Imperial Star Fleet / IMPSF

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Exploration

Imperial Star Fleet Official

The Imperial Star Fleet’s mission is to deliver security, safety, industrial support, scientific research and deep space exploration.


The Imperial Star Fleet was formed in Nov 24 by a team of like minded and experienced MilSim individuals. This group of players set out to create a MilSim Org that delivers high professionalism and results within a high teamwork driven community. Using experience both in-game and in real life to facilitate high levels of training to enable members to perform at the highest level and delivery security and safety to Star Citizen.

Our Ethos

“Security, Professionalism, Determination and Success”




“The Imperial Star Fleet is to provide security to planets, systems and individuals in need of protection in order to aid development and progression towards a set objective.”


“The Imperial Star Fleet is to provide continuous deep space patrols in order to deter piracy within deep space”

“Military Organisation”

“The Imperial Star Fleet is first and foremost a MilSim community, we use a structure as well as organise what is required in order to best achieve our mission”

“Direct Action”

“The Imperial Star Fleet will provide Space and Planet Side Direct action in order to protect and aid players in need of assistance”

“Future Intent”

“The Imperial Star Fleet will create a self sustaining Org with regular operational planning, patrols, base creation, industrial progress and community protection”

“Community Support”

“The Imperial Star Fleet will provide direct support and knowledge to members of the Star Citizen community when required”


Imperial Star Fleet Rules of Conduct

Section 1.0 – Rules

  1. Racism or Bullying has a Zero Policy. Any members found guilty of any such act will be removed from the ISF immediately without future return.
  2. All members are to act in a professional manner and conduct themselves to a high standard. If any member is found to have brought disrepute or a negative representation to the ISF, disciplinary action will be taken.
  3. Members are expected to abide by the MilSim rules of following instructions, working as a team, efficient communication and respecting all members.
  4. Rank structure dictates that rank is to be followed, however no member is abuse his or her position.
  5. Age Minimum: 18+
  6. Microphone Required

Section 1.1 – Summary

All members are to abide by these rules at all times, if members are found to have committed any such rule breaking will have a form of disciplinary action that equals the rule broken. HQ will determine what action is to be taken, and the next processes in order to ensure these issues do not happen in the future.