Imperial Defense Authority / IDAI

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Freelancing

The IDA was born out of the ashes of a corrupt regime. We embody the noble ideals of freedom, democracy, and security in our affairs. Led by a US Army combat veteran and an active duty Air Force officer, we are able to provide the structure and guidance needed to achieve all the orgs goals.


The Rise of the Imperial Defense Authority

In the year 2945, amidst the vast expanse of the Star Citizen universe, a new chapter in history unfolded with the founding of the Imperial Defense Authority (IDA). Born from the ashes of uncertainty, IDA emerged as a beacon of strength and resilience, driven by a collective desire for security, independence, and the pursuit of excellence.

Humanity’s expansion into the unknown brought with it unforeseen perils. Among them, the Vanduul, a savage and relentless alien species, emerged as a grave threat. In the face of this danger, IDA rose to the occasion, taking up arms against the Vanduul onslaught when the UEE, burdened by other conflicts, could no longer provide the necessary support.

The Vanguard against the Vanduul

IDA became a steadfast and sworn enemy of the Vanduul, engaging them in fierce battles that spanned years. With unwavering determination, IDA fought the Vanduul on their own, defending humanity’s territories and ensuring that the light of civilization would not be extinguished.

Through countless clashes, IDA’s soldiers, pilots, and strategists honed their skills, developing tactics and strategies to repel the Vanduul menace. They became a vanguard against this ruthless enemy, standing as a testament to humanity’s indomitable spirit and refusal to surrender.

An Abandoned Hope

The abandonment by the United Empire of Earth (UEE) only fueled IDA’s resolve. Cut off from the support of the UEE, the organization stood strong, refusing to yield to the Vanduul’s terror. Undeterred, IDA vowed to protect its own, fortifying its territories and establishing a safe haven for its members.

IDA’s ambition goes beyond survival. The organization aims to secure complete control over an entire solar system, transforming it into a bastion of security and prosperity. This vision serves as a testament to IDA’s unwavering commitment and the determination to forge a future where humanity thrives.

Principles: A Balancing Act

Rooted in the values of honor, integrity, and resilience, IDA maintains a delicate balance. As sworn enemies of the Vanduul, the organization holds steadfast to its commitment to vanquish this relentless foe. Simultaneously, IDA upholds principles of fairness, respect, and compassion in its interactions with other factions and organizations within the Star Citizen universe.

While IDA does not actively promote piracy, it recognizes the independence of its members, acknowledging their right to engage in such activities. Within their protected territories, IDA promotes peaceful coexistence and extends respect to those who show the same courtesy. Nevertheless, the organization remains ruthless in defending its members, assets, and sovereignty against any who dare threaten them.

Join IDA and Shape the Stars

Founded in the year 2945, IDA invites those who seek purpose, adventure, and a place among the stars to join their ranks. Whether you are a battle-hardened veteran, a promising recruit, a skilled pilot, or a strategic mastermind, IDA welcomes all who share the vision of a secure future and the unyielding determination to stand against the Vanduul.

Together, let us forge a legacy, defend the innocent, and face the Vanduul threat head-on. Join the Imperial Defense Authority (IDA) today!

Semper Vigilans, Ever Watchful.

Visit our recruitment center at to learn more and begin your journey with IDA.


Imperial Defense Authority (IDA) Manifesto

We Stand Strong, Defend Vigilantly, and Seek Independence

1. Introduction

This manifesto outlines the core principles and values of the Imperial Defense Authority (IDA). As an organization within Star Citizen, we are committed to establishing a strong and self-sustaining presence in the universe. Our focus lies in defense, independence, and the pursuit of peaceful coexistence, while also reserving the right to retaliate against aggression. This manifesto serves as a guiding document for all members of IDA.

2. Independence and Self-Sustainability

a. IDA stands for independence and self-sustainability. We strive to be a self-reliant organization that can sustain itself economically, militarily, and socially within the Star Citizen universe.

b. We encourage our members to engage in lawful activities that promote our independence, such as trading, resource gathering, and research. We will support and protect our members in these endeavors.

c. To ensure our self-sustainability, we will establish alliances, forge partnerships, and engage in diplomatic relations with other organizations when mutually beneficial. However, we will not compromise our independence or sovereignty in the process.

3. Defense and Territory

a. The defense of our territory is paramount. We will establish and maintain a robust defensive posture to protect our solar system and its inhabitants from external threats.

b. Aggression against IDA or its members will be met with swift and decisive action. We will defend our interests and retaliate against those who attack us, ensuring the safety and security of our organization.

c. We maintain the right to employ any necessary means to protect our territory, assets, and members. While we do not encourage piracy, we acknowledge that individual members may engage in such activities. However, we expect our members to exercise discretion and refrain from piracy within our protected territories.

4. Peaceful Coexistence and Respect

a. IDA believes in peaceful coexistence and respectful interactions with others who reciprocate the same courtesy. We will engage in diplomatic dialogue and seek peaceful resolutions whenever possible.

b. We respect the lawful activities and territories of other organizations. However, any acts of hostility or aggression directed towards us will be met with a resolute response.

c. Diplomacy and negotiation are integral to maintaining stability and fostering positive relationships. We will actively seek opportunities for peaceful cooperation, trade, and mutual support with other organizations that align with our principles.

5. Loyalty and Unity

a. Loyalty to IDA and its members is a fundamental value. We stand together as a unified force, supporting each other in times of conflict and prosperity.

b. We foster a strong sense of community, camaraderie, and mutual respect among our members. Every member’s contribution is valued, and together we build a resilient organization.

c. The chain of command is vital to maintaining order and efficiency within IDA. All members are expected to follow the directives of their superiors and contribute to the common goals of the organization.

6. Constant Progress and Adaptability

a. IDA embraces innovation, adaptation, and continuous improvement. We actively explore new technologies, strategies, and tactics to remain at the forefront of military excellence.

b. We encourage our members to develop their skills, knowledge, and expertise within their chosen field, fostering personal growth and collective advancement.

c. We maintain an open mindset and foster an environment that encourages creative problem-solving, critical thinking, and collaboration among our members.

7. Upholding the Manifesto

a. All members of IDA are expected to uphold the principles and values outlined in this manifesto. Violations may result in disciplinary action or expulsion from the organization.

b. This manifesto may be amended or revised through a consensus decision-making process involving the High Command and input from the membership. Amendments will be made with careful consideration for the principles and vision of IDA.

By embracing this manifesto, the members of IDA commit themselves to upholding our core values of independence, self-sustainability, defense, peaceful coexistence, and loyalty. Together, we strive to create a secure and prosperous future for IDA and its members within the vast expanse of the Star Citizen universe.


1. Introduction

The purpose of this charter is to establish the framework and principles for the Imperial Defense Authority (IDA) in Star Citizen. We are a military-focused group dedicated to creating a strong and cohesive community within the vast universe of Star Citizen. Our organization aims to control an entire solar system and provide a safe environment for our members to engage in both military and non-military activities.

2. Name and Purpose

Our organization shall be known as the Imperial Defense Authority (IDA). The primary purpose of IDA is to safeguard the interests of our members and establish a formidable presence within the Star Citizen universe. With two branches, the Marine Corps and the Navy, we strive to maintain military superiority while also providing a secure environment for non-military activities.

3. Structure

a. The Marine Corps: The Marine Corps branch will consist of dedicated ground forces responsible for planetary operations, boarding actions, ground-based combat, and other related activities. Marines will undergo specialized training to ensure they are well-equipped to handle all manner of combat situations.

b. The Navy: The Navy branch will focus on space-based operations, fleet management, ship-to-ship combat, and exploration. Members of the Navy will be trained in a variety of roles, including pilots, ship commanders, and support crew.

4. Objectives

a. Control of a Solar System: Our primary objective is to gain control over a designated solar system within the Star Citizen universe. Through strategic planning, tactical engagements, and cooperative efforts, we aim to establish a secure and thriving base of operations.

b. Military Operations: The IDA will engage in various military operations to ensure the safety and security of our members and assets. This includes both defensive and offensive actions as deemed necessary by the leadership.

c. Non-Military Activities: While our organization maintains a military focus, we recognize the importance of non-military activities for our members’ well-being and enjoyment. We will provide a safe and supportive environment for members to pursue their non-military interests, such as trading, exploration, research, or any other lawful endeavors.

5. Code of Conduct

a. Respect and Integrity: All members shall treat each other with respect, dignity, and fairness. Discrimination, harassment, or any form of misconduct will not be tolerated.

b. Teamwork and Cooperation: Collaboration and cooperation among members are vital for the success of IDA. We encourage teamwork, open communication, and the willingness to assist fellow members whenever possible.

c. Loyalty and Commitment: Members are expected to be loyal to IDA and actively contribute to its success. This includes regular participation in group activities, training sessions, and adherence to the chain of command.

d. Discipline and Professionalism: IDA maintains a strict code of discipline and professionalism. Members shall conduct themselves in a manner that reflects positively on the organization, both in-game and in external interactions.

6. Leadership Structure

a. High Command: IDA will be led by a High Command consisting of experienced and trusted leaders. High Command members will oversee the overall direction of the organization, strategic planning, and decision-making processes.

b. Chain of Command: A clear and efficient chain of command will be established to ensure effective communication and decision-making within IDA. All members are expected to follow the orders and directives of their superiors.

7. Recruitment and Membership

a. Recruitment: We welcome like-minded individuals who share our dedication to military excellence and community-building in Star Citizen. Prospective members will undergo a screening process to ensure compatibility with IDA’s values and goals.

b. Membership: Once accepted into IDA, members are expected to uphold the principles outlined in this charter. Active participation and a commitment to IDA’s objectives are essential for maintaining membership.

8. Amendments and Dissolution

a. Amendments: Any amendments to this charter must be proposed, discussed, and voted upon by the High Command. A majority vote will be required for any amendments to be ratified.

b. Dissolution: In the event that IDA is dissolved, all remaining assets and resources shall be distributed equitably among active members, with due consideration given to their contributions and dedication to the organization.

By adhering to this charter, the members of IDA commit to fostering a strong and cohesive organization that excels in military operations, establishes a secure presence in Star Citizen, and provides a safe and enjoyable environment for all members to pursue their interests.