Hydra Syndicate / HYSYN

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Resources

The Hydra Syndicate is a modular composition of smaller departments, with one administrative branch. We have positions open for all walks of life, and as such are able to offer our customers a wide variety of services. Clients, simply tell us your need. Applicants, please apply for an interview.


The Hydra Syndicate was born out of the melding of the concept of the Hydra Corporation and the infrastructure of The Stygian Vanguard. The Hydra Corporation was a small team of people who began specializing in different tasks in the game Freelancer. These people decided to form a mutually beneficial corporation hub for all of their assets. The Stygian Vanguard was a guild from the game Guild Wars. Upon its rebirth in Guild Wars 2, an infrastructure was put into place to assure the fair treatment and vocalize the opinions of all its members.


We the members of Hydra Syndicate, hereby swear to follow this Manifesto to the letter, in any and all manners of business conducted while representing The Hydra Syndicate. Those of us that hold executive rank, hereby swear never to abuse our power for personal gain. We shall always hold the interests of the Syndicate before our very own, and to always act in the manners described within this manifesto, while flying the colors of Hydra Syndicate.

We understand that the privilege to fly the colors of the Hydra Syndicate is to be treated as an honor, and we agree that whenever we wear such, we shall wear and display it proudly. We acknowledge that the Hydra Syndicate is foremost a brotherhood, and that helping a fellow Syndicate Member is a task upon which we shall gladly partake. We are helpful to our members. We are efficient and successful at our tasks. We are Death to our enemies. But above all, whilst within our territory we may make crude jests with our fellow members, we are publicly proper.

We are the Hydra Syndicate: We are many, and we are strong.


Our Ultimate Goal is to create a modular corporate infrastructure headed by a variety of specialized departments. We aim to provide an incomparable experience for our employees, focusing on providing multiple opportunities for monetary gain, and providing our clients with a multitude of specialized services centralized within one hub.

The Hydra Syndicate’s Administrative branch focuses on developing a network of clients and service providers. It is also responsible for acquiring contracts from clients, and delegating said contracts to the people responsible for fulfilling them. That is where the many other specialized service branches of The Hydra Syndicate come in.

Each individual branch of our organization focuses on one specialized task, and their ships and equipment will reflect this. They will be outfitted with the most effective loadout for their task at hand, and accompanied by any necessary escorts. These escorts will come from our Security/Militia Branch. Each branch will be semi-autonomous. One to three members of each branch will be chosen to represent and lead their branch. These branch leaders will be in constant contact with the administrative branch, receiving contracts to delegate among their branch. Other than that, so long as the client is satisfied, they are free to run their branch as they see fit.

For Clients to choose us above others we must always strive for their satisfaction. We choose to do so by putting Honesty before Greed. If we can find a client a better deal than we are able to provide, then we will give that information to the client. We will treat our clients and members like intelligent adults, and never ones to be bamboozled in the name of a quick buck. We will do this because we recognize that our clients returning happy multiple times is far more profitable than one quick job.