Infernal / IFGC

  • Club
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Security
  • Scouting

Infernal is a Star Citizen organization with a focus on security and anti-piracy operations, though we don’t exclude members based on their preferred roles. Infernal Gamers (IG) is also a multi-game community that began during Guild Wars and values loyalty, teamwork, and commitment.


Infernal Gamers is a multi-game community that began as a single guild in Guild Wars 1. Since then we’ve made a home in MMO gaming, but we also participate in MOBAs, shooters, and action RPGs on both PC and console.

Games we’ve been in in the past include GW1, GW2, WoW, Rift, ESO, and ArcheAge.
Games we’re in currently include BDO, ArcheAge Unchained, WoW Classic, and obviously Star Citizen.
Upcoming games that we’re interested in include Camelot Unchained, Crowfall, Ashes of Creation, and Chronicles of Elyria.

If you join Infernal here in Star Citizen, you know that you have people to play with for any of these current or upcoming games!
Applicants are required to read and agree to our code of conduct prior to being accepted. The code of conduct is reproduced in the Charter section of our org page, and can also be found in our Discord server.

If you’d like to know more about us or are thinking about joining send in an org application, join our Discord server using the website link below, and reach out to the org leadership with @SC Officer. Let us know what game(s) you are in, your SC handle, and the best time to reach you.

We’ll see you in game …

Infernal Gamers Website


Our goal is to grow our community in each new game we play. We enter every game looking for good players, but more importantly we’re looking for good people. Honor, integrity, loyalty, and teamwork are hallmarks of IG.

Our objectives involve server firsts, end game content, and pvp domination. All of these things require the involvement of multiple people working together to achieve common objectives. Solo superstars and spotlight rangers” need not apply.

In Star Citizen, we aim to make a name for the org through establishing and defending our own bases and territory, providing security services to other orgs, and combating piracy and other unlawful activities wherever we encounter them. We will need a strong military core, along with enough pilots to handle support and logistics to make our operations successful. We will not exclude anyone based on their preferred role, but preference will be given to those who the org badly needs. An easy way to support this if you don’t typically focus on PvP is to join a crew as an engineer, turret gunner, etc. rather than the pilot of a military ship.


The following points are not guidelines or suggestions. They are the rules we must all abide by. They establish the minimum standard for membership in Infernal (both the org and the broader community) and they are non-negotiable.

- It’s the responsibility of every member to be aware of these rules, and to abide by them.’
- It’s the responsibility of every person in a leadership position to be intimately familiar with these rules, both the spirit and the letter, and to enforce them.

Failure to abide by these rules in-game will result in your removal from that guild and will most likely also result in your removal from the community. This decision will be made by IG leadership on a case by case basis, upon being informed by guild leadership that an infraction has occurred.

Failure to abide by these rules outside of a game, through interaction with other clan members, postings to public forums, abuse of another individual in Discord, etc. will subject you to removal from the community at the sole discretion of IG leadership.

Please read this document carefully. You will be held to these standards.

The Code

We do not cheat:

We do not seek to gain an unfair advantage through exploiting known bugs, modifying controllers, running scripts, hacking, taking advantage of server or graphic lag, or through any other means. We conduct ourselves at all times in a sportsmanlike manner. We win because we’re better, or lose because we’re not.

If we encounter another individual or group that is cheating in some manner, we disengage with that individual or group, report their actions to a GM, report their actions to the server at large, and move on. We do not respond in kind. We do not lower ourselves to their level. We play, and stay, above board at all times.

If there’s a question about whether something is cheating or some other form of prohibited activity, consult leadership. Don’t take it upon yourself to decide if something questionable is “okay.” You’re representing all of us every minute that you are online. Make sure we’re okay with whatever you’re doing!

If you’re caught cheating you will be summarily removed, without recourse or appeal. Period.

We do not scam:

This covers scamming people out of money, time, property, or any other in-game item. It also covers representing yourself in some manner that isn’t true with regard to interactions within the clan.

If you’ve been the victim of something you believe is “scamming” you will immediately report this to clan leadership via personal contact, private message, or a post requesting a meeting with a person in leadership on the forums.

We will investigate the matter, try to determine the facts, talk to all involved parties, and take corrective action.The decisions of IG leadership in these matters are final.

If an honest mistake was made a suggestion for corrective action will be given. If an intentional act was committed, the offending party will be removed.

If you take matters into your own hands and decide to “scam the scammer,” you will also be removed.

We do not lie:

Our community is built on relationships. Relationships are built on trust and respect. Trust and respect are based on an accurate understanding of the people you are working with. We will not tolerate liars and scam artists.

Members sending out racy pictures, either of themselves or of someone else that they purport to be themselves, will be removed. This type of activity is divisive, hurtful, and counter-productive to our mission. This is not a dating service or a pornography site. We are a gaming group, here to accomplish the goals in our mission statement.

Members making false claims regarding stolen valor will be summarily removed without recourse or appeal. We are a group populated to a large degree by men and women who have served in the US armed forces. In some cases they’ve suffered long-term detrimental effects to their health and happiness, their families, and their relationships. We honor these people for their service and respect the sacrifices they’ve made. To claim to be one of these people when you are not is wholly unacceptable, and if/when you are found out you will be removed.

Members caught dealing in a dishonest fashion under any circumstances will have their membership reviewed and may be subject to removal from the community.

We do not discriminate:

Racism, sexism, and discrimination against any person, member or not, will not be tolerated. Bigotry and ignorance are your right as a human being, but expressing those things while wearing our tag is not. This item does not preclude good-natured joking about stereotypes and such amongst willing participants. It does preclude the use of hateful terminology and phrases designed to denigrate, humiliate, or hurt someone else.

If you’re joking with someone and they, or someone else, take offense at something you said, be a grown-up and apologize to the individual. We will not sit through a 45 minute discussion where you try to justify your words. Use common sense, or it will be used on your behalf.

Specifically, excluding someone from membership, participation in a group, or consideration for promotion based on race, gender, ethnicity, age or sexual orientation will not be tolerated. Neither will verbal or written mistreatment of any individual on the basis of any of these traits be tolerated.

We do not engage in sexual harassment:

We welcome both men and women into our community. We encourage active participation, including streaming, from both our male and female members. We will not tolerate any member who makes disparaging comments, overtly sexual suggestions or imagery, or who otherwise engages in any behavior which is designed to objectify or denigrate any other member based on their appearance, physical characteristics, or dress.
Any action which could be rightly considered sexual harassment in a corporate environment will be considered sexual harassment in IG. Depending on the severity of the offense and at the discretion of leadership, the offending member may be warned or summarily removed. In any case, multiple violations will result in permanent removal from the group.

We do not troll or feed trolls:

This point can be summarized plainly. If IG is being trolled in a faction chat, on a forum, a bulletin board, or any other form of public communication, the role of a member is to ignore it and move on. IF a response is necessary, a leader will provide it.

Members may not post anything without prior approval:

No member claiming to represent IG may post any recruitment message, article, opinion, or any other form of communication on behalf of Infernal Gamers without prior authorization from leadership. We need to know what message we’re sending, where it’s visible, who our audience is, etc. You’re free to post your own thoughts anywhere you like, but you may not purport to represent Infernal Gamers in your posts.

We do not allow cliques:

The formation and maintenance of a strong and cohesive unit that’s capable of accomplishing our stated goals is a responsibility we all share. If you just want to hang out with your two friends from the last game you played then you’re better off getting your own Discord server, forming your own guild, and hanging out with them there.

Upon joining Infernal Gamers (the community) you will be expected to actively participate in group activities, join in discussions, and make yourself available. Small groups constantly huddling in separate Discord channels, conducting their own operations, and contributing nothing to the organization as a whole will be removed from IG membership.

We’re looking for team players with a passion for gaming, a desire to excel, and a commitment to the group. Taking a moment to read and acknowledge the rules of the community is a good start toward demonstrating that you’re the type of individual we’re looking for.
