Invalid Target / INTAR

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Exploration
  • Security

We’re not a cult of space tentacles, we’re not putting profit over lives, and we are not out to get you either.

We’re just there, minding our small yet important business.

And we have a Plan.


Classified: Throne/6G


“To the stars and back”

Invalid Target was founded to do things right. Not because we couldn’t do it before, but because one needs a clean start and a set mind to re-evaluate operational policies. Now we have this “clean start”.

Space is big. No matter how you imagine it, it always turns out to be bigger than you thought. With new jump points being discovered all the time, we seem to be expanding our sphere of influence. But do we really have any control, or even knowledge of our own back yard?

“A clean start”

We are not a new entity – our organization has existed for quite a time. But this is a new beginning, and we chose to reconsider our main goals – politics is a means to achieve them, and not a goal itself. Neither is combat. Ideally, if nobody interferes with us, we won’t need to participate in the active political life. We shall follow the “live and let live” rule. We are open for friendly interaction, we are not keen on making new enemies, and we welcome anyone with any mindset, as long as it doesn’t conflict with ours.

The goal

Our goal is to explore, to provide, but also to protect against outside interference. Military background just can’t be discounted – we may not be seeking conflict, but some operational procedures are inherited from our past – we will violently protect our interests if no other option remains. We are not “The Bow”, a weapon to be used offensively. We are not “The Sword”, an item that has no other use but to fight. We are “The Staff” – both a defensive weapon and a wanderer’s walking stick. We shall use it to walk the distant path that leads us to discoveries, but we won’t hesitate to use it as a weapon to defend ourselves, and to punish those that made us do it.

“The hand”

We extend our hand to any organization or freelance pilot, regardless of their occupation or views, as long as no innocent blood is on their hands. We do not view piracy as something detestable by itself – space is vast, and there are places where people have no other option. We could shake the hand of an honourable pirate just as that of a bounty hunter. But we will not engage in piracy ourselves, and we will not deal with a murderer, whether he operates within or outside the law.

We will take up arms and will deal with those that interfere with us, attack our members or in any other way harm us. So leave us be, and we will leave you be in turn. Attack us, and be repaid in kind, with some interest. We shall not hesitate to attack any member of the offending corporation or entity, as we view any member of such entities as having accepted collective responsibility. Likewise, we shall not tolerate any indecent actions from our own members, because those can have similar consequences for everyone in Invalid Target. If we open fire, that means an order has been given to do so.

“We wish to extend the hand of friendship, but we shall not hesitate to use the same hand to strike”


Charter – current version, not yet finished or confirmed by member voting

1. Preamble

1.1. Invalid Target is a player organization in an online game Star Citizen by Cloud Imperium Games.
1.2. The purpose of Invalid Target is to provide a healthy gaming environment, to support its member players and to maintain an active presence on the political arena of Star Citizen.
1.3. This Charter governs all aspects of Invalid Target to the extent outlined herein, and applies to all members equally. Player rights and responsibilities are listed in the Membership, Rights and Responsibilities section.
1.4. This Charter may be supplemented by Rules. Introduction, modification and acceptance of such Rules is a procedure subject to the Rules and Amendments section of this Charter.
1.5. Any choice of action that is not described in this Charter or any Rules is to be evaluated and accepted in accordance with the Authority and Decisions section of this Charter.
1.6. This Charter may be amended. The process that enables changes in this Charter is described in the Rules and Amendments section.

2. Authority and Decisions

Chain of command

2.1. Invalid Target is a player organization with a chain of command as described in this section. Chain of command is based on ranks and roles, with ranks taking precedence over roles.
2.2. Command structure in Invalid Target consists of the following ranks, highest to lowest:
2.2.1. CIC, Commander in Chief;
2.2.2. CEO, Member of the High Command;
2.2.3. FC, Fleet Commander;
2.2.4. Officer;
2.2.5. Senior Member;
2.2.6. Junior Member.
2.3. In addition to the command structure, members may have special roles:
2.3.1. DCIC, Deputy Commander in Chief
2.3.2. Diplomat;
2.3.3. Director;
2.3.4. Recruiter;
2.3.5. Communications Officer.
2.4. Authority may be temporarily delegated to a lower rank member. Such cases are governed by Rules pertaining to the operation in progress.
2.4.1. If no Rules are present, authority can be delegated to an extent allowed by this charter until revoked or until the operation ends, whichever is sooner.
2.4.2. Rights that are associated with a specific rank or role cannot be delegated.
2.5. Specific rights can be delegated to a member through a mandate. Such delegation must always include the time frame, for which the mandate is valid, the terms, under which such rights can be exercised, and the purpose of the mandate.
2.5.1. Mandates are not subject to any Rules.
2.5.2. Rights that are associated with a specific rank or role can be delegated as a mandate.

Decision making

2.6. Leadership in Invalid Target consists of the High Command (further – HC), which includes three CEOs, one of them serving as the CIC.
2.6.1. A decision that is prerogative of the HC requires that at least two CEOs vote in favour. This process is called the HC Vote.
2.6.2. In the event when one of the CEOs is unavailable, the decision is made by the CIC.
2.6.3. In the event when CIC is unavailable for an extended period of time, he/she may assign a role of DCIC to one of the remaining two CEOs.
2.6.4. Decisions stated as specifically requiring an HC Vote cannot be made by the CIC or DCIC. Such decisions are to remain pending until all three CEOs are present.
2.6.5. HC can elevate a decision to an All Vote procedure. To do so a successful HC Vote must be completed.
2.7. In specific cases of extreme importance an All Vote procedure is held. Some procedures may specifically require an All Vote procedure. All Vote can be used to override HC Vote only where expressly stated in this Charter.
2.7.1. To accept a decision, two thirds of active members, rounded up, have to vote in favour of the decision.
2.7.2. Voting is done by a poll on a specific forum section with access restricted to active members only for the duration of three days.
2.7.3. Any active member that did not vote by the end of this process is considered as having voted against the decision.
2.8. In all the other cases decisions are made by the ranking officer according to the Charter and any relevant Rules that govern the operation.


2.9. A CEO can stand down by proposing a Candidate.
2.9.1. He/she retains his/her powers and a right to reverse the decision for one week. After the week expires he/she cannot reverse the decision.
2.9.2. The Candidate is approved through HC Vote.
2.9.3. If the HC fails to approve the Candidate, All Vote is called.
2.9.4. If All Vote fails to approve the Candidate, or if the Candidate refuses to accept the new rank, the old CEO cannot stand down and is reinstated. He/she can then propose another Candidate and restart the procedure immediately.
2.10. A CEO can be relieved of his/her position through HC Vote.
2.10.1. He/she retains his/her powers until this decision is supported by electing a new CEO.
2.10.2. The Candidate is proposed prior to initiating HC Vote.
2.10.3. The Candidate is approved through All Vote.
2.10.4. If All Vote fails to approve the Candidate, or if the Candidate refuses to accept the new rank, the old CEO cannot be relieved and is reinstated. Next attempt to relieve him/her cannot take place earlier than one calendar month from the time of the previous attempt.
2.10.5. CIC cannot be relieved of his/her position as a CEO. He/she must either stand down or be relieved of command as CIC first.
2.11. CIC can stand down by choosing a Candidate from the other two CEOs.
2.11.1. He/she retains his/her powers and a right to reverse the decision for one week. After the week expires he/she cannot reverse the decision.
2.11.2. The Candidate is approved immediately as the week expires.
2.11.3. If the Candidate refuses to accept the new rank, CIC cannot stand down and is reinstated. He/she can then propose another Candidate and restart the procedure immediately.
2.12. CIC can be relieved of command through HC Vote.
2.12.1. He/she retains command until this decision is supported by electing a new CIC.
2.12.2. The Candidate is proposed prior to initiating HC Vote.
2.12.3. The Candidate is approved through All Vote.
2.12.4. If All Vote fails to approve the Candidate, or if the Candidate refuses to accept the new rank, the old CIC cannot be relieved and is reinstated. Next attempt to relieve him/her cannot take place earlier than one calendar month from the time of the previous attempt.
2.13. Junior Member rank is assigned to a new member upon joining Invalid Target.
2.14. Senior Member rank is assigned to a Junior Member upon completion of a probation period by HC, or to a member whose rank has been revoked.
2.15. All other ranks are assigned and revoked by HC Vote.


2.16. Unless stated otherwise in this Charter, a role can be granted to a member of rank Officer and above via HC Vote.
2.17. Any member has the right to refuse accepting a role.
2.18. Revoking a role is done via the same method that grants it.
2.19. DCIC is a special role that can be granted to a CEO by the CIC at any time. CIC retains all his powers, and DCIC has command only when CIC is not present. DCIC has no rights to:
2.19.1. Delegate his role to another CEO,
2.19.2. Stand down on behalf of CIC.
2.20. Diplomat is a role that is used to perform negotiations with other organizations on behalf of Invalid Target.
2.21. Diplomats may not enter any agreements without authorization from HC.
2.22. Diplomats have the following responsibilities:
2.22.1. To respond to official communication from other organizations;
2.22.2. To forward any notes, proposals, requests and demands between Invalid Target and other organizations;
2.22.3. To state, negotiate and accept terms if a specific mandate was given by HC, to the extent specified in the mandate.
2.23. Director is a role that is assigned to a permanent commander of a specific operation type. Directors have the following responsibilities:
2.23.1. To command an official operation of a specified type;
2.23.2. To create, modify and remove Rules related the specified operation type;
2.23.3. To designate new roles to be used in the specified operation type;
2.23.4. To assign and revoke such roles to members of rank Senior Member and above.
2.24. Recruiter is a role that is used to search for, respond to and accept prospective players willing to join Invalid Target. Recruiters have the following responsibilities:
2.24.1. To provide non-classified information about Invalid Target;
2.24.2. To invite prospective players to an interview in voice communications;
2.24.3. To accept prospective players after an interview into Invalid Target;
2.24.4. To supervise Junior Members during their trial period;
2.24.5. To provide a report on a Junior Member to HC at the end of his/her trial period.
2.25. Communications Officer is a role that is used to administrate voice communications and includes the following responsibilities:
2.25.1. To configure, maintain and upgrade voice communications software, servers and infrastructure as needed;
2.25.2. To maintain proper access control within voice communication servers;
2.25.3. To assign user access rights corresponding to their ranks, roles and mandates;
2.25.4. To create, modify and remove channel usage rules for special voice channels;
2.25.5. To enforce communications discipline if requested by operation leaders.


2.26. Any action that involves leaving the safety of a space dock, a planetary spaceport or any other safe harbour is considered an operation.
2.27. Operations are always headed by at least one leader. In the case of a one man operation, that man is considered the leader.
2.28. Operations are classified in levels, from highest to lowest:
2.28.1. Official fleet operations;
2.28.2. Official directed operations;
2.28.3. Unofficial operations.
2.29. An operation is classified at the highest possible level under its present conditions.
2.30. Official fleet operations have the following traits:
2.30.1. Have an explicitly stated goal;
2.30.2. Are headed by a CEO or an FC;
2.30.3. Have at least one fleet member designated to take over if the leader is unable to command the operation, and that member is either a CEO, an FC, or has received a mandate to continue carrying out the operation in question;
2.31. Official directed operations have the following traits:
2.31.1. Have an explicitly stated purpose and type;
2.31.2. Are headed by a Director of the relevant type of operation;
2.31.3. Are subject to the Rules for that specific type of operation, if such Rules are present;
2.31.4. Have at least one fleet member besides the Director.
2.32. Unofficial operations are all operations that do not classify as either official fleet operations or official directed operations.
2.33. Operation leader is the sole authority during an operation.
2.34. A higher ranking fleet member can take command of an ongoing operation. Only then he/she can override previous orders or issue new orders. To do so he must be present in the same system the fleet or a part of the fleet is in.
2.35. A CEO can call off any operation that is not headed by another CEO or CIC.
2.36. A CIC can call off any operation.
2.37. If a call off order has been given, present operation leader remains in command, but the goal of the operation becomes to return to the nearest safe harbour, at the discretion of the leader.

3. Membership, Rights and Responsibilities

Member status
3.1. All players are classified as part of one of the following groups:
3.1.1. Members;
3.1.2. Non-members.
3.2. Members are players with at least one character in Invalid Target.
3.3. Non-members are players with no characters in Invalid Target.
3.4. Members always have one and only one status:
3.4.1. Active – those of rank Senior Member and above, have logged into Star Citizen within one week of the time in question, and have not been granted a leave;
3.4.2. Pending membership – those of rank Junior Member, and until they are accepted as a Senior Member after completion of their trial period;
3.4.3. On probation – those put on probation as a punishment for an offence;
3.4.4. Inactive – those on leave, or those missing for more than a week.
3.5. Non-members may have the following status:
3.5.1. Former members – players that used to be members and have left Invalid Target on good terms, as defined in the “Termination of membership” subsection of this Charter;
3.5.2. Expelled members – players that lost their right to retain membership in Invalid Target and were either expelled, or left before the decision to expel them was enforced.
3.6. Expelled members may not join Invalid Target again.
3.7. An amnesty may be issued by HC Vote granting one, several or all expelled members the right to rejoin Invalid Target.


3.8. Players may apply to Invalid Target using tools provided by Cloud Imperium Games.
3.9. An existing Invalid Target member may give a recommendation to the applicant.
3.10. An interview is performed using voice communications, by two interviewers, with the following conditions:
3.10.1. At least one of the interviewers is of rank Recruiter;
3.10.2. Each interviewer is of active status at the time of the interview;
3.10.3. Any member that is giving recommendation to the applicant may not hold position of an interviewer;
3.11. Additional members may be present at the interview, such as:
3.11.1. Members of HC;
3.11.2. Members that are giving recommendations to the applicant.
3.12. A unanimous vote by both interviewers is required to accept the applicant.
3.13. If present, HC may overrule the decision of the interviewers via HC Vote.
3.14. If admitted, the applicant is given Junior Member rank and assigned to a Recruiter for the duration of his/her trial period. That Recruiter is to provide guidance to the applicant and to present a report on the applicant at the end of his/her trial period.
3.15. A thread is started in a specific forum section to keep information about the applicant, including a protocol of the interview, and is updated until the trial period ends, at which point the Recruiter writes a final report on the applicant.
3.16. At any time during the trial period the Recruiter may request HC to dismiss the applicant. He/she supplies HC with a report on the applicant, and HC Vote is called to satisfy the request.
3.17. After the trial period ends the Recruiter supplies HC with a report on the applicant, and HC Vote is called to promote the applicant to a Senior Member
3.18. If a decision to promote or to dismiss the applicant has been reached, it is posted in the relevant forum thread, which then is closed and preserved indefinitely.

Member rights

3.19. rights go here

Member responsibilities

3.20. responsibilities go here

Taxes and donations

3.21. All members are subject to a corporation-wide tax system.
3.22. More than one tax may be applied at any time.
3.23. Each tax must be approved via the Tax Approval procedure outlined herein:
3.23.1. A CEO proposes to introduce a new tax, states the purpose of the tax and the time frame within which this tax is to be in effect.
3.23.2. All Vote is called to approve this tax under specified conditions.
3.23.3. Conditions of a tax cannot be changed after it is approved.
3.23.4. Tax is collected until the chosen time frame expires.
3.23.5. If the goal of the introduced tax is met before the time frame expires, an HC Vote procedure can be called to end the application of the corresponding tax.
3.23.6. If the goal of the introduced tax is not met when the chosen time frame expires, a CEO may propose a time frame extension and call an All Vote procedure to approve it.
3.24. Taxes may only be applied to monetary interactions that generate profit.
3.25. Taxes may not be applied to passive capital, rights, mandates, Ranks or Roles.
3.26. Taxes may only be specified in proportional flat rate or flat rate with deductions.
3.27. Taxes may not be specified containing progressive rate, regressive rate, or fixed tax elements.
3.28. All members have the right to make a donation.
3.29. Donations are volunteer only, and cannot be requested or required for any purpose whatsoever.
3.30. Donations cannot be made in exchange for services, rights, mandates, Ranks or Roles.
3.31. Donations are made towards a certain purpose, but may be used by the recipient for any purpose he/she desires.
3.31.1. If a donation is made to the corporation, HC holds authority over its use.
3.31.2. Donating party may not request any reports on the use of their donated funds
3.31.3. Donating party may not request the return of their donated funds.
3.32. Donations are not subject to tax.

Multiple characters and organizations

3.33. Invalid Target is a player organization, not a character organization.
3.34. A member may have more than one character at a time.
3.35. A member may have more than one game account at a time.
3.36. A member may not have game accounts HC is not made aware of.
3.37. Every character on every account that belongs to a member player is subject to this Charter.
3.38. A member is allowed to have characters that belong to other organizations. Such organizations must meet the following criteria:
3.38.1. Must be classified as “club”, “faith” or “league” type organizations;
3.38.2. Must have no political agenda;
3.38.3. Must have no chain of command;
3.38.4. Must have a publicly viewable Charter that is not in contradiction with this Charter;
3.38.5. Must have no documents that are secret, or are in contradiction with this Charter;
3.38.6. Should not require their members to attest loyalty in any way.
3.39. If the organization no longer meets the above criteria, an HC permission is required to retain membership in that organization.
3.39.1. If such permission is given, a member is allowed to continue having his character in the relevant organization.
3.39.2. If such permission is not given, a member must immediately leave the organization in question. Failure to comply may result in termination of membership in Invalid Target.
3.40. A specific permission to join an organization that does not meet the above criteria may be given by HC.

Offences and Penalties

3.41. offences go here

Termination of membership

3.42. At any time a member may decide to leave Invalid Target. To do so he/she must have all their characters removed from Invalid Target.
3.43. Members leaving of their own volition can reverse their decision within a week of leaving Invalid Target with their last character. If they do rejoin, they receive their original status. If they do not rejoin, they receive former member status.
3.44. A member may be expelled for committing offences as defined in the “Offences and Penalties” subsection. Such players may not rejoin Invalid Target, and receive expelled member status.
3.45. A member that leaves Invalid Target, but would be expelled if he/she did not leave of their own accord, is considered expelled for all purposes.
3.46. Termination of membership does not result in termination of other obligations or contracts, except as stated in the “Offences and Penalties” subsection of this Charter.

4. Diplomacy and Warfare

Friendly, Neutral and Hostile status

4.1. A player is considered freelance if no known characters belonging to that player are part of any organization.
4.2. Every organization and every freelancer is considered a separate entity in this section.
4.3. Every member of another organization shares the status of that organization.
4.4. Unless specified otherwise, every entity is considered Neutral.
4.5. Friendly status is given to organizations that meet the following criteria:
4.5.1. Have entered an alliance with Invalid Target;
4.5.2. Have an official treaty with Invalid Target;
4.5.3. Have established positive interaction and have proven reliable in the long term.
4.6. Friendly status is given to freelancers that meet the following criteria:
4.6.1. Are former Invalid Target members that remain loyal to this organization;
4.6.2. Are prospective individuals interested in joining Invalid Target;
4.6.3. Have established positive interaction and have proven reliable in the long term.
4.7. Friendly status is attributed by an HC Vote procedure.
4.8. Hostile status is given to organizations that meet the following criteria:
4.8.1. Have declared a War on Invalid Target;
4.8.2. Have performed hostile actions against Invalid Target and refused diplomatic contact, or refused to accept proposed terms to settle;
4.8.3. Are subject of an official War that Invalid Target declared upon them for any other reason.
4.9. Hostile status is given to individuals that meet the following criteria:
4.9.1. Are former Invalid Target members that had their membership terminated for a grave violation of this Charter;
4.9.2. Have performed hostile actions against Invalid Target and refused diplomatic contact, or refused to accept proposed terms to settle;
4.9.3. Are present in a Kill on Sight list for any other reason.
4.10. Hostile status cannot be attributed by any procedure other than those mentioned in Diplomacy, Wars and Kill on Sight sections of this Charter.
4.11. Hostile status may be retained for an indefinite period of time, until it is withdrawn as mentioned in Diplomacy, Wars and Kill on Sight sections of this Charter.
4.12. A list of all friendly and hostile entities is to be kept up to date in a specific forum section.

Attack and combat status, hostile actions

4.13. The following actions qualify as attacks:
4.13.1. Ordnance delivery, directed or area of effect, such as missiles, torpedoes, space bombs;
4.13.2. Targeted fire of non-projectile weapons, such as lasers, ion cannons, proton cannons;
4.13.3. Targeted fire of projectile weapons, such as machine guns, cannons, repeating cannons, rail guns and gauss cannons;
4.13.4. Targeted application of jamming, or any other interference with target ships systems;
4.13.5. Targeted application of jamming against ordnance, anti-ordnance defences or any other means of disrupting ordnance fired from a ship, unless in self-defence;
4.13.6. Boarding action without permission by the ship being boarded;
4.13.7. Usage of tractor beams on a ship without permission by the ship being tractored;
4.13.8. Providing assistance, such as field rearm, repair and refuel, to a ship involved in combat;
4.13.9. Salvaging a ship wreck or its cargo belonging to an organization while at least one active ship of that organization remains in proximity, unless permission was given.
4.14. The following actions do not qualify as attacks:
4.14.1. Evasive manoeuvres to evade an attack;
4.14.2. Non-targeted application of jammers, such that are used to hide ship signatures rather than to interfere with sensors;
4.14.3. Use of counter-ordnance defences, including weapons fire, decoys, directed jamming against incoming ordnance in self defence;
4.14.4. Boarding action with permission by the ship being boarded;
4.14.5. Usage of tractor beams on a ship with permission by the ship being tractored;
4.14.6. Providing assistance, such as field rearm, repair and refuel, to a ship not presently involved in combat.
4.14.7. Salvaging a ship wreck or its cargo if it has been abandoned, or if permission was given by its owner organization.
4.15. A ship is considered involved in combat if it has performed attacks or has been attacked within five minutes time.
4.16. A fleet is a single ship or a group of ships commanded by the same leader.
4.17. A fleet is considered involved in combat if at least one member is involved in combat.
4.18. The following actions are considered hostile:
4.18.1. Attacks on any member of Invalid Target, except as stated in Mercenary status section of this Charter;
4.18.2. Prolonged interference with Invalid Target operations, such as bumping, tractoring resources out of range, positioning a ship such that it shields a target, whether that is another ship, a resource, a dock entry, or any other type of target;
4.18.3. Relaying information on Invalid Target operations, ships and locations to Hostile organizations or freelancers;
4.18.4. Issuing demands, threats, or in any other way attempting to influence the decision making process of Invalid Target, if said demands are not warranted by any treaty Invalid Target is signatory to.
4.18.5. Prolonged market activity specifically directed against interests of Invalid Target, such as dumping, flooding the market with substitutes, attempts to interfere with procurement procedures and to intercept third party delivery services.
4.19. Any hostile action against Invalid Target may result in Hostile status to the originator of such action, as outlined in Diplomacy, Wars and Kill on Sight sections of this Charter.


4.20. Any communication that may result in binding agreements is considered official correspondence.
4.21. All official correspondence must be handled by a CEO or a Diplomat of both parties. Such correspondence must be relayed to HC unless a mandate has been given by HC to act directly.
4.22. In the event of incoming official correspondence no CEO or Diplomat is available to accept it, a message stating inability to accept such communication at this time must be given by the member being contacted. This information still has to be relayed to HC as they become available.
4.23. A diplomatic response constitutes a diplomatic task.
4.24. Initiating diplomatic communication with another organization constitutes a diplomatic task.
4.25. A diplomatic task is classified as a notice, an enquiry, a proposition, a request or an ultimatum.
4.26. A diplomatic task may be carried out by a CEO or a Diplomat. A corresponding mandate is given to the Diplomat by HC to carry out the task.
4.27. A mandate for a diplomatic task must always contain the following:
4.27.1. Type of task;
4.27.2. Time frame within which the task remains valid;
4.27.3. Purpose of said task.
4.28. A mandate for a diplomatic task may also contain the following:
4.28.1. Minimal acceptable terms;
4.28.2. Right to accept terms on behalf of HC if they meet minimal acceptable terms.
4.29. Any diplomatic task is considered failed if the time frame of the corresponding mandate expires prior to task completion.
4.30. A notice is a statement that does not require a diplomatic answer. Upon relaying a notice the task is considered complete and the corresponding mandate ends.
4.31. An enquiry is a diplomatic task that expects an answer. In the event an answer is received, or if a decision not to answer was communicated, the task is considered complete and the corresponding mandate ends.
4.32. A proposition is a diplomatic task that expects an answer. In the event of a positive answer, term negotiation may commence either through a series of propositions and notices, or as live negotiations between Invalid Target HC and the other party. The task is considered complete upon successfully entering a binding agreement, or upon both parties communicating intent to end negotiations.
4.33. A request is a diplomatic task that requires an answer. If the answer is not given within the allotted time frame, or if intent not to meet said request was communicated, the task may be escalated to an ultimatum by HC Vote.
4.34. An ultimatum is a diplomatic task that expects an answer and contains minimal acceptable terms as well as an alternative action. In the event a negative answer is given, the minimal acceptable terms are not met, or allotted time frame ends, an alternative action is to be carried out by Invalid Target. Alternative actions may include:
4.34.1. Initiating a punitive official fleet operation against the other party;
4.34.2. Declaring a War on the other party;
4.34.3. Adding a member, some or all members of the other party to a Kill on Sight list;
4.34.4. Other actions with the purpose to enforce acceptance of terms stated by Invalid Target.
4.35. A request or an ultimatum may only be issued through All Vote, unless specified otherwise in this Charter.

Initiating combat

4.36. It is forbidden to perform any attacks without an order from the operation leader.
4.37. The first order to attack a fleet is considered initiation of combat against that fleet.
4.38. Any operation leader may initiate combat in the following scenarios:
4.38.1. Opposing fleet is Hostile;
4.38.2. Opposing fleet has initiated combat with any other present Invalid Target fleet;
4.38.3. Any present Invalid Target fleet has legally initiated combat with that fleet.
4.39. Only leaders of official fleet operations ranked FC and above may initiate combat against Neutral targets. Lower ranking leaders and FC’s leading any other type of operation require clearance from HC to issue such orders.
4.40. A clearance by HC Vote is required to initiate combat on Friendly targets.

Member protection

4.41. Any member of Invalid Target that is not granted Mercenary status is entitled to member protection as outlined in this section.
4.42. Any direct attack on a single member of Invalid Target is considered an unwarranted attack on Invalid Target. No prior actions of that member may be presented as mitigating circumstances.
4.43. If a member of Invalid Target is under attack, any members that are online are obliged to intervene and provide support to the best of their abilities, with exceptions when members are:
4.43.1. Engaged in an official fleet or official directed operation;
4.43.2. Located too far in space and are unable to provide help in time;
4.43.3. Flying a non-combat ship and unable to switch ships in time;
4.43.4. Have been given permission by the member in distress not to respond in this case.
4.44. The attacker and his fleet is considered Hostile for the duration of engagement only, unless already classified as Hostile.
4.45. If at least one attacking party involved in the engagement is not classified as Hostile, a request to the involved party is to be sent requiring compensation in the amount of Invalid Target assets destroyed or damaged, as well as an official apology.

Mercenary status

4.46. A member of Invalid Target performing mercenary duties is issued Mercenary status for the duration of operation.
4.47. Mercenaries retain every obligation and every right they have as members of Invalid Target, except the following:
4.47.1. Mercenaries are not considered members for the purpose of member protection;
4.47.2. Attacks on Mercenaries while on duty are not considered attacks on Invalid Target;
4.47.3. Mercenaries are not part of the chain of command of Invalid Target;
4.47.4. Mercenaries have all ranks, roles or mandates suspended, and may not issue orders to other Invalid Target members that are not part of the same operation.
4.48. Upon completion of a Mercenary contract a member is returned to Invalid Target chain of command and loses Mercenary status.
4.49. At any time any and all Mercenaries may be recalled by HC. Only upon safely docking or entering an Invalid Target fleet do they lose Mercenary status.
4.50. A member that loses Mercenary status has all ranks, roles and mandates restored, becomes subject to member protection, and any attack upon such member is considered an attack on Invalid Target.
4.51. Official operations by Invalid Target as part of a treaty or a deal with another organization are not subject to this section of the Charter.


4.52. War may only be declared against an organization..
4.53. Any member of an organization under War is considered Hostile.
4.54. War may be declared for an indefinite period of time or for a specific time frame.
4.55. War may be declared on an organization using HC Vote procedure in the following situations:
4.55.1. Said organization has declared a war on Invalid Target;
4.55.2. Said organization has performed a hostile action against Invalid Target;
4.55.3. Said organization is engaged in a war with an ally of Invalid Target;
4.55.4. Said organization has placed a Friendly freelancer on a Kill on Sight list.
4.56. Declaring a war on any other organization requires both HC Vote and All Vote procedures.
4.57. A war ends when the specified time frame expires, provided the other side agrees.
4.58. A war may be stopped prior to the expiration of a time frame using the same procedure that was used declare it, provided the other side agrees.
4.59. A list of active wars is to be kept up to date on a specific forum section. This list is to include the following information, if available:
4.59.1. Corporation name and handle;
4.59.2. Reason for war declaration;
4.59.3. Procedure that was used to declare a war;
4.59.4. Terms for stopping the war;
4.59.5. Time frame, if applicable;
4.59.6. Any other information deemed relevant.
4.60. At any time a Diplomat may end a war if said organization has agreed to meet the terms outlined in the war list.
4.61. Unless specifically stated otherwise, normal terms for ending a war include reparations to Invalid Target consisting of the following, at present market prices:
4.61.1. Three times the cost of potential losses during the incident that was grounds for a war, if such incident took place, where potential losses consist of all Invalid Target assets present at the time and place of the incident, whether destroyed or not;
4.61.2. The cost of all losses incurred during the war, at present market prices;
4.61.3. Official capitulation stated on the forums.

Kill on Sight status

4.62. Kill on Sight (KOS) status may only be given to freelancers.
4.63. KOS status is retained across all characters on all accounts of said player.
4.64. KOS status may be assigned indefinitely or for a specific time frame.
4.65. A player may be placed on a KOS list using HC Vote procedure in the following situations:
4.65.1. Said player has performed a hostile action against Invalid Target;
4.65.2. Said player is a former member of Invalid Target that was expelled.
4.66. Placing any other player on a KOS list requires both HC Vote and All Vote procedures.
4.67. A player is automatically removed from a KOS list when the specified time frame expires.
4.68. A player may be removed from a KOS list prior to the expiration of a time frame using the same procedure that was used to assign KOS status.
4.69. If a character with KOS status joins an organization, a diplomatic note must be sent to inform them their member retains it. Joining an organization is not grounds to revoke KOS status.
4.70. A list of players with Kill on Sight status is to be kept up to date on a specific forum section. This list is to include the following information, if available:
4.70.1. Player handle;
4.70.2. All known characters;
4.70.3. Reason for being placed on KOS;
4.70.4. Procedure that was used to place on KOS;
4.70.5. Terms for removal from KOS;
4.70.6. Time frame, if applicable.
4.71. At any time a Diplomat may remove a player from KOS if said player has agreed to meet the terms outlined for him in the KOS list.
4.72. Unless specifically stated otherwise, normal terms for removal from KOS list include reparations to Invalid Target consisting of the following, at present market prices:
4.72.1. Three times the cost of potential losses during the incident that was grounds for issuing KOS status, if such incident took place, where potential losses consist of all Invalid Target assets present at the time and place of the incident, whether destroyed or not;
4.72.2. Public apology on the forums.

5. Rules and Amendments


5.1. Rules govern a specific operation type as if they were part of this Charter.
5.2. Rules are in effect only during a relevant operation type.
5.3. Rules can be created, edited, updated and revoked by a Director of a relevant operation type, as well as by HC.
5.4. Rules cannot contradict this Charter.
5.5. Rules cannot exceed the scope of the relevant operation.
5.6. Rules cannot request transfer, lease, sale or exploitation of private property, capitals, monetary funds, owned or hired NPCs.
5.7. Rules can specify minimum online time necessary to participate in the operation. Every case listed in Membership, Rights and Responsibilities section that allows logging off during an operation also voids this requirement.

Amending the Charter

5.8. Every section of this Charter, except this one, may be amended using the following procedure:
5.8.1. Proposed amendments are presented to every member via a specific forum section;
5.8.2. HC Vote supports the amendments;
5.8.3. All Vote supports the amendments;
5.8.4. New version of the Charter takes effect immediately unless specified otherwise prior to the voting procedures.
5.9. Amendments require both HC Vote and All Vote results to be positive. All Vote cannot be used to override HC Vote in this case.
5.10. Amendments may not be retroactive.
5.11. A specific forum section lists every amendment of this Charter including the following:
5.11.1. A version of the Charter prior to the amendment;
5.11.2. HC Vote date and vote count;
5.11.3. All Vote date and vote count;
5.11.4. Date when amendments took effect, if explicitly specified.

6. Miscellaneous

Communications discipline

6.1. Invalid Target employs voice communication technologies to facilitate exchange of information, ideas, and to promote cooperation between members.
6.2. All members have the right and responsibility to use the official Invalid Target voice communications system (further – Comms) and to maintain communications discipline as outlined herein and in relevant operation rules.
6.3. All members must be logged into Comms before logging into Star Citizen, and should remain logged into Comms until logging out of Star Citizen. A special HC permission is necessary each time to circumvent this requirement.
6.4. Member access rights are based on their rank, role and active mandates.
6.5. Guest access is restricted to guest channels. No classified information may be discussed in such channels even at the time when no guests are online.
6.6. Official fleet operations require Strict Communications Discipline.
6.7. Official directed operations require Standard Communications Discipline as well as compliance with any communications-related Rules for the relevant operation type.
6.8. Special channels may be created where additional rules apply. Such rules are issued and maintained by HC or Communications Officers, and are cumulative with Standard Communications Discipline.
6.9. Special channels may be created where no communications discipline applies. Personal attacks are still discouraged and may be subject to forms of punishment as outlined in the Offences and Penalties subsection of Membership, Rights and Responsibilities section.
6.10. Any other channel is subject to Standard Communications Discipline.
6.11. Standard Communications Discipline includes the following rules:
6.11.1. Every member has the right to speak in a channel governed by Standard Communications Discipline. This right may be restricted by specific channel Rules or through Strict Communications Discipline.
6.11.2. Interfering with the above right is forbidden. An exception to this is blocking a member in accordance with Offences and Penalties subsection of Membership, Rights and Responsibilities section.
6.11.3. Flooding the channel with prolonged transmissions of music, noise or other loud signal, if it interferes with the ability to communicate, is forbidden.
6.11.4. Directed personal attacks are forbidden.
6.11.5. Every member has the right to express constructive criticism of an operation or another member’s conduct after the operation.
6.11.6. Using language that implies racism, sexism, fascism, or any other socially unacceptable notion towards a member is forbidden.
6.11.7. Impersonating a member of Invalid Target is forbidden.
6.11.8. Gaining unwarranted access to a channel is forbidden.
6.11.9. Advertising of any form is forbidden. Expressing personal opinion about a product, service or company is not considered advertising.
6.12. Strict Communications Discipline includes every rule from Standard Communications Discipline, as well as the following rules:
6.12.1. Operation leader may speak freely;
6.12.2. Fleet members may report new information as requested by the operation leader;
6.12.3. Fleet members may ask the operation leader to repeat last orders;
6.12.4. Fleet members may report inability to comply with given orders;
6.12.5. Fleet members may report information on hostiles spotted;
6.12.6. No other voice transmissions are allowed, unless expressly stated otherwise by the Operation leader;
6.12.7. Operation leader may temporarily suspend Strict Communications Discipline requirement. During this time Standard Communications Discipline applies.
6.13. A specific forum section lists standard orders and proper ways of issuing them over Comms. While compliance with that list is not a requirement, its use is highly encouraged.

7. Closing questions

7.1. This charter is in effect from date here as voted by the majority of Invalid Target members, and remains in effect while Invalid Target exists.
7.2. This charter is to be made public on the RSI Organizations page and Invalid Target forums.
7.3. Any complementary Rules are to be published on Invalid Target forums.
7.4. Members are considered as having accepted the Charter and the complementary Rules starting from the time those are published.

random remarks – temporary!