Interstellar Escort & Security Division / IED

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Exploration

No Route is too long (We will travel to the farthest reaches of Space).

No Situation is too dangerous (We will sacrifice what we must to reach our goals).

No Enemy is undefeatable (We will destroy anything obstructing our path to victory).

“audaces fortuna iuvat”


Founded in the year 2796, the Interstellar Escort & Security Division has had one goal while active in the Verse: Protect those that can’t protect themselves when transporting goods across the stars. Whether it be escorting small family buisnesses or large corporations, the IED will do what it takes to see the cargo through to its destination.

The IED was founded after what some called the “years of hunger”. It was a 33 year span of pirate tyranny and control where no trade route was safe and the pirate had almost complete control of the cashflow of the Verse. A man and a group of likeminded individuals who were directly affected by the almost non-existant trade came together on the planet [DATA EXPUNGED] and made their intentions clear: No Pirate would ever lay a finger on their Cargo and any Cargo of their trade partners. While inexperienced at first, they found a man that would do everything in his power to make the newly formed IED a force to be reckoned with.

The mans name was Gregory Morrison, a Captain of the local Garrison of the Planet [DATA EXPUNGED]. He and his contingent of men under his command pledged their alliegance to the IED and began training what was now the majority of the capital cities inhabitants. The training to become a full fledged member of the IED was hard and perilous and as the numbers of the IED grew exponentially, funding became another problem. Yet out of the shadows came a mysterious Investor by the name of [DATA NOT FOUND] who backed the undertaking full force. In the coming months and years, Morrison had access to the best Equipment and Weapons at the time. Within 5 years, the IED wasn’t just a small Band of Brothers, it was an Army.

Morrison decided this was the time to start the retaking of the trade routes that were supressing his home planet and the planets in the vicinity. From there, the liberation would expand to the other systems and the pirate threat would be completely eradicated. Yet it would never come to that.
While Morrison managed to liberate his system and secured most of its trade routes sufficiently, it took him the better part of 20 years of bloody fighting to do so. His men were beaten and morale was low even though the system had been liberated. The fight had cost the IED many lives and many didn’t think they could liberate the rest of the Verse without help from the outside and from other Organizations.

Morrison called together all his Officers and declared that he would travel to distant systems with his most trusted pilots and gather help for the fight against the pirates. Morrison put his right hand man, Admiral Ferris in charge and left for unknown waters. Little did Morrison know that Ferris had been in contact with a powerful Pirate Commander a couple of months prior who promised Ferris a hefty reward for helping them retake the system that had been liberated by Morrison recently. Within a few weeks, Ferris had lowered the defenses of the system by assuring the loyal men of the IED that pirates would not attack again. Ferris disabled the ADF’s (Automatic Defense Turrets) on the Outskirts of the system the day of the attack and had a communication Jammer put in place.

The IED didn’t know what hit them. The Majority of the pirate forces dropped out of FTL, completely surrounding the system and its inhabitants. Any call for help went unanswered when the pirates befell the unprepared IED and the Planets military forces. Within weeks, the system was retaken and the IED all but destroyed.

One ship managed to escape the system and reached Morrison, who was devastated to hear that virually everyone who lived in the system had been slaughtered. He decided to take his case to the UEE and after many pleas, the UEE sent a fleet to liberate the system with Morrison and the remaining members of the IED at the forefront. The Battle was long and bloody, but after months of fighting, the system was liberated and the years of hunger were ended. Morrison was last seen leaving back into the unkown regions of space with the remaining IED to go and find Ferris and bring him to justice. He had decided against expanding the IED.

Many years later though, with the growing threat of pirates on the rise again, a descendant of Gregory Morrison, David Morrison, took up the Mantle of Vice Admiral of the IED and gathered as many likeminded men and women to combat the threat and protect anyone that couldn’t protect themselves. He is looking for strong willed individuals who would lay down their lives for the completion of the IED’s goals. Are you one of those Individuals? You can decide that for yourself.

All Morrison knows is that the threat of piracy is still out there and he will stop at nothing until every single pirates skull has been crushed under his boot.



The Intentions of our Private Military Company is to secure the trade routes of the Verse. We know that piracy is a serious problem, and while the UEE often turns away from these problems and concerns itself with waging war with larger empires, the IED will stop at nothing to combat the pirate threat lurking behind every FTL-Jump.

While the IED specializes in securing trade routes and cargo transports in the verse, we are also capable of taking the fight to the pirates, as our soldiers are trained in offensive and defensive capabilities. Don’t expect us to idly sit by and defend to the last man. If theres a chance to strike back, we will take it no matter how impossible it seems. No enemy is undefeatable.


Our motives are simple. We as a group cannot stand by while trade vessels are being attacked and pirates roam the verse free. We know that the UEE promises change and harder crackdowns on pirates, but we do not see anything implemented. We know they promised to increase patrols, but where are their ships? The UEE is lying to you! They do not care for small cargo vessels being raided by pirates, all they care about is income. And while the big ships with security personnel are still delivering their valuable goods, the smaller ships are being utterly destroyed by the lawless scum that roam the verse.

The only motive we have is the complete and utter destruction of every single pirate and outlaw in the verse. we as a group will stop at nothing until the very last pirate has been crushed under our boots.


The IED is looking for individuals who are ready to defend the safety and intergrity of the interstellar trade routes at any costs. The trade routes are the key to the survival of all the Empires and Organizations in the verse, because if the trade routes are crippled, the entire verse is crippled and vulnerable for invasion. If you want to do something to help keep the verse safe, then we will recruit you into our ranks of the IED.

The key to success within our ranks is teamwork and camraderie whilst working towards a common goal. Noone can do this alone, the verse is a big place. The IED will give you something to fight for, a cause if you will. This undertaking is not easy, but a squad of likeminded brothers in arms makes the challenges easier to face than if you were alone. But we don’t just recruit anyone off the street. We recruit those that are ready and mentally prepared to wear the badge of the IED as this is no easy task we lay before you. We expect you to do your best in any situation and show those who watch you what it takes to be a member of the IED.

Recuitment Rules

There are some rules that apply to the Recruitment proccess:

1. You must have a working mic

(Quality doesn’t matter, as long as we can understand you)

2. Maturity is required

(We expect you to be serious when it comes to the gameplay aspect of things. No acting like a child when losing. Good sportsmanship in victory and humility in defeat.)

3. A certain amount of activity is required

(We don’t expect you to be on 24/7, but we expect you to be active enough so you aren’t labeled as MIA by our staff. Soldiers are labeled as MIA when they are not on for more than a week. By that time you will be notified per mail and if the soldier doesn’t answer by 2 weeks, they will be demoted by one rank and relieved of any special duty they were assigned to. We as a group understand if life gets in the way of things, and we will not punish you if you tell the brass in advance and the estimated duration of your absence. we will move you onto an “R&R” list and when you return, you will still have the same rank. This doesn’t apply to special assignments and duties such as Recruitment Officer as we need those to be active regularly. You will be relieved of those regardless of MIA or R&R. We hope you understand these terms.)

4. You must speak English

(This is a strict rule. Communication is key in the IED and language barriers are hard to overcome. Accents do not matter and as long as you can speak english and we can understand you, this doesn’t apply to you.)


The IED does not discriminate when it comes to race or heritage. Our organization will recruit anyone that follows the recruitment rules. Religion is also to be pursued freely. Atheism is also allowed. We only ask the recruits, soldiers and brass members to treat everyone with respect within the ranks. No person is beneath someone if they come from a diffirent colony of the verse. These rules are to be enforced and breaking of this rule will be punished. Soldiers in leading roles are to treat their squad with respect aswell. A serious working environment with people that aren’t hostile towards one another is a dure fire way to succeed when pursuing a common goal.


While our main goal is to eradicate the pirate threat from the verse, we do pursue secondary goals as a private military company. This also means that you as an individual can pursue secondary goals if they do not conflict with your duties as a member of the IED. A secondary goal for the IED as a whole is to make a name for itself in the vast expanse of the verse. The last time we were in the historical archives was when the traitor Ferris decided to turn on us and completely destroy us in a single blow. We seek to change that. We as a group want our next entry to be the eradication of the pirate threat in the verse by the IED. Yet we know that we can not do it alone and seek allies along the difficult path of retribution and security.


Division Rules

The IED has a strict set of rules which must be followed. Failing to follow these rules will result in punishment. Here in the IED we follow a three strike system. Break the rules in a grave manner three times, and you will be dishonorably discharged for conduct unbecoming. This does not apply to small infractions of the rules, but smaller punishments apply to smaller infractions. The rules are as follows:

1. Treat everyone with respect:

Treat people the way you want to be treated.

The Organization is based on teamwork, and if you can’t seem to treat your teammates with respect, then there is no place for you in the ranks of the IED. We take equality very seriously and don’t condone any type of disrespect that is meant to harm another soldier. We understand if you are joking around with squadmates, as that is in good fun.

This applies to Officers aswell. You especially have an important role of leading a group or even a platoon of men into the unknown regions of the verse and we need you to be a role model for the lower ranks of the IED. While the lower ranks have to follow orders given to them by the brass, those orders are to be made clear respectfully and without talking down to anybody. That being said we treat the chain of command very seriously aswell. Orders are to be followed when they are given, and it is not respectful to the Officers to not listen to the commands they give.

2. Age Restriction:

While we know that there are pilots out there that are mature for their age, we are still putting in an age restriction. Maturity and all around seriousness is required in the IED and while we know that many younger pilots are very mature for their age and some older pilots act like they’re 12 years old, we feel it is right to give people over the age of 16 the benefit of the doubt with their levels of maturity. That doesn’t mean that any pilot aged 16 and over will be recruited into the ranks of the IED. We have recruitment rules in place to weed out those who aren’t serious about joining the IED. The age restriction might be changed in the future and we will update you immediately if it does.

Current Age Restriction: 16

3. The Roleplay Principle:

This Organization is a roleplaying Organization, which means that while interacting in game with other Organizations, staying in character is required. Do not apply here if you aren’t going to take this seriously. We don’t expect you to be in character when talking with your squadmates, IRL discussions are allowed. But when the time comes to get into character, we expect you to stay in character.

When the IED gathers for large scale OPS, roleplaying is also required. On your own time, you may interact however you wish. What is required however, is to also treat other organizations with respect. You on your own time may not start a war with another faction over a petty dispute, as that conflict will carry over to the whole of the IED and we do not want that.

Rules of Engagement

As stated above, the brass and Officers decide which factions are labeled as an anemy faction. When on your own time you may attack these factions as you see fit. We expect you to show good sportsmanship in victory and humility in defeat. We do not want sore losers or winners within our ranks, as that doesn’t show any sign of maturity whatsoever. If you need to take a breather or are stresse dout because of a situation, let your CO know and take a breather. We do not want you to let your frustrations out on squadmates.

As Combat goes, any pirate faction is fair game, as our main goal is to eradicate all pirates from the verse. You may attack them on your own time whenever you wish. You as a member of the IED are not allowed to attack factions that we are not actively at war with. If anyone attacks a neutral faction, they will be severly punished. The harming of innocent bystanders will be harshly punished aswell. We do not condone the harming of people that we do not intend to harm. With that being said, any faction that blocks us from achieving our goals of eradicating the pirates will have war declared on them.

Time Zones

The IED does not have a time zone restriction. We operate in all timezones and schedule OPS according to availability of personnel. Every major time zone will have a Division Colonel supervising the OPS there. While Vice Admiral Morrison and his command squad will deal with diplomacy and general strategies for the IED, the Division Colonels and his Lieutenants will make sure order is kept in their respective Timezones. The DC’s (Division Colonels) will schedule OPS with his contingent of men on his own time and with the reccomendations of the higer ranking Officials in the IED.

Time Zone are independent from one another and operate on their own times unless there is a large OP scheduled for the IED as a whole.

Multi-Origanization-Principle (the MOP)

When joining the IED, you agree to making this Organization your primary Organization. While we allow you to join secondary Organizations, some rules apply here aswell.

I) you may not join an Organizaton that we are currently at war with.

II) you may not join in an Organization that excersises illegal activities or works through illegal means.

III) you may join secondary factions that we are allied with or are neutral to us. ( You will join those factions as a Correspondent and Ambassador of the IED, and we expect you to behave like you would with high ranking officials of the IED itself.)

IV) Joining any kind of pirate faction will have you dishonorably discharged. A bounty will be placed on your head and you will not be able to rejoin the IED without stating your case to Morrison himself.

V) When joining a secondary faction, we expect updates to be sent to your respective CO.

NOTE: When you find that you want to join the secondary faction and make it your main one, message your CO and he will forward it to the higher ranking officials. You will be honorably discharged from the IED if the faction you decide to join as your main faction is neutral or an ally of the IED.

You can join the IED again, but you will have to reapply and start from the beginning if you are accepted to join the ranks again.