Minute Men / INNEX

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Social


We are a lawful multifaceted PvP/PvE content and gameplay generating Organization supported by a caste of leadership committed to enriching the star citizen experience and bringing players from the community together for lucrative and engaging content. With the combined efforts of our many branches we cover a vast array of gameplay loops including mining, trade, combat, and exploration among many others. Cooperation and cohesion is the center of our community, where we maintain respect for one another and a focus toward our objectives while not sacrificing the lighter elements of role-play and humor.

We operate with a straight forward multi-tiered command structure composed of a high council, commanders, and captains as well as regularly appointed temporary leadership roles among day to day multicrew and squad operations. This allows for an even distribution of responsibilities and smoother flow of communication. Our events and group activities are all managed by a contract and announcement system available within the orgs discord which is updated frequently to accommodate new and regular members and allies.

We work to make our events and ops timely for everyone whenever possible and have an extensive leadership community that play daily with our members in small or large parties. Allies and affiliates are welcomed as freelancers, free to become a part of the community and attend events/ops without the commitment of joining the org, making us function more as a nation, with both Minute Men and freelancers working together to form its backbone.

Our ranks are constantly growing with new, active, like-minded individuals and we are always open and welcoming to new players and ideas which can contribute to our ever expanding empire.

Minute Men, More by the Minute!




Intergalactic Nexus Charter

This Charter, as set forth by the Nexus High Council and the founders of this organization, defines the rules, regulations, and codes of conduct to be upheld across all communities within the Intergalactic Nexus.


Article I. The Nexus shall first and foremost be dedicated to providing a fun, peaceful, informative, accepting, and safe environment across the verse for all enlisted members and their allies to grow, cultivate relationships, find crews, accumulate new skills, expand their knowledge, enrich their experiences, and prosper financially.

Article II. Each enlisted member within the community must swear an oath to consider each other as brothers and/or sisters in arms and are to treat each other with equal allegiance and loyalty. 

Article III. The Nexus will be managed by a consulate of officials (The High Council) as elected by enlisted members of the community. These High Council members shall oversee the management and development of the organization as a whole, provide leadership and mentorship where needed, and guide the community toward its overall missions/goals.

Article IV. All enlisted members shall conduct themselves in a honorable, respectful, and professional manner when interacting with members of the Star Citizen community. This rings especially true for those in leadership, representative, and military roles.  

Article V. No mercy will be offered to those who would seek to disrupt or destroy those under the protection of the Intergalactic Nexus. Hostile actions from other groups, entities, or organizations will not be tolerated under any circumstances. No quarter will be given. No compromises will be negotiated. 

Code of Conduct & Punishment:

The following regulations have been instated and ratified by the founders of the Intergalactic Nexus and the High Council to ensure all activities and interactions remain fair, respectful, and accommodating amongst the whole of the community. Any enlisted member or affiliate may be subject to dismissal or suspension based upon infractions committed.

Infractions are classified as outlined below:

I. Minor Infractions – In the event that a minor infraction has been committed by a member or affiliate and there is sufficient supporting evidence of the infraction, the member will be given a verbal/documented warning from an officer or representative from the High Council. If three (3) minor infractions are committed within a 30-day period, the offender will undergo a compatibility review and, pending the results, may be suspended or dismissed from the organization. If at the end of this period no infractions are committed, the earliest infraction will be removed from that member/affiliates record.

List of Minor Infractions:


II. Major Infractions – In the event that a major infraction has been committed by a member and there is sufficient supporting evidence of the infraction, the aforementioned member will be removed from the mercenary unit and banned from accessing the resources of the unit.

List of Major Infractions:


These are the rules, regulation, and code as determined by the Founders of the Intergalactic Nexus and the High Council, on the signing of this Charter. All who are enlisted members must abide by these rules or find themselves punished as set aside by the rules.




Title —————————————————————————————————————-Paragraphs

General Information…………………………………………………..1-6
Guiding Principles …………………………………………………….7-10
Vetting and Training of Members……………………………. 11-15
Behavioral Standards and Practices………………………16-21
Efficiency Practices…………………………………………………22-24
Hostile Engagement Rules and Procedures…………….25-29
Laws of War……………………………………………………………..30-36
Relations with Others in the Field of Operations …………37-39
Uniform Policies……………………………………………………..40-42


General Information

1. As the verse grows both in scale and in population, so too do the dangers of the unknown and threats from hostile forces. The need for structured communities that offer safety, knowledge, and prosperity in an increasingly unforgiving and complicated universe grows every day. The Intergalactic Nexus strives to fill this need by providing a space for citizens to expand their knowledge and wealth safely. 

 2. Unlike many conventional organizations, the Intergalactic Nexus conducts itself more like a nation of freelancers than a company or force. The Nexus endeavors to create a dynamically functioning society, offering an array of roles and professions to fit a wide variety of preferences and needs. Each member and ally will be presented with opportunities to work with each other in mutually beneficial ways as they help to strengthen and expand the Nexus as a whole.

3. Instead of prioritizing exclusivity, rank, or status, the Nexus recognizes every member of the star citizen community as valuable assets and welcomes all with equal opportunity to participate, contribute, and benefit. Each individual’s level of commitment is categorized into a set of roles to help accommodate them and find an ideal place in the community that best fits their preferences and level of commitment;
• Member – Individuals who are directly enlisted to the Intergalactic Nexus as their primary or affiliated organization and have been sworn in by the High Council.
• Freelancer – Individuals associated with other organizations or are independent contractors with moderate to casual interest in participation/involvement with the Nexus and it’s operations.
• Mercenary – Individuals or groups associated with other organizations or who work independently that have established provisional or temporary contracts with members or representatives of the Nexus.
• Alliance – Groups or organizations who have established an acting or longstanding partnership with the Nexus as officiated by the High Council and/or respective representatives.

4. The goals and missions of the Intergalactic Nexus align with justice as well as the propagation of peace, safety, and the fair exchange of goods/services. The protection and defense of those ideals is to be upheld with zealous dedication by its enlisted members and leaders. 

5. This document may be adjusted in response to any changes deemed necessary by the Nexus High Council and as required by UEE law.

6. The Nexus Codex functions as an introductory guide to this organization and will cover the following areas:
• Guiding principles
• Vetting and training of members
• Behavioral standards and practices
• Efficiency practices
• Hostile engagement rules and procedures
• Laws of War
• Relations with others in the Area of Operations
• Uniform Policies

Guiding Principles

7. The Intergalactic Nexus is a lawful, multifaceted organization that will only engage in legitimate and/or legal missions, practices, assignments, and/or engagements which adhere to standards set forth by UEE Law. Negotiation, association, and/or collusion with unlawful entities or groups is prohibited across all Nexus communities. 

8. The sovereignty, rights, and laws of any registered planet within UEE jurisdiction and beyond will be respected by all enlisted members. Any assignment or conspiracy that seeks to destabilize a non-aggressive civilization, government, or community will not be accepted or entertained.

9. The Intergalactic Nexus does not condone, nor will it ever become involved in, the violation of human rights as embodied within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UEE Convention of Human Rights.

10. Any members or affiliates of the Intergalactic Nexus are encouraged to report in full on any incident in which they are involved, or which they witness that might involve an unlawful act or person(s). These accounts will be investigated fully as well as any report or complaints from third parties to the extent that the operational environment permits.

Vetting and Training of Members

11. All enlisted members must undergo a thorough application and acceptance process as to be administered by the High Council and/or it’s representatives.  

12. Intelligence operatives representing the Nexus will perform a background check of each eligible individual for security and placement purposes. This application process may include:
• A Study of previous organizational membership and cross-referencing
• Asking for and taking up references
• Cataloguing of professional records, certificates, and commendations
• General compatibility review
• Verbal consultation

13. Once selected for enrollment, each individual will be asked to:
• Provide up to date UEE criminal records
• Submit to a medical assessment from on site physicians
• Submit to a basic combat readiness and fitness test
• Undergo a psychological and mental wellness evaluation

14. Once accepted and enlisted into the Nexus, members will then undergo an induction procedure. This will be followed by the presentation of roles and professions to be selected and/or assigned. From here, members will obtain access to career development training. Periodic specialist training will also become available. 

15. The available training courses serve to ensure professional competence, increase operational efficiency, develop the skills necessary to prosper in the community as well as the verse as a whole, and help to properly place an individual in their preferred field or profession. 

Behavioral Standards and Practices

16. The general behavioral expectation of any enlisted member is that of a paragon. This is to align with the overall image projected by the Nexus and stands as a representation of its fundamentals as a society. 

17. These standards are set with the requirement to always comply with relevant UEE laws.

18. To be practiced during official interactions with other citizens of the verse, groups, organizations, or otherwise by leadership and/or representatives, these standards include:  
• Professional and technical competence
• Restraint and maturity
• Honesty and integrity 
• Compassion, respect and dignity
• Discretion and confidentiality, including during negotiations or alliances with clients, groups, or other organizations
• Full understanding of requirements and constraints of their current assignment
• Pride and conviction in ones self and their community
• A strong sense of comradery among allies
• Vigilant and uncompromisingly protective
• Stalwart and eager for valor and justice in the face of adversity
• Regal and noble when assuming leading positions during official operations 

19. Ensuring these standards are met is a task of the High Council and Nexus representatives at all levels of leadership. 

20. Incentives and commendation procedures exists to encourage the propagation of these standards and behaviors as to be presented during regularly hosted recognition ceremonies.

21. Detailed training will be made available to all members to ensure the understanding of the standards expected and when they are appropriate/required.

Efficiency Practices

22. Ensuring optimal efficiency during any project or assignment is fundamental to Nexus operations. All members are encouraged to conform to a set of designated practices and procedures as dictated by their current mission and/or mission leaders. 

23. A list of these practices will be made available as is assigned to their respective roles/professions, during the preparation phase of any given operation, and/or upon request from authorized individuals. 

24. Opportunities to comment on, and participate in, the process to continually improve perceived and actual operational performance will be regularly presented by designated quality assurance officers as part of the Nexus Efficiency Management Program (NexEMP).

Hostile Engagement Rules and Procedures

25. Although Intergalactic Nexus operations are meant to propagate peace, participants may often take on assignments or contracts in politically unstable environments, or incur threats from violent groups/entities. These risks necessitate the carriage of firearms and basic combat training. Enlisted members and personnel are armed for personal protection and/or the protection of those in their care.

26. All weapons are carried under the appropriate authority pertaining to the area of operations and associated assignments. Weapons may be provided or assigned to authorized members and/or personnel by on site leadership upon request. All weapons, ammunition, and ordinance are to be procured legally and transported/stored in a secure manner. 

27. When initiating an engagement with a potential threat that is not immediate during Nexus operations, armed personnel must perform a set of standard procedures as outlined in the Intergalactic Nexus Laws of Hostile Engagement(LHE
LHE procedures, in order, are as follows:
• Obtaining positive identification
• Assessing threat level based on current circumstances
• Attempting communications in order to issue proximity warnings and determine intent
• Establishing weapons lock

28. While carrying out an assignment, armed personnel are permitted to respond to immediate confirmed hostilities with minimum force. This consists of deploying defensive measures up to and including incapacitating, disabling, and/or disarming the threat.  

29. Where armed personnel resort to the use of force, and regardless of whether this results in injury or death, on site leadership will make a full report on the incident in accordance with established reporting and review procedures.

Laws of War 

30. In any given combative engagement carried out during Nexus operations, all associated personnel are required to adhere to the Intergalactic Nexus Laws of War(LOW). 

31. These are directives issued by the High Council and Nexus military authorities that delineate the circumstances and limitations under which armed personnel may initiate or continue combat engagement with other forces encountered. 

32. These directives may take the form of execute orders directly from the High Council, deployment orders from Nexus military leaders, or memorandum of agreement from on site forces. 

33. LOW always recognize a citizens inherent right of self-defense. 

34. These rules vary between operations and may change during an operation as deemed necessary by on site leadership, and will generally be based on those adopted by UEE Forces. Adherence to them ensures all armed personnel act consistently with UEE law, Armed Conflict Law, and Nexus military regulations. 

35.The following outlines the LOW as was established and ratified by the founders of the Intergalactic Nexus:
• Fight only enemy combatants
• do not kill enemies who surrender and disarm
• do not kill or torture any personnel in custody
• destroy no more than the mission requires
• treat civilians humanely
• do their best to prevent violations of the laws of war.
• report all violations of the laws of war to their superior

36. All enlisted members and allies carrying out Nexus assignments will be extensively briefed on the LHE, LOW, and the principles of minimum force. Continuous training takes place in theatre with an emphasis on safety, accuracy and restraint.

Relations with others in the Area of Operations.

37. The Nexus promotes constructive engagement and cooperation with other individuals, groups, and/or organizations operating in the same area of an ongoing Nexus operation. Assignments and undertakings will not hinder the galactic community in humanitarian efforts and will offer assistance where/when possible.

38. Members are encouraged to engage in constructive communication and cooperation with the governing authority and their security forces in the area of operation, and with any other official security forces working in that environment. 

39. Nexus personnel respect the culture, religion and ethnic customs, dignity and rights of the communities and regions in which they work, be they human or otherwise. They will to the best of their ability and wherever possible, rigorously oppose violation of these rights.

Uniform Policies

40. For those who have officially enlisted and/or wish to represent the Intergalactic Nexus, the High Council has designated a few easily acquirable armor sets to be standardized as general uniforms during Nexus operations. We’ve selected sets to accommodate light, medium, and heavy armor preferences. The centerpiece of the uniform is the Morningstar Helmet which has represented the community since it’s founding.

41. Personnel who lead and/or participate in contracts and general operations are encouraged to wear their uniforms while carrying out their assignments or until completing the aforementioned activities. This is especially true while operating with clients, allies, or the general public. Members who notably and regularly wear these uniforms will be recognized and are eligible to receive intensives such as commendations and bonus compensation.

42. A supply of uniforms may be provided to authorized personnel upon request from on site leadership during Nexus operations, or from the Nexus Treasury as deemed necessary.