interstellar Vikings / INVI

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Security
  • Social

Welcome to the interstellar realm, Vikings!
Valhalla is our ultimate goal and we’re going to have a lot of fun getting there!


During the infancy of INVI, we Dohman, The_dumb and atomnuclear messed around a lot, here’s a clip of our missile ‘testing’/shenanigans. For glory and Valhal!
Missile Shenanigans


INVI main goal is to provide, cheap and efficient services, and be ready to do what is necessary, we aim to help the fight against the vanduul, and to build up a base of operations outside of UEE interference

We are mainly a PMC, but we know that war is expensive and therefore have other branches and we welcome everyone to Ship captains, to traders and explorers


Respect each other
We neither support nor condem the breaking of UEE law, but ask that this is not done in flying the banner of INVI
Then in INVI operations follow orders

Ranks are granted then you get a position, this means that there maybe a long time between promotions