The Interstellar Banking Association / IBA

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Resources


Want to expand your Organisation? Hope to by that new ship? Looking to get a head start in the Galaxy?

Than we are the Bank for You!

(See Manifesto for Details)


You Dream, We Realize.



The IBA is proud and honoured to announce its new partnership with Private Military Company Nova Black. Through these new relations we hope to see the growth of both organisations as a result of sound and solid business ventures.


September 13th 2946 -In the wake of Economic and Political Turmoil the Interstellar Banking Association or IBA is founded with the aim to stabilize a rapidly sinking Economy and give each Star Citizen the foothold they need to get started in the galaxy.

December 18th 2946 – As IBA clientele grows the bank begins talks with other financial institutions in the interest of improving relations and business partners.

December 22nd 2946 – As the IBA turns 100 days old it celebrates its recent successes by officially launching its “Dream Big” campaign looking to target small start-ups and get them the place in the galaxy they deserve.

January 11th 2947 – The IBA rejoices as it hits the 30 member Mark, This is only the beginning for us however, For as the economy is ever growing so shall we expand and prosper amongst the stars, Thank you.


IBA shall be officially operational on the official release of the persistent Universe

Dream Big Campaign

The latest Campaign of the IBA, We are now offering special services to small start-up businesses including advertising on our page, Investment schemes and much more! If you own a company that you feel would benefit from this contact us now to avail of unmatched financial aid!

Personal Financial Services

Cargo Credit Loan/CC Loan

Our easiest loan to attain for both Organisations and Individuals alike, The Cargo Credit Loan or CC Loan is an easy way for any Star Citizen to make a Profit provided he/she has a ship!

This Loan consists of an agreement between The IBA and a given Trader. On the forming of a CC Loan the IBA will purchase a specified amount of cargo at an economic price for the given trader to transport to a destination of his/her or the Banks choosing. Upon the turning of a profit the given trader must repay the original cost of the cargo plus a given percentage of the profit earned to insure the upkeep of the Bank.
Profit division ratios vary with cargo size, for more information please contact a member of IBA today.

Corporate Financial Services

General Purpose Investment/ GPI

Looking at embarking on a long distance high yield Trade operation? Finding yourself short on credits to fund an expedition into the unknown? Then look no further than your very own General Purpose Investment or GPI for short.

Upon specifying your intended purpose for the Fund, the IBA will provide a Payment Package which will cover a specified Percentage of all costs ranging from escort to fuel to cargo and much more. A GPI can be repaid in a variety of ways all of which are negotiable with IBA. For more information please contact a member of IBA today.
Note: Collateral must be named

Corporate Stimulus Package/ C Stim

The Corporate Stimulus Package is a large credit loan strictly for large scale reliable Organisations and Companies.
The Loan consists of a specified amount and repayment rate but does not require a specified use. Collateral must be named in the creation of a C Stim contract, Should an organisation fail to meet these repayments than all assets of the given firm must be liquidated in the interest of repaying the Loan. Refusal to pay will be met with considerable force.

Share division scheme (COMING SOON!)

With this plan your company can recieve an amount through the bank in return for a set number of “shares” which the bank may sell off at the price it sees fit. To purchase shares from the bank you must be an affiliate or member of the org in question. These shares represent a part of the company and thus the org must agree to hear the opinions of the shareholders should they voice them. In essence you would be purchsing part of that company. The bank will keep tabs on all shareholders and amounts in question. for example once a share has been purchased we will alert the Org of the new shareholder in their company and have their status upgraded.
(The specifics of this plan are still a work in progress, check back later for more details)


NOTE: The IBA will be officially formed at the start of the Persistent Universe, Untill then the official Charter of IBA shall remain confidential

Discord channel coming soon!

Career Opportunities

The IBA has a bounty of lucrative employment opportunities including but not limited to the following;

Loan Officer- A private banker, mainly involved with CC loans

Actuary- An Investigator into the risks of possible clients

Security- Ensures the bank is protected

Economic analyst- Judges the liquidity of orgs to be considered for larger investments.

For more information please contact the Chairman