Hyacinth Partners Ltd. / HYACINTH

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Social

Crews of the UEES Hyacinth and UEES Tanstaafl. Adults (21+) only.


Chapter 1.

Daphne Jones inherited the UEES Hyacinth from Cyrus Jones when he died in an unfortunate airlock accident. While she claims he was her father, there is no independent corroboration. Before he died, she was using only her first name as is common practice among women of her former profession.

The first two partners she took on were a Xi’an who served with Cyrus whom she called George since she could not pronounce his actual name and a former slave, Yehar “Ali” Sheed. Their names appear with hers on the ship’s mission patch.

Recently, she has crewed her ship with contractors hired “as needed”, but may take on other partners if the right ones come along.

The Hyacinth maintains UEE registry but flies out of Levsky on Delamar, Nyx.

Chapter 2.

The Hyacinth defeated a small group of attacking privateers. Among the captured pirates (as Daphne called them) was Dionysus Jones. Even though he didn’t know the identity of his father, he was the spitting image of Cyrus Jones. Had Daphne found a brother?

Many things happened, but eventually the siblings came around to accepting each other and Dionysus joined the company. He now commands the Merchantman UEES Tanstaafl cruising UEE and Banu space, collecting unique items and selling them where they make the most profit.


The Hyacinth operates on the edge… the edge of the UEE… the edge of outlaw space… the edge of bankruptcy… taking whatever jobs present themselves… within reason. While we do not require our contracts to be strictly legal, we do not take on combat missions, nor will we engage in acts of violence unless it is forced on us.


Hyacinth Partners Ltd. is in business to make a profit… and keep our spaceship homes flying
1. We accept any non-violent mission that has a profit potential. a. Cargo transport (including not-quite legal transport, i.e., smuggling) b. Salvage. c. Exploration. d. Trading. e. Mining (We maintain a Prospector for this purpose)
2. Partners are expected to maintain non-criminal status, with at least non-hostile reputations with UEE and legitimate non-UEE actors, e.g., Levsky. In the event of obtaining a criminal status, you must rectify it before flying on the Hyacinth or Tanstaafl again.
3. Have fun.
4. We do not seek PVP as it is inevitably unprofitable. (Members may engage in non-criminal PVP in their own ships of course.)
5. We do not meta-game or cheat in anyway. Our in-game com will be through Spectrum (once it’s available).