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As such we are privateers we care for our own and only our own, and our contracts.


The history of the Iron corps. Well it all started in 2737 with the fall of Virgil. The failure of the UEE to support or recover our lost planet. Before our planet fell to the Vandull. The Virgil government Handed A LETTER OF MARQUE AND REPRISAL. Our mission is to gather supplies, soldiers and ships. in the means to retake our home from the alien menace. After the fall of our planet we where offered by the UEE if we joined with them they would right there failure and put retaking our system at the top of there planning. We found that was a lie, The Corp was always put on the defense of others systems but never a plan came up to retake lost ground. As such the captains came together and decided to leave the UEE formation across UEE space. After such we have now began our campaign of looting ships and bringing both military and private shipping, Marines and refuges looking to retake lost ground and end the Vandull.


Never walk
away from home
ahead of your axe and sword.
You can’t feel a battle
in your bones
or foresee a fight.
That is the song of the Iron Corps Of Valhalla. As we was helpless to stop the vandull from taking our home system. After receiving our letter of Marque we do what needs to be done to get the supplies, soldiers and ships needed to take the war to the vandull and if needed the UEE. We as Privateer’s can be hired for jobs.


1. First what is a Privateer. A privateer is a private person or ship that engages in maritime warfare under a commission of war. Since robbery under arms was a common aspect of seaborne trade
2. As such if you choose to join up with us you will always get a cut of the action.
3. You may leave when you like but you have to inform the captain and can only leave at a port.
4. According to the rules of the Marque and reprisal. If they are a ally you must not attack them. A commander or Captain will inform you.
5. If they surrender You do not kill them unless they break the surrender and become hostile.