HT Solutions / HTS

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Smuggling
  • Piracy

HT Solutions… when you have too much money give us a call on 1-800-NOTPIRATES.

HT Solutions is an organisation providing shipping services not normally available within the jurisdiction of the UEE.

Note: Price of calling is $1.49UEC per minute


HT Industries was founded in 2014 by a couple of friends with a mutual interest in flying spaceships and piracy. Nobody remembers what ‘HT’ actually stands for anymore.


HT Solutions is a non-standard shipping corporation operating out of Australia. Our objective is to ensure that citizens of the UEE have access to all the goods which they require, regardless of the UEE’s official stance on the matter. We also occasionally may seek to further the wealth and influence of our members and associates by relieving the wealthy of their unneccesary goods.


Our charter is as follows:

1. A member/employee of HT Solutions may not allow another member of HT Solutions or a HT Solutions associate to come to harm willingly, through action or inaction. We stand by our brothers and expect the same of them.

2. All else is fair.