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Interstellar Corp. / ILSTC

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Trading


Interstellar Logistics Salvage and Trade Corporation

Interstellar Logistics Salvage and Trade Corporation was founded by a rag-tag group of ex-military convoy security and logistics specialists in the year 2100. Originally called Interstellar Logistics and Trade Corp. The company started out running supplies during the first terraforming attempt on Mars. ILSTC has provided logistic support to mankind’s colonization of distant worlds for nearly a millennia. ILSTC has been unable to comment publicly on many of its specific contributions due to its commitment to honoring non-disclosure agreements so many of the details are fuzzy. (Below you will find a report on the timeline of human space exploration.) Over the centuries ILSTC’s discretion has helped build a reputation as a trust worthy and reliable company capable of operating in the most remote and hostile areas of space.

The founders build ILSTC as an Equal Partnership Corp without a single employee in its ranks indentured or otherwise. ILSTC’s success has been attributed by many to it’s corporate structures unyielding insistence on having every party involved with a particular mission or endeavour also having a vested financial interest in its success.

In 2713 ILSTC started recruiting new partners to help expand the scope of its current operations and is now growing into one of the most profitable growing corporations in the universe. The ILSTC has recently developed Space Exploration ,Salvage and Intel Gathering branches. Recruits are filling its newly expanded rank structure and the fleet is expanding rapidly. CEOs at ILSTC have been looking for consultants to lend input in the formation of new departments. ILSTC has announced that it will soon be holding open shareholder meetings to help determine future course of action.


ISLTC Manifesto

Interstellar Logistics Salvage and Trade Corp. is driven to become one of the largest most productive corporations in the Universe. ILSTC is currently undergoing reorganization so much of the companies aim and direction are still in yet to be decided. Updated Corp. Manifesto will be released soon.


h2.Interstellar Logistics Salvage and Trade Corp.

Game play expectations for ILSTC members:
  1. Maintain a law abiding reputation in game. If it is Ok with the UEE it is ok with us.
  2. Members should not subvert ILSTC interest in game i.e. intel trading, theft from members, or any other types of “OO7 Troll maneuvers”.
  3. Be a good team player when going on missions with other Corp. members … try not to Leroy Jenkins often and please stay out of the fire…
Player conduct policy:
  1. Dont be a jerk (Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated… No means No)
Affiliation with other organizations:
  1. No concrete policy.
  2. Affiliation with blacklisted Organizations is prohibited.
  3. Link to ILSTC Org Blacklist:
Membership Requirements:
  1. 18 or older (without member sponsor)