• Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Resources

Welcome to your first step into The Immortal Empire. Feel free to educate yourself on our proud history and brutal undertaking. All person’s will adhere to all steps and procedures in order to gain citizenship. Your first step will be you stepping into our discord


With the further exploration of the Oretani system thanks to Micah Zahir, the UEE and the people as well as house pentorum started to settle within the system up until the collapse of the jump point. With the collapse of the jump point led to new oppurtunities between the houses realizing this house pentorum decided to make moves on the Mining opportunities that were speculated to also be more abundant on Oretani II leading to it being the primary planet that house pentorum and other houses tried to consume the most control over which led to infighting between houses for control. Terraforming plans for the planet were researched but before anything could be accomplished, the plans set out to destroy the jump point between house Ferron and house caldaris was executed leading to the complete disconnect of the system from the UEE. With this, the house pentorum ramped up mining operations to become self-sufficient on their own resources and improve themselves further than ever before. Now, that house pentorum is seen as a force to be reckoned with, a shadowy blip in space filled to the brim with killers, industrialists, and people seeking the thrills of all known and unknown space. With house pentorum wanting to end hostilities with the collapse of the jump point the leader of pentorum offered the other houses the option to form an empire within the system in order to rebuild a jump point and bring peace between the houses but house Ferron continued to rebel against what is now known as the immortal empire ruled by the house leader of pentorum who self elected himself as emperor. now ruling the empire as a whole and holding the only key to come and go through the remade jump point as pleased due to the limited resources it takes to run a jump point only the emperor and military fleets are allowed to come and go as pleased until completely fixed.


While the game is being developed we would like to build one of the most dedicated and organized groups in the
Star Citizen Universe. We will be able to accomplish much in the initial stages of Star Citizen’s release and carve out
our own piece of the Verse just for the Empire.

What We Are Looking For

We are looking for responsible players to contribute to all the professions that Star Citizen will offer. As the game
draws closer. We will fill Specialist and Officer positions with members who demonstrate motivation , knowledge and sensibility.

What We Offer

  1. Mutual respect to everyone, member or ally. We will work together with our friends and allies to create an
    enjoyable experience in the Star Citizen Universe.
  2. Being one of the largest structured organizations as well as working up to operating out of the biggest and best
    fan forums, StarCitizenBase.
  3. A unit system for like minded people or friends to create close knit coordination within our large organization and businesses.
  4. A unique Mission System that will be hosted on Discord for any member to use.

The Empire’s Mission

The Empire’s overall goal is to have fun in Star Citizen. However, this does not mean that we will not strive to
be one of the best. At launch, The Imperial plan is to acquire an area in (Classified) space to establish our operations and expand.

We will find a beneficial location that will allow us to have a prosperous economy in the game, enabling us access to
a variety of materials. This will work as a trickle down effect, explorers to find the minerals, miners to extract,
transports to move, and military to protect.

We will create a military force that strive to be second to none. While we may command large numbers. We won’t
be superior for that fact alone. A training program is in the works for specific ships, scenarios and professions in
Star Citizen that will adapt to changes in the verse.

Our fleet will be a home for any and all pilots that are all like minded and willing to contribute to the organization. An
additional aspect we will encourage is our Unit System. Units are not mandatory, but, encouraged for groups of
friends who share similar interests and the same play time.

We have already established a solid foundation from which to stand, now we need only you to continue building!

Apply Today!



The Imperial Charter outlines the highest set of laws/establishments for the imperial government. This Charter may only be changed by his Imperial Majesty; The Emperor. Violations to the Charter will be met with the same punishments for high treason.

A proper rule in a Galaxy of chaos.

* With the establishment of this new order, comes new social, Legal, and Military regulations to further advance the cause for peace and security for the Galaxy.

I. Imperial Majesty

*The Galaxy is to be under the absolute rule of an Emperor; with the elimination of the UEE and all other foreign aggresors, it is apparent that Democracy proved itself unworthy of protecting our very way of life and true interests: security and prosperity. There can be no galactic government that allows for such treachery to unfold; and thus, only with absolute rule can a safe and prosperous government survive. * The Imperial Majesty’s word is hereby Law; as with absolute power, comes a leader who’s word is to become rule. The Imperial Majesty has proved himself to be a undoubtful servant of the people’s true will, and his voice shall become theirs; as it always truly has been. * His Imperial Majesty must be addressed as such; an Imperial Majesty. Only those with specific permission from his highness can use any other titles regarding the Emperor. To respect this grand title, proper address will be made; and upheld.


* As it has become apparent, the Galaxy is in need of complete, absolute, security. We cannot sit idely as those who wish to destroy our grand civilization go without persecution. With such, a reform of governing must be completed.

Acts of this reform:

* Establishment of the title of Moff, to become Galactic System Governers * Galactic System Governors will be granted the authority to post garrisons and to assist Planetary Governors in their struggle for peace and security on their overseen planets. * This act grants the title of Moff superior command over all planetary Governor authority. * Establishment of the title of Grand Moff, to become Galactic Sector Governors. * This act grants the title of Grand Moff superior command over all Galactic System Governors, and planetary Governors

Planetary Governors will of course be allowed to maintain their respective representative rule over their planets. However for those planetsthat are seen as rebellious, Moffs and Grand Moffs must be allowed to assist the Governors with Imperial military might, for the security of the order, and for peace and justice to maintain in the galaxy.


* This act makes it clear that our former democratic purpose has not fallen, and even though this new order may take much needed steps, and precautionary measures; regarding the powers of the Senate and it’s respective legislation, let it be known that the Representative government may continue as it once was. * Senators withold their ability to propose and vote on and for Law for their respective home star systems. * Senators may propose, vote for, and against, Bills, Decrees. * Must put each proposed document on the For and Against tabs of the Senate Floor. Each document must be presented in Card form, and can be no less than the set restrictive word counts.

Senators may propose the following

* Bill: Regards Law of the respective Senator’s represented planet. * Reform: Snippets of law that can be used to add to formerly proposed Bills. You may only propose Reforms to follow suit with. * Decree: Decrees are Galaxy-Wide mandates that require all Citizenry of the Immortal Empire to follow suit with.\ * Impeachment: Impeachment of anyone within the Imperial Court. * Amendment: Snippets of a law that can be used to add to formerly proposed Decrees or Imperial Decrees. You may only propose Amendments for established Decrees or Imperial Decrees in the case of imperial Decrees, they must be Accepted/Approved through the Emperor. * Repeal: Can be proposed by anyone on the senate board, they are motions which aim to remove or repeal legislation. This includes Decrees, Bills, Amendments, Reforms and any other legislation mentioned under Section III or VI of the Imperial Charter Repeals, when passed, will result in the mentioned legislation being archived. It will cease to be enforced Repeals cannot edit a law, or introduce a new law, but they can only remove a law. Repeals cannot remove multiple laws at once unless a law is removed which has amendments or reforms. In which case, all sub-legislation (amendments/reforms) will be archived. Repeals must hold the links of all affected legislation Repeals can only be passed under the ruled by which the legislation it is removing is passed.

[REDACTED BY EMPEROR] – All of the above Legislation types must have a due date of one week at least.]

* Announcement: Announcements can be made on the announcements tab by and Senatorial representative. They must be at least 30 words each. All announcements must be washed/cycled from the Announcements tab. * No legislation may be passed in periods of Recess.


In order for a Galactic body to be completely prosperous, Justice must be maintained. The Galactic Court of Justice must be reformed to more suitably fit the role of a New Era.

* A supreme court is established. With the following roles: * Establishes the role of Chief Justice. Chief justices will hereby be granted the authority to head the court, and are granted the power to make immediate and final decisions for law cases/disputes. There may only be one single Chief Justice. * Establishes the role of justice. Justices are presented/appointed cases by the Chief Justice, and are required to come to a verdict after a trial. Trials must have a Verdict, Defendant, and Accuser. All trials must be recorded, and any trial that is not recorded, is not considered legitimate. * Both the justices and Chief Justice are to be addressed as your Honor in court. Failure to address the figures in these roles as such and the trial may be dismissed by the Justice/Chief. * Justices and the Chief Justice reserve the power to issue subpoena’s, which must be delivered by Planetary Law enforcement. In the case of a lack of local planetary law enforcement, Imperial Intellegence will recieve the task. * Failure to attend a court session when issued a subpoena within 3 days will result in a fine set by the Justice/Chief justice whom issued. Failure to pay this fine in a 3 day period will result in imprisonment/automatic sentencing. * The Supreme Court reserves the authority to revive/confiscate planetary legal cases. Supreme Court decisions on these cases however cannot be undone.


The new order will stand as an order of peace, those who defy the Imperial mandate must be prosecuted. As such, there must be a focus on capturing dissidants, and making examples of them. Furthermore, the following standards must be put into affect.

* The Imperial soldier must be recruited and/or conscripted from the common populace. The old reliance on UEE will no longer be tolerated. In this new order, the common citizen will be granted the honor of fighting for his Government, his Empire. * Training of the new Imperial soldier will be standardized, as per a newly created training mandate.


* Imperial decrees override all ruling, such decrees can be proposed by anyone on the senate board, but only accepted/approved through the Emperor. Imperial Decrees may regard anything related to the prosperity of the Empire. * Charter Amendments can be made by anyone included to the Senate board. Such Amendments can only be approved by the Emperor. * Both Imperial Decrees and Charter Amendments are to be proposed on the for and against tabs of the imperial senate board. * Only the Emperor, Senators, Governors, the imperial ruling council, Moffs, Grand Moffs, and representatives may be added to the imperial senate board. * Both Amendments and Decrees may be voted on by anyone on the senate board.