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Imperial Logistics and Operations Ltd. / ILOLTD

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Freelancing

We are an Imperial corporation based around profit – all career paths are welcome here.

  • Through passion, I gain strength!
  • Through strength, I gain power
  • Through power, I gain victory!
  • Through victory, my chains are broken!


History is for the weak – The Empire is strength!

There is no history before the formation of the empire as the empire is all!
Never question what happened before the formation of the glorious and majestic Empire.

We are History, we make History
Imperial Logistics & Operations Ltd. is the future!
We face our future together and united under our banner.

The fact you have visited here brings forth fear and doubt – now begone and don’t darken these shores again!


ILO Ltd.

Our Goal and Mission Statement:

Our mission is clear, focused, true and our Imperial right.
Our vision stands with one attainable goal, simply Galactic Imperial Rule.
From Stanton and beyond, our empire should reach forth into the void.
Influence and Power shall be attained with strength, faith and Obedience.

We will fund our operations with the might of all divisions of our Organisation.
Bounty Hunting, Mining, Salvage, Exploration and all paths are welcome and encouraged.

We will remain within the limits of the laws as the Empire dictates.
Ours is the true way, ours is the true faith.
Ours is to save the Galaxy and embrace all who live within.
No law, Governance or rule is above the absolution of the Empire.


Through my actions & deeds I pledge the following

  • Honor the Empire in my thoughts and actions.
  • Respect Seniority.
  • Never shirk from my duties.
  • Maintain impeccable standards of conduct and appearance.
  • Utilize Imperial resources responsibly.
  • Complete every mission without hesitation, ambiguity, or mercy.
  • Recognize that the Empire is greater than myself and be willing to die in its service.
  • Call out those who do not live up to the standards of the Naval Code.
  • Discord is not mandatory but it is preferred. However, we do run multi crews and missions as a group and discord is our preferred way to organise. If you would like to gain ranks and roles within our beloved Empire then it is required.
  • Join our Discord: