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BlackRock Enterprises / INCORP

  • Organization
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  • Trading
  • Resources


Blackrock Enterprises

The central company was founded in the later 21st century to serve the growing demand on armaments and new weapon technology. In the following years the company has grown and expanded into new technology branches, like manned astronautics and related technology.

With the years, Blackrock Enterprise gained influence on the global and later the interstellar commerce and so the interest of competitors. After several attacks on the transport convoys by several competitors the CEOs decided to found a security department to secure the trading routes on earth and in space.

With the further expansion of the trading routes into undiscovered space, the security department continues to grow, even after Blackrock Enterprise bought his main competitor to form Blackrock Enterprises.

The security department was outsourced into Blackrock Security with the beginning of the Tevarian war in 2541, after the discovery of the Elysium system.

Today Blackrock Enterprises is a large bound of international operating and cooperating companies, with several sub divisions:
  1. Blackrock Security
  2. Blackrock Resources and Exploring
  3. Blackrock Logistics
  4. Blackrock Freelancing


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


§1 Preamble

a) To join Blackrock Enterprises you must be 18 years old.
b) Every employee has a 4 (four) week trial period.
c) You have to follow the directives and respect the CEO.
d) Violations of this directive draw consequences.

§2 Contracts

a) As an employee you are allowed, to sign contracts in a limited value.
b) Show respect to the contractor.
c) Do not break contracts you made, or disturb other employees, fulfilling their contracts.
d) Don’t sign contracts, you know, you can’t fulfill, or when you are unsure.

§3 Alliances

a) Alliances are signed by our officers or CEO
b) Every ally enjoys our protection and may not be shot employees of the corporation
c) Don’t perform actions, that lead to a break with one of our ally, including “§2 Contracts

§4 Use of weapons (Non-Security)

Primary our weapons are to defend our lives, our ships and our cargo.
The exception is our Security division. This paragraph is valid to everyone who is not on a security mission.

a) You may use your guns only for self defense
b) Self defense defines as followed:

Self defense is the case, when someone is a risk to your life, the life of your crew members, your ship, or your cargo (lowering priority).
In this case, you are allowed to shoot back, or even open the fire, when you can hold the opponent of you.

c) Self defense gives you the right, to harm your opponent, make him unable to move / maneuver or even kill / destroy him / his ship.
d) In case you made use of self defense, report the case to the office of human resources immediately, provide as many details as possible, so we can assist you, in case of legal problems or react to diplomatic issues.

§5 Security missions

a) The members of the security fleet are allowed to use their weapons to secure every ship in the convoy.
b) The commander during this mission has the duty, to identify every ship, that passes the convoy and log it.
c) Ships that block our scanners, and refuse to answer our calls are set to hostile. Make them change their course, or open the fire.