Intergalactic News Network / IGNN

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Scouting

IGNN now has an official outlet for news feeds HERE .

Big thanks to our new affiliate, The Convoy™, for making this possible!


Don’t forget to click JOIN US NOW above to subscribe!


05/21/2945 / = Written by Kaiel Ladoch – Editor-in-Chief // From Google Glass to Mobiglas

05/31/2944 – IGNN and The Convoy™ have teamed up to provide a news outlet. New reports will now be RSS news feeds posted on The Convoy™‘s main organization web site (note: this is an external site built and maintained by The Convoy™ leadership.)

05/29/2944 / = Submitted by Capt. Solbeamer K1.0 // A Blast From The Past: Instant communication between galaxies closer to reality…

05/12/2944 – IGNN was recently founded and is the first private intergalactic news organization to spread its wings throughout the UEE.


GO HERE and say hello in our organization thread!


Our main mission is to report news that matters most to the citizens.

GO HERE and say hello in our organization thread!


Subscribers: Click the Join Now button just under our banner to subscribe and receive news updates when we begin reporting the news!

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As a news organization, we will need reporters, writers, editors, and more to help us report the news as thorough and professional as possible. We will be hiring soon so keep checking back for information on how to apply.

GO HERE and say hello in our organization thread!