Interstellar Commonwealth (of New Orion) / INTCOM

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Trading

Welcome to the Embassy of the Interstellar Commonwealth. Here we offer information about us and list our most prominent citizens and officials. Please feel free to browse our brochures and/or contact our officials.


The Interstellar Commonwealth was formed on September 30th of 2781, a century after the Vanduul attack on the Orion system, by descendants of mostly Armitage survivors. Originally called “The Orion Colonial Commonwealth”, it was formed as a semi political organisation. It looked back at the human settlements of Orion and considered itself to be a government and people in exile. The main goal of the OCC was to regain their home system and establish itself as the new official governing body.

The last week of December, 2881, the OCC council convened and eventually decided that focusing efforts on establishing themselves in the Orion system was a fruitless endeavour. Instead they decided to scour the galaxy for a new potential homeworld. To make the new purpose official they officially renamed themselves “The Interstellar Commonwealth” to both acknowledge its later influx of people that had little to no connection to the people that lived on Orion and also their new directive of searching the stars for a new promised land they fondly refer to as “New Orion”.

In 2945, the organisation was still searching for New Orion, but had established themselves in the galaxy, setting up it’s Ministry of Commerce to focus on trade and it’s Ministry of Security providing security for the Commonwealth as well as enforcing order by on occasion hunting down known criminals.

As of 2950, most citizens and affiliates of the Commonwealth have either put the dream of New Orion behind them or on hold to pursue their fortunes within the UEE and beyond. They uphold their commonwealth in name only, but maintain their citizenship as a way to preserve their culture and connection to the people of their former home. For some, simply to retain contact with friends and associates.


Under “History” you will find out about who we WERE. Here, you find out who we ARE.

We are travellers, we are traders, we are diplomats, we are explorers, we are soldiers… We are many things, but foremost, we are a Nation. Some have called us the “Nation without a Home”, but we have two. One in our past and one in our future.

  • We are generally a peaceful nation, with no current interest in military expansion, raiding, pirating or open conflict. We are known for being a very resonable and diplomatic party to deal with. Do not mistake this for docility however, we are very capable and have a fierce determination when it comes to defending our interests and enforcing our order onto those who wish to disrupt it.
    IN THE FUTURE we might expand our security operations, escorting and enforcing order, to include other freelancers that seek protection as long as they adhere to Commonwealth Regulation.
  • We are currently expanding mercantile operations and trade is important to us. We are very interested in forming agreements and striking deals with any mining corporations. Be aware that our trading operations are under Commonwealth Regulation and thus protected by our Security forces.
    IN THE FUTURE we will establish trade networks and seek to secure our own supply of mined minerals and ores.
  • We are interested in establishing contact and good relations with other organisations in our galaxy. That may be anything from friendly informal relations to formal alliances.
    IN THE FUTURE we plan to maintain our current status.
  • We are currently closing our borders due to an expected influx of repatriating citizens. If you have any questions or a specific request, feel free to contact us.
    IN THE FUTURE we will most likely be opening these borders again.

(OOC description: Technically considering themselves a Commonwealth of colonies. They do not inhabit nor govern any colonies any longer however and funcions as a de facto Organisation of Traders, Explorers and a Security Force, with tightly knit bonds)


For now, the roles are still being assigned.

  • CIVILIAN VISA HOLDER: You hold a Civilian Visa without expiration date. Retractment of Visa can happen if holder is deemed unfit to affiliate with the Commonwealth.
  • COMMON CITIZEN: You hold the status of a Common Citizen of the Interstellar Commonwealth. This gives you certain rights and duties within the Commonwealth. Rights:
    - Voting rights for any elections or major decisions within the Commonwealth
    - The right to a fair trial if accused of breaking Commonwealth law
    - Our protection and help.
    - You can be drafted into the Defence Militia, should the Council demand it, the duty to cast a vote in elections and referendums aswell as the duty to follow Commonwealth Law.
  • FULL CITIZEN: You hold Full Citizenship in the Commonwealth, which is includes the rights and duties of your Common Citizenship as well as one more right aswell and one more duty.
    Added Right:
    - You may call for official votes and polls from the council as well as be involved in the how the Department you’re in is run.
    Added Duty:
    - You have to be a part of and contribute time, effort or UEC to a Department of your choice.
  • OFFICIAL/OFFICER: You hold a governmental rank in the Commonwealth. As a government official you are expected to help run your department and/or the administration of the Commonwealth.
    Added Rights:
    - You have access to one part of the website of the organisation in an administrative role.
    - You will have a more active part in how your Department is run and be in charge of a certain group or aspect of it.
    Added Duties:
    - These new rights come with the responsibility to actually perform the duties associated.

[Rest will follow]