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Hyperion Logistics / HYPERLOG

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Transport
  • Security

Welcome to the official Spectrum channel for Hyperion Logistics. A specialist cargo hauling company based on Orison, providing the safe, secure and timely transportation of your cargo that precedes our reputation.


Hyperion Logistics was founded by a group of ex Military, PMC and Militia transport ship pilots who left their old careers behind to start a haulage company under their own terms. The aim of this venture? Provide a reliable and highly professional haulage service to the Verse, no matter the destination or cargo.

We have expertise in every field of logistics, whether that be in UEE secure space within the protection of the Empire, or in the outer rim territories in unguarded space. Our pilots all have advanced combat and weapons training and know the best ways in which to deal with any threat they may face.

With five full time highly experienced pilots and a number of well-trained flight crew Hyperion has always been a small yet highly regarded firm, with ongoing contracts with some of the biggest manufacturers and clients within and outside the UEE. This means that we deal with all sorts of cargo on a daily basis. No matter your payload, chances are we have experience handling it, from advanced weaponry to live animals, food and medical supplies, minerals and med pods to unstable, hazardous materials.

Hyperion started out with just 2 ships a few years back, but now boasts a growing, high-tech fleet including specialist cargo and escort ships such as the Mercury Starrunner, Freelancer MIS and even a Banu Merchantman, along with a complementary wing of fighters. These ships allow us to carry all sorts of cargo, in all sorts of situations – against all odds.

Rest assured your cargo is safe in our capable hands.


The Hyperion Logistics Manifesto is to provide the best, safest and most dependable specialist hauling service in the verse, no mater the destination or cargo.

For the right price, we can transport anything and make sure it arrives safely.


This charter is to confirm that ‘Hyperion Logistics LTD’ has the right to transport any type of cargo to any recognised and approved system that has been cleared by the ‘UEE’, under the ‘Fair and Free Cargo Haulage Act 2787’. This charter also allows the use of all approved ‘Jumpoints’ for any ‘Hyperion Logistics LTD’ pilot. However this companies pilots and their crew are not cleared for extraterrestrial contact but may partake in business operations with the species known as ‘The Banu’. Any contact with any other alien species should be avoided and immediately reported to the ‘UEE’.

This charter is effective immediately.

UEE Home Office
New York, The United States of America
Planet Earth
The Sol System