Imperial Steel / IMPERSTEEL

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Transport
  • Resources

Imperial Steel is a casual roleplaying corporation. We believe that your personal character is what defines you (not just the character on the screen!). Having fun in a organized roleplaying fashion is our goal. Imperial Steel will be touching on all aspects of Star Citizen.


Over the centuries Imperial Steel’s prime directive has remained to help those in need, defend the weak, support those rulers who proved worthy of their thrones, and to topple those that did not have the good of the people at heart.

It is said that the Imperial Steel Brand can be traced all the way back to the Ancient Roman Empire of Earth. Suffering overtaxation and all-too-frequent special concessions for Nero’s armies, a local blacksmith named Advian Obscura grew tired of the corrupt emperor’s heavy-handed opression. Obscura began secretly reaching out to other metalworkers and slowly convinced them to form a collective that could break the Emperors iron grip on their trade.

This secret society of blacksmiths found that by working together they could better control the flow of crafting materials, and by extension, their prices. Soon this collective began to solidify under one banner, taking on the name of The Imperial Steel. Advian Obscura, considered by many as the father of the organization, was elected by majority vote to lead Imperial Steel to break the emperor’s hold on the economy. Nero Claudius, however, was not one to be told how to run his own empire. He ordered two legions of loyal praetorians to enter Rome and do away with any Blacksmith that held the seal of Imperial Steel. The attack began as night fell and the overzealous praetorians set many of the blacksmiths’ workshops ablaze.

The unfortunate side effect of this attempted culling was that by igniting the blacksmiths reserves of forge fuel, the flames grew quickly beyond control. Soon all of Rome was ablaze, a great fire spreading to consume most of the city. In the confusion Advian Obscura lead many survivors and their families out of Rome to safety. As a token of their appreciation, many of the survivors swore fealty to Advian Obscura and swore to follow him where he may lead. That road took them northward to the relative safety of Gaul and the Germanic tribes. Once there he offered his services to the many tribes, eventually convincing them that Imperial Steel was not a threat – they would in fact be crucial in defending their new home from further invasions from Rome.

In honor of Advian Obscura it was decided that his last name be used as the name of the ruling family of Imperial Steel, though it has been modernized to the common tongue as Dark. While the Dark name may be hereditary, one does not need to be born a successor to a current member and may instead earn their adoption by their own deeds. Each member of the Dark Family has two names, one known to the world as the earned name while the other is only spoken within Imperial Steel. The earned name is always attached to the name of Dark. (Darkforge, Darkhearth, etc.)

The current Imperius (and acting CEO) of Imperial Steel is Danith Darklight, who has just recently received the position of Imperius from his father Daoth Darkforge with the blessing of the Council and members of Imperial Steel. It is rumored that Danith Darklight’s younger brother, Drakeen Darkfire, was not pleased with this appointment, leaving the Imperial Steel Head Quarters on Earth in a rage. He has not been seen since. We shall see what the future will hold for Imperial Steel…


The Imperial Steel Declaration

Original declaration to Emperor Nero from Advian Obscura and the blacksmiths of Rome 64 A.D.:

We, the servants of Vulcan, hereby declare to this state of Rome, the Senate, and the Emperor, that we form this Union of Steel within the Empire, together bonded by our common craft and trade. We, who have suffered under the taxation and laws of this land do declare now and forever our intention to right those wrongs set forth by those who claim power over the populace general. We hereby shall strive to create fair and equitable trade and to produce goods to serve for the betterment of humankind. We shall unite together to face the injustice of this and any future government; to labor in the shadows such that the common folk may live in the light. We set forth these sentiments for the benefit of all who tread the path of righteousness, speaking words of truth. We take for ourselves the Roman Eagle and set it aflame with the fires of our trade and passion, that, united in the commitment to honor and the rights of all, this shall stand as our emblem so that all who gaze upon it may know us by our deeds.

Current Mission Statement of Imperial Steel

Our mission is to assist all well-meaning sentient species in expansion, exploration and trade; To offer the finest goods, transportation and trade services; To strive to assist in the betterment of life and liberty through commerce, trade and defense; To hold those that govern accountable to the power that has been entrusted to them by consent of the governed; and to act whenever necessary to insure that those that rule remain ever-mindful of the needs of the people.



A certain degree of etiquette and proper behavior are required among all members of Imperial Steel to promote respect and courtesy among both Imperial Steel members and to protect the guild’s image among the gaming community in general. We look to create a fun and vibrant environment here at Imperial Steel while still adhering to the corporation’s ideals and ethics.

What you say and do can be easily misinterpreted in any online format so it is very important that our members maintain proper mature conduct between Imperial Steel members, alliance members, and the general
gaming community.

Misconduct and inappropriate behavior of any individal has the potential to reflect negatively on Imperial Steel as a whole. Therefore, proper and courteous conduct among all members of Imperial Steel is vital; grievous misconduct will result in a Council Inquiry which could then lead to disciplinary action – potentially including termination of your contract and your removal from Imperial Steel.

Age requirement/consent

Imperial Steel does not have an age requirement. It is the responsibility of the Parent/Guardian of any member under the age of 18 (Or the legal age of consent in their area) to adhere to both the Star Citizen Terms of Use and any relevant laws in their area. It is therefore understood that if a member is playing Star Citizen, they have already obtained permission to play the game from their parent/guardian and understand the recommended age requirement. Imperial Steel will not be held accountable/responsible for underage members that hear or learn of perceived inappropriate language, customs or ideals.


Cursing is permitted in moderation in Imperial Steel but excessive foul/harmful language will not be tolerated. As with all things, moderation is a virtue and those who abuse their freedom of speech will be warned before more serious punishments are considered.

Improper etiquette only brings a negative and hostile atmosphere to Imperial Steel’s environment and should be avoided. Cursing should never be seen on any community or global chat. Furthermore, many of our older members may have children nearby or watching. We recommend you keep it PG 13 in a group setting, although your judgement should be your guide in private.

Foul Play

Members who actively perform activities for the sole purpose of ruining a person’s gaming fun will be issued a warning and a Council Inquiry will follow. Activities such as (but not exclusive to) intentionally kiting dangerous NPCs with the goal of causing them to attack unaware players, teleporting someone to a hazardous zone under false pretenses, camping a spawning area in PvP, and cheating in any form have no role in Imperial Steel. This is non-negotiable, as this type of schadenfreude only brings a negative impact to the hard work we all put forth to benefit Imperial Steel.

Stalking/ Harassment & Misconduct

Members who engage in any harassment behavior of any kind, sexual in nature or not will result in a Council inquiry which could lead to disciplinary action – possibly including termination of your contract with Imperial Steel.

Reverse harassment will also not be tolerated. (E.g. accusing some one of harassing you that did not actually commit the action.) In any situation where a member feels they are being harassed, it is the responsibility of the member to first politely ask that the person who is making him/her uncomfortable cease the offensive behavior. If that person refuses to desist then that person may be considered harassing him/her and it is the member’s responsibility to take the matter up with a officer immediately. Imperial Steel has no room for any predators or stalkers of any nature. All matters of harassment will be privately discussed and swiftly resolved within Imperial Steel.

Guild Admission

Joining Imperial Steel is a straightforward process. We do not have a requirement of in-game property or status. If accepted into Imperial Steel you will have at will employment – meaning that you may terminate your contract with Imperial Steel for any reason and that Imperial Steel may terminate your contract for any reason.

You should write a one paragraph reason why you would like to join Imperial Steel and what aspect within the corporation you would like to fulfill. In your application you should include that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by the terms of this Imperial Dictorum. Agreeing to join Imperial Steel will be considered your approval and signature of your consent to follow the Imperial Dictorum.


When you enroll as a member of Imperial Steel, there is a process of evaluation. Your recruitment officer will be observing your actions and interactions with both Imperial Steel members and nonmember players for a period of two weeks. In this time you will hold the rank of Potential. This period is designed to determine if you are a good fit for Imperial Steel and that Imperial Steel is a good fit for you. During the two week period you should be active in Imperial Steel and interact with your fellow employees. After the two week period the recruitment officer will make a decision on your admittance into Imperial Steel.

Character Archetype

Imperial Steel is a light roleplaying organization. While we do maintain a story and our characters are the actors/actresses in that story, you are not required to stay in character at all times. If we are “Onstage” then you are expected to act in a manner that is not distracting to the roleplaying experience of others, even if your character does not play an active part at that time. When we are casually gathered “Offstage” then role play is encouraged, but not required. Please develop a personality and role for your character, and if you are going to change significant details of that character’s way of life we encourage you to come up with an interesting story plot. (You have a pirate character that wants to become a legitimate trader, etc.) Roleplaying decisions that would cause your character to develop an antagonistic relationship with another guildmember’s character are not explicitly forbidden, but should be discussed beforehand and agreed upon by any involved parties in order to avoid causing hard feelings between the players themselves. It is important to remember that the point of roleplaying is that everyone enjoys themselves.

Time Zone

Imperial Steel will be open to all players from all time Zones. Imperial Steel is structured in such a way as to ideally have officers available at all times. The current Imperius of Imperial Steel lives and usually plays in the Eastern US Time Zone.


In any profession or organization, getting along with others with is vital to effective teamwork and happiness. As a member of Imperial Steel, you should expect to be exposed to a wide range of personalities. Some will be militaristic; some perpetually cheerful; bossy, sarcastic or frequently quiet. Imperial Steel however does not tolerate ‘drama queens’ or ‘griefers’. Antagonization of players (as opposed to their in-game personas) is taken very seriously as it has the potential to destroy an organization from within easily and in a short period of time. Those who demonstrate that they do not posess the requisite attention span to participate as a functional part of our organization will be removed. You are part of a corporate family and a certain degree of participation is required.

Game Style

There are many reasons why a person plays a MMOPRG. There is a wide range of playstyles – from hardcore gamers to social butterflies. Imperial Steel strives to have as large a variety of personalities as is possible. Technical gamers will enhance our corporation with knowledge of the game’s mechanics and strategies; information on missions, items and techniques. Social players are also important. They improve morale; providing laughter, conversation and comeraderie in playing this game. The pure roleplaying members can add creativity and uniqueness to Imperial Steel as well.

With these criteria in mind, remember that in the end that everyone is unique; the most important rule is to find those you can get along with and have a fun time.


Alliances will naturally present themselves to Imperial Steel over time. Careful decision making and interactions with these other organizations are important. There are many schools of thoughts to alliances. However, our definition of an ally is a friend – someone who plays and enjoys the game much like yourself and members of Imperial Steel; someone with whom you enjoy conversing, interacting and associating; those who have the same standards, rules of conduct, and expectations as those in Imperial Steel. There will be players to whom an invitation to Imperial Steel is extended that decline out of dedication and obligations to their own organization. These are our allies.

There are many organizations that are part of a coalition and others that boast of many allies. However, many of them don’t play together, stand up for one other, or even take time to meet one another. By our definition of the word, that alliance is meaningless.

Alliances should not be something taken lightly. It must be of mutual benefit to both parties, under the assumption that neither party is willing to exploit or cause harm to the other.

Enemies (Fictitious and real)

Due to Imperial Steel’s status as a light roleplaying organization, there will be opportunities for us to enter into arrangements with other groups that agree to be our enemies for the purpose of having fun, entertwining stories, preparing events and challenging us as roleplayers. However, it may come to pass that there exist in the game groups that actually wish to do us harm and ruin our reputation. Imperial Steel will work with those that want to help create a fun roleplay enemy for us but we will actively hunt any that wish us real harm. Any attacks on Imperial Steel members by players should be reported immediately to your officer in charge.

In Closing

We at Imperial Steel strive to create a fun and organized experience in the Star Citizen universe. Always remember that it is the fun and enjoyment of the people with which you play the game that is the true experience. We hope to have many hours of enjoyment and fun with you.

Live by the Steel, die by the Steel

See you in the ‘verse!