• PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

“Prepared for War.”



About IEMC
‘Imperium Elite’ private military company is affiliated and founded from international gaming community Our gaming community has a passion for military simulation games. Long term friends and experienced mature players. We offer a multi-game environment, Discord, dedicated website and experienced leadership from our community. We are very enthusiastic about Star Citizen and we know our organization will have a big part in its future. Day one self sufficient with ships covering all professions along with many fighting ships.

If you are interested in finding out more about Imperium Elite, please send us a request.


Imperium Elite is a professional private military company. Our organization follows a military rank structure with major fleet decisions decided by our Fleet Command. Our aim is to be a premium reputable military organization for freelance security, protection, anti piracy and escort mission contracts.



  • Pilots- Openly recruiting for combat focused players looking to improve their skills and join our established military structure. All our members will be trained in space dog-fighting. We are aiming to maintain your ship at minimal cost to you. Pilot ranks available and coincide with your ship size.
  • Marines- Needed for ship security, manned turrets, ground combat, vehicle combat and ground escorting. Train in dropship maneuvers and ship boarding. Marine ranks available. Veteran? Take a leadership position.

We are also looking for military personnel to help with our medical, logistic and capital ship crew departments. Want to work on your profession alone? Our profession ships are available to members from our Organization hangar. Details below-


  • Medic- Ground combat medics, cutlass red ambulance pilots and individuals interested in the medical profession. IEMC hospital Endeavour is the perfect place for you to develop your skills.
  • Engineering- IEMC provides the StarFarer Gemini, Orion and Reclaimer ships for you to respectfully train your fuel, ore and salvage refining skill. Alternatively learn how to repair ships as part of our Crucible repair team.
  • Logistics- We have multiple haulage ships. Completely useable for our members. Transport your goods at the cost of maintaining the ship + a small organization fee.
  • Capital Ships- Learn how to use capital ship stations. Become a flight deck worker, live on the station.
  • Exploration- Use the Terrapin and Carrack to explore and chart destinations for IEMC events. Probe sectors during escort missions relaying real time information of any incoming threats.
  • Science- Train on our endeavour supercollider or on the Carrack science suite. We will need science and hacking experts.


  • Our Fleet- IEMC will launch with over 60 ships in its initial fleet including capital, mining, refuelling and logistic transport ships. Available for your personal use too.
  • Our pilots will be trained and our ground assault team experienced- Currently IEMC is running dogfighting events and soon FPS module events to ensure tactical superiority on release. Our affiliation gaming community members have years of ArmA and FPS experience.
  • Organized events- We have hosted game events for years. Great communication, fun and teamwork. Leadership from men and women 40 yo+.
  • Protection- We will grow, train and protect each other at all costs. Work together, fight together!
  • We will extract and refine our own fuel from the beginning. Mid flight refuelling and organization hangar fuel stockpiling is a priority, to give our pilots access to free fuel.
  • Heavily reduced ship repair courtesy of our crucible engineering team.
  • We hope to grow organically, expanding into further services whilst primarily being combat focused.
  • Our ships will initially have partial insurance costs covered and eventually full insurance coverage.
  • Discord, Youtube channel, Facebook, Twitter, Twitch and website. All of which have been running successfully for years.
  • A great community to make friends. We know you will want to get on with your own personal goals in Star Citizen. We are here to support you and give you the option to join our events. Earning wages, promotion and take part in missions too big to complete alone.
  • Our Roleplay comes in the form of structured org sized missions, Fleet command meetings and military structure.
  • Our Fleet pilots will be gifted our PMC community chosen ship skin and combat armor.
  • We will extract and refine our own fuel from the beginning. Mid flight refuelling and organization hangar fuel stockpiling is a priority, to give our pilots access to free fuel.
  • Heavily reduced ship repair courtesy of our crucible engineering team.
  • We hope to grow organically, expanding into further services whilst primarily being combat focused.
  • Our ships will initially have partial insurance costs covered and eventually full insurance coverage.
  • Fully fledged engineering, science, medical and transport teams.


IEMC OPERATIONAL CHARTER Our standard for code of conduct-
  • We seek at all times to complete any contract the organisation has accepted.
  • Contracts involving the declaration of war against other organizations must be cleared by the Fleet Command.
  • We do not engage in piracy.
  • You do not attack or steal from another member of IEMC or organization ally.
  • You are free to chase bounties on your own, however if you require IEMC assistance you must have the consent of an officer.
  • Defence of our PMC members is paramount.
  • Consideration for your fellow crewmen is absolute. Disruptive conduct will be handled by the superior available officer.


Our military ranks cover two separate branches. IEMC military ranks and HQ administration roles. Below each are explained in more detail.


All IEMC ranks are attainable by its members. Below are the ranks and their requirements. What ship and experience you bring to the organization determines your rank below. The rank of Captain and above, whom bring the biggest assets, receive a seat on the Fleet command Council. Your rank also determines your event profit cut, ie a guaranteed wage.

  • Imperium Fleet Commander – Own capital ship. Fleet commander designate.
  • Imperium Lt Commander – Capital ship commander. Completed flight training, star marine and own a ship requiring 8+ operational crew.
  • Imperium Ship Captain – Medium ship Captain. Completed flight training, star marine and own a ship requiring 4-7 operational crew.
  • Imperium Flight Sergeant – Squadron leader. Completed flight training, dogfighting and star marine modules. Own medium or heavy fighter. Selected by command limited to one in 8 pilots.
  • Imperium Pilot 1st Class – Experienced Squadron Pilot. Completed flight training, trained in dog fighting and star marine modules. Own a fighter. Crewman level.
  • Imperium Pilot 2nd Class – Squadron Pilot in training. Completed flight training. Own a single person ship. Crewman level.


Star Citizen enables organizations to have 4 access roles to help operate functionality. These are by PMC default-

  • HQ Director- All access and founder. Chairs ‘Fleet Command’ meetings.
  • HQ Administrative Officer- Manage members ranks and roles. Role given to Lt Commander level to manage promotions.
  • HQ Recruitment Officer- Manage applicants. Recruit on forum boards and in game. Can approve applicants.
  • HQ Marketing Officer- Manage branding. Control of organization branding and artwork.

If you would like to be a HQ department officer simply inform the HQ Director.

The IEMC Feet Command

All members of IEMC will adhere to the rules posted. It is important that all aspects of the organization are discussed once per week before our first weekly event. The role of fleet command is to formally gather the leading IEMC officers to discuss the following-
  • Recruitment. Do we need to open recruitment and what training is required of our current pilots and soldiers.
  • Ranks. Anyone ready for promotion? Discuss any need for rank reviews.
  • Event Direction. Discuss the best missions and potential rewards for our fleet to undertake this week. Can we handle two organization missions simultaneously?
  • Assets. What assets do we have? Fuel stocks, medical and personnel to be discussed.
    Any further business.

Our IEMC members will play individually to their specific strengths and interests. However those missions requiring huge manpower or even the entire organization, the Fleet Command will decide the direction and prioritized needs for our event times. Payment and resource allocation resulting from mission completion will be scaled by rank. As those in the highest ranks, bring the biggest assets (and therefore expenses) to the organization missions. Further monetary rewards will be given to heroism in combat per event.

Fleet Command Meetings Prerequisites and Rules

  • Military Rank of Captain and above to attend.
  • All department heads of our PMC Headquarters to attend.
  • Must wear formal Military clothing.
  • Must come in person in game to designated meeting room. If in hostile space, sergeants to provide prearranged security requirements.
  • Attendees will be paid UEC for their time.