Independent Brown Coats Militia / IBCM

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Smuggling

Welcome to Independent Brown Coats Militia. Here at IBCM, we value your privacy and patronage above all else. Re-founded in 2944, IBCM is the go to group for all your firepower and gray/black market needs. We’ll go into any territory, any hot spot, to do what you need, providing you pay ahead.


The original Independent Brown Coats Militia (IBCM) was originally founded in the year 2517 after the (unfortunate) end of the Unification War by Lupis canus and Malcolm Reynolds. IBCM was based centrally on the planet Persephone and ran cargo into virtually any territory in the ‘Verse, well, except Miranda.

With the unusual events that lead to arrival in the UEE, IBCM was Re-Founded on ArcCorp in 2944 by the original leadership! With the same goal in mind, running cargo and providing firepower wherever needed, at a price.


This organization is all about making credits, through any means, be they legitimate or otherwise.


1. Leave no Brown Coat behind, unless said Brown Coat volunteered to stay behind or is in violation of Rule 2.
2. Don’t Steal from other Brown Coats, stealing includes taking more than a equal share of pay or loot, defrauding other Brown Coats, or abscond/conceal the least thing they find amongst the enemy. In this event a Brown Coat who steals shall be cut off from their Share, and suffer such Punishment thought fit by the assembled Brown Coats by a simple majority vote.
3. Every attempt will be made to recover a Brown Coat’s body if they fall in battle only after the mission is completed.
4. Require 50% payment up front when selling your services, if you do not it is only your own fault if you don’t get paid.
5. Do not kill other Brown Coats, the exception to this rule is accidental friendly fire in a combat situation.
6. Keep Battle-Ready, always have at least one firearm with you at all times.
7. Settle Internal Disputes Planet-side with a punch out.
8. Wanton murdering of UEE Citizens is discouraged, if you get locked in Klescher be prepared to serve the time or pay another Brown Coat to break you out.