InterSun Aerospace / INSUN

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Resources
  • Exploration









InterSun Aerospace was created by adults, for adults. We want an org that fully and truly understands and supports that real life (RL) commitments (e.g. study, job, wife, family, sports, etc) must be the first priority before gaming goals. We also want a mature environment that is fun and friendly, but also free of trolling, flaming and bullying.


The people backing InterSun Aerospace have had extensive experience running thriving and active game communities in other games. We have proven experience and know-how when it comes to guiding and building a fun and successful game community. We cut our teeth running gaming groups in other sci fi MMOGs and now we’re primed and ready to meet the challenges of Star Citizen with great enthusiasm.

We are applying that know-how to SC and INSUN is 100% committed to Star Citizen.

Our history in other sci fi MMOGs demonstrates that our primary concerns are to ensure that all members:
  • have fun
  • can enjoy a wide variety of what’s available ingame
  • treat each other with respect and courtesy
  • are genuinely able to put RL commitments before gaming goals

Whatever we’ve played, we’ve always recognized that we’re a GAMING group and the experience should be fun. We promote a culture without bullying, discrimination, angst or rage-fueled outbursts.

We have a reputation for organized teamwork. We actively encourage and pull each other up to reach our individual and collective goals. We don’t seek to gain at the expense of members. In fact, we encourage all members (through information and opportunity) to grow rich ingame.

We have operated our own voicecomm servers and forums separate from any offered by game developers, and we have our own forums and TS3 server for Star Citizen.

History shows that we have a winning formula and a truly outstanding group culture that is especially appreciated by mature people of all ages and genders.


  • RL First = real life (by necessity) before gaming
  • INSUN Next = if online, INSUN teamwork is encouraged
  • Max Variety = maximum variety of ingame lawful activities
  • No Piracy = no acts that attract a negative response from the UEE Navy or Police
  • Tight Security = counter-espionage & anti-theft measures apply in org
  • No Scamming = no defrauding other players
  • Maturity & Respect = at all times act with adult courtesy & do not disrespect others
  • Comm Silence = greet enemies with weapons fire & don’t chat or smack-talk to them

With these proven values guiding us, we intend to carve a bold new history in Star Citizen!


Our easy 3 step application process:
> Click Here <

Please also see our:
> Recruitment Thread <

INSUN Corp Forums:


★ I N T E R S U N ★ A E R O S P A C E ★
★ M A N I F E S T O ★

1. INSUN Core Values

InterSun Aerospace [INSUN] is a multinational Star Citizen player group whose core values are:

  • RL First = real life (by necessity) before gaming
  • INSUN Next = if online, INSUN teamwork is encouraged
  • Max Variety = maximum variety of ingame lawful activities
  • No Piracy = no acts that attract a negative response from the UEE Navy or Police
  • Tight Security = counter-espionage & anti-theft measures apply in org
  • No Scamming = no defrauding other players
  • Maturity & Respect = at all times act with adult courtesy & do not disrespect others
  • Comm Silence = greet enemies with weapons fire & don’t chat or smack-talk to them

INSUN encourages a supportive environment with friendly members who are willing to help each other and learn together. We’re a laid-back group with a focus on fun teamwork, rather than chasing statistics (whether kills, UEE Credits or anything else).

Our members are mostly so called “older gamers” who have busy real lives, including many who have young children and/or other important real life (RL) commitments. We understand that for many people RL must come before gaming and that any member may need to step away from the keyboard with little notice. Our game-time is precious, so when we’re online together we want it to be easy-going and, most of all, fun.

INSUN offers an alternative to the demanding alarm-clock style of play favoured by 24/7 power-gamers. In INSUN we remember that what we’re engaged in is team-based gaming and it should be fun.

While INSUN understands that RL must come first, we value group interaction. INSUN actively encourages group efforts and we discourage solo play as the standard way of things. Of course it’s fine if folks sometimes just need a little time alone now and then.

2. INSUN Activities

INSUN is described as a “Resources” and “Exploration” organization on our RSI Home Page, but we seek to maximise the scope of activities that our members can engage in, including PvE, PvP, racing, scouting, bounty hunting, security, mining, research, manufacturing, tuning, hauling, etc, etc. We seek to experience all that’s possible ingame, excluding activities that prey on the weak and helpless (such as unlawful piracy, griefing and scamming). INSUN does not promote itself as a specialist PvP org, a specialist PvE org or a specialist anything-else org. INSUN instead endeavours to maximize the variety of ingame activities that we engage in (while welcoming those with busy real lives).

INSUN offers members the ability to play ingame according to their own interest and available time. Members decide for themselves whether they have the time to log on and play Star Citizen on any day. We will never demand that member log on at a particular time, but we may ask for support (if possible) at certain times and places for the purposes of INSUN group ops.

INSUN’s ingame activities are expected to include all aspect of the game other than piracy, theft and scamming.

3. INSUN Member Benefits

As an organization that caters for people with busy real lives, we don’t make unrealistic or unattainable promises to members. INSUN offers member benefits including (but not limited to):
  1. a friendly and relaxed group that provides support to one another and encourages fun and teamwork
  2. genuine understanding that real life must come first
  3. no compulsory log on times
  4. a mature and sensible group with which to explore all aspects of this new game and in which knowledge will be shared
  5. an organization in which each of PvE, PvP, resource extraction and crafting are genuinely valued and enjoyed
  6. a progression of ranks as trust is earned and rewarded
  7. a place where each member’s opinion is valued and heard
  8. access to org forums and voice-comms
  9. shared knowledge specifically regarding how to generate ingame income
  10. no membership fees and low org tax rates (if any)
  11. members decide for themselves if they have the time to play the game

4. INSUN Org Rules

INSUN tries to keep rules to a minimum. Where we do have rules, they should exist for the greater good of the org. If rules are not working or if they cannot reasonably be justified, then they should be quickly reviewed and amended with INSUN member input.

Please refer to our org Charter for more details regarding the rules that apply to members.

5. Governance & Ranks

INSUN operates with 6 Activity Departments, 2 Support Services and an Executive Council (where all Dept & Services interact and coordinate)
  1. FLEET = Ship Combat
  2. INFANTRY = FPS Combat
  3. SCIENCE = Exploration, Surveying, Medical, Botany, Overclocking
  4. INDUSTRIAL = Resource Mining, Crafting/Manufacturing
  5. COMMERCE = Trade, Transport, Logistics
  6. RACING = Ship Racing
  7. PERSONNEL = Recruitment, Promotions
  8. BOARD OF DIRECTORS = Strategic Direction

The 6 Activity Depts are operated by Executives, who are assisted by other ranks. The Directors and CEO assess and decide strategic direction (and meta-game issues) in the Board of Directors. The Executives, Directors and CEO co-ordinate operations in our Executive Council.

INSUN’s has 7 Ranks:
- Junior Officer
- Officer
- Senior Officer
- Manager
- Executive
- Director

A well-run organization cannot have all matters investigated and decided by only 1 or 2 people. Therefore, issues are addressed in INSUN through Departments and escalating ranks (just like a real world organization). While we’re organized and have structure, WE ARE NOT RANK OBSESSED. We treat all people with respect and consideration. We promote an outstanding org culture based on the notions of: RESPECT, COURTESY & CONSIDERED REASON.

As trust is earned and effort is put into the development of INSUN (especially our outstanding org culture), promotion is provided and with this comes greater access to information, assets and facilities.

In INSUN, honours are awarded through public recognition using our forums (and – if available ingame – medals/rewards). INSUN ranks are not honours and are held to clearly mark those people who are currently and actively contributing to the ongoing operations of the group. INSUN has no “founders” who receive special rights because they’ve been around the longest. We endeavour to be a meritocracy.

6. Member Freedoms

We will encourage online members to gather for group ops. At other times, INSUN members may range from the heart of civilized UEE Space to beyond the rim of discovered space (and anywhere in between).

INSUN members operating in combat group op must use voice-comms (for obvious reasons) – special arrangements can be made for deaf members – but members are not otherwise compelled to loiter in voicecomms.

INSUN does have CTAs (Calls To Arms) to defend our org holdings and interest (we recognize that if we don’t defend those assets and locations that we want to use, then someone else will try to take them away from us). However, INSUN will never try to make any members log on at any particular times (RL must come first, without exception). If someone is not online, or has to log off due to real life, that person is not expected to participate in the CTA.

7. Recruitment

While INSUN endeavours to be an easy going organization with respect to our members, we take the recruitment process seriously. Specifically, while we don’t care about the assets or extreme skills of an individual, our recruiters may closely investigate the characteristics of the person behind the account to ensure that INSUN grows by including only those people who are compatible with our culture.



Our easy 3 step application process:
> Click Here <

Please also see our:
> Recruitment Thread <

INSUN Forums:


★ I N T E R S U N ★ A E R O S P A C E ★
★ C H A R T E R ★

INSUN tries to keep rules to a minimum. Where we do have rules, they should exist for the greater good of the org. If rules are not working or if they cannot reasonably be justified, then they should be quickly reviewed and amended with INSUN member input.

INSUN’s most significant rules are as follows:

*** 1. No Trash-Talk, Ego-Raving, Rage-Outbursts or Bullying:- INSUN does not allow trash-talk, ego driven raving, rage induced outbursts or bullying of any kind. We welcome good-natured fun, but draw a line before taunting, baiting and bullying of any kind (whether ingame, community forums or on voicecomms). In INSUN, we value fun and easy going people who can chill and be good-natured without waving their ego in other people’s face.

*** 2. No Scamming or Theft:- INSUN plays the role of “lawful, good” and our org reputation is important to us. The actions of any and all members will define our org’s reputation. We don’t allow our members to engage in scamming or the unlawful theft of another party’s property. Tarnished members may be “retired” before INSUN’s reputation is allowed to suffer.

*** 3. No Unlawful Piracy:- INSUN members must not deliberately engage in any acts that attract a response from any UEE Police Force or Military. INSUN members may not associate with or support other orgs that conduct or promote piracy. BOUNTY HUNTING is fully expected to be a legitimate org activity.

INSUN seeks to foster good relations with people and organizations from all walks of life. The above rules exist to protect those good relations and to encourage a fun and easy going team-focused culture.


Our easy 3 step application process:
> Click Here <

Please also see our:
> Recruitment Thread <

INSUN Forums: