the founders leaving their family in great distress at Chronos in the middle of a endless fight between the outlaws and the 18th Battle Fleet.

But the 3 old men left a hidden legacy beneath the ground. An huge shed housing a fleet that was at first place dedicated to a “final quantum” capable of transporting thousands of people and capable to offer impenetrable protection.

Two of their sons, Cedrik “Cirkle” (24) and Yon “Lauff” (22) were natural born pilots, gifted at flying any old craft rebuilt with scraps or stolen cargos, trying to survive in this wreckage.

Someday, hiding from a large Pirate Corp after a “loan” of several uranium battery caps, they found a hidden tunnel leading to what seemed to be a huge cave.

Lauff found an old generator and decided to place a battery capsule in it. Light came, revealing a huge Caterpillar nose, they placed all the battery caps into most of the socket they could find and turned on all the light to discover the whole shed and the legacy from their late fathers.

After a long walk around and waiting for their hearts to calm down, they started the sheds console where a message appeared :

*We are trapped by Kronos, but he cant be defeated
We are all deads
We cant defeat a Titan
We are the messengers
We seek for Hell.
and an empty field to fill with 6 letters.

It was an enigma and the “OK” button was labelled “OPEN”.

- Open what ?
- This, answered Cedrik pointing the roof, a giant door with a huge painting of a huge Caduceus.

Knowing they would be able to solve it fast enough and that being two would help flying the fleet they decided to switch off the whole place for the moment and keep it secret until they would eventually find how to take advantage.

Approaching the door they used to come in, Cedrik found a little message on it.

“To our family on Chronos.
We left our stupid sons and grand-sons the fruit of 50 years of our lives, show us you arent that stupid, be the messengers.

- Erik, Sam, Elene”

It was their parents.

They knew the code since they were kids, because of the old stories their parents always told them, Mytholigy. But they wouldnt try it at that time, they first needed to help the whole “family” which meant the whole community to escape, convincing them they had a good plan.

They would need pilots first, food, a plan.

During 8 years they secretly transfered water, lyphilised food to the shed. They built a team of “Aces” and recruited any engineers who would follow them.

Year 2948.

“Its time to leave to a better Hell”

The very first mission of a not-yet founded Corporation, codename : HRMS

After a 48 hours long day, a total of 3760 people were secretly boarded on 2 Caterpillars, 1 Hammerhead and 1 Idriss, 27 Hornets, 8 Hornet Max, 2 Freelancer and a few other ships.

The two now grown men waited for everyone to be on board, then walked to the console.

“We owe you our lives, you saved so many people, we will be the messengers.”

Codename : HERMES.

In a deafening din, the monstrous doors opened, a massive powerplant started to work, loading every ships systems at the same time and displaying a Caduceus.

“To everyone, to all pilots, the journey begins, we’ve heard that on the edge of the Chronos System, the Wormhole is still open. In tight formation for exiting the atmosphere, then follow us and calibrate on our Quantum Spool.”

In a earth-shattering roar, the new-born fleet left the ground of Chronos II, then headed to the wormhole.

“Where does it leads?”

“I told you : To a better Hell… which is Stanton System. I’ve heard that its strictly controlled by the UEE but there are so many empty moons and planets there, there IS a place for all of them, and for us”.


We are HERMES, we will deliver.


HERMES is focused on transport and security, mutual respect with other corps and will deliver at all costs.

What does it means ?

It means that the regular members of our crew need to be good pilots, show fair-play and honor the contracts.

Knowing that a lot of pirate corps will appear in the verse, from small goods and people transports to big cargos, every mission should be protected accordingly.


We will slowly grow and recruit good members, learn to play together, learn to know every places in the verse and how to accomplish every missions. Since we dont need to amass aUEC at first, it will be more about learning and keeping everyone up to date with the new content.

When the persistance will be implemented, we will start to grow our business.

[Will be UPDATED alongside with the game releases]


We are the founders, not “masters”. We focus on building a good “core” team with a strong lead for the business and missions BUT everyone is free to play how he wants since he stays in legal side.

Only the medium and big contracts will be made with a rigorous organisation and a “command-chain”.

For that matter we will have :

- Admiral in Chief who will coordinate the whole missions
- Transport Admiral who will lead the cargos and all the according teams
- Squadron Admiral who will coordinate all the armed forces
- Administrative Officer who will organize prior the mission, request to the teams and get the contracts

Our Corp is opened to every requests, ideas and missions submissions, therefore, excepted for the main purposes, eveyone can decide to do missions, contracts and submit ideas.


We have all the ships, literally… twice.

Our business plan aims to be able of paying a salary + bonuses, cover expenses from missions, upgrade ships components.


We plan and WILL have a Headquarters base, sheds and living houses as far as the game can offer.

Remember that we dont want to become a trashbin-corp having thousands of members, we aim for quality, independently from your game mode (Regular or Hardcore). We aim for a small to medium-sized Corp. but with a strong firepower and a strong business capacity. We want to be respected as much as we respect the others.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.