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Invictum / INVICTUM

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Freelancing

“Fortes soli, fortiores una”

“Strong alone, stronger together”


The Beginning

Invictum was established with the intent of providing security escort services for all space trade routes, and reducing the effect of pirating on mercantilism. The organization was founded by iJenova and with his RSI Constellation, “The Calamity”, he began accepting security contracts under Invictum’s name. The initial success of the company led to the hiring of another vessel and another captain. iJenova hired TheStarfather, and his MISC Freelancer, “Felicity”. With additional support and some trade capacity of its own, Invictum flourished under the leadership of iJenova and the financial savvy of TheStarfather. Invictum soon expanded further by purchasing a Drake Cutlass and recruiting additional pilots and captains. As The organization grew and money began to flow, the small corporation made a name for itself as being reliable and tenacious.


Now Invictum has solidified itself as a reputable solution for security and other freelancing endeavors. Invictum’s leaders employ dual management techniques to maintain a high degree of efficiency and productivity. With iJenova as the Fleet Admiral and TheStarfather as Administrative Admiral, Invictum has expanded into a formidable adversary to lawlessness everywhere. Currently Invictum’s fleet has 4 ships at it’s disposal, It has successfully completed multiple escort missions and maintains a presence near the core planetary systems.

“Fortes soli, fortiores una”

“Strong alone, stronger together”



Invictum focuses on keeping the space lanes secure and ensuring criminals don’t gain the upper hand over the merchants of the galaxy. We specialize in protection of trading vessels and general security for star bases, trade lanes, and other valuable assets. We are confident in our ability to adapt and overcome any situation.

Mission Statement

Invictum will strive to be the prime choice for security, defense, escort, and any other private military contracts requiring high grade weaponry, dynamic responsiveness, and hassle free service. We aim keep you and your goods intact all the way to your destination and are willing to put our lives and ships on the line to deliver that service to you. It is guaranteed that if in the event of our defensive line being compromised, our ships will be destroyed before yours and you and your cargo are our first and only priority. In the event you or your cargo are damaged we will return a substantial portion of your initial fee to help cover the cost of such an unforeseen tragedy.

Why You Belong with us

We aim to be a fun and engaging guild that knows when to be serious, and when to party. We want those who are most happy deeply immersed in roleplaying to feel right at home, and we want those who may not quite the same level of enthusiasm to find their own niche as well. Though we would like to have a semi-strict chain of command established to ensure that orders are carried out swiftly and efficiently, but each team member down to the lowliest deck hand will get a say in guild goings on and where guild funds go. Anyone showing promise and efficiency can expect to rise quickly in the ranks but be sure to join quickly because seniority is a factor as well.

Our need doesn’t just include combat specialists either, we certainly want to employ tradesmen, industrialists, recruiters, and many other positions. So even if you feel as though your play style may not be supported within our organization, don’t dismiss us so quickly! We are glad to open our doors to new areas of expertise and encourage our guild’s expansion into new areas.

One example of this need for other specialties is a need for explorers, as one of the methods we wish to employ in the effort of increasing security, is supplying our own detailed layouts of star systems and various trade routes with included risk factors and detailed analysis of route contents. So explorers take note and apply now!

The first few waves of entrants will be eligible to upgrade their status within the guild to the rank of officer and gain control over the guild and obtain a much larger say in the distribution of guild resources.

We also intend to make sure those players who prefer PvE or PvP will also get their fair share of action. The focus will always be on what the guild members find fun and engaging.

We will have our own dedicated teamspeak server for all guild members to use for seamless transition in and out of guild chat channels.

Future plans for our own dedicated SC server and mods from the codemonkey founders of the guild.

All members that join will get a custom designed banner for their forum signature that redirects to our guild homepage!

Our Vision of a Brighter Tomorrow

From our humble beginnings we have detested the ability of thiefs to steal off with the hard earned cash of the working man. We at Invictum believe everyone has the right to make their way in the galaxy of their own accord and we wish to ensure that no single person under our watch is cheated of their well deserved pay. We envision a world where pirates get their due and can no longer steal the livelihood of humble men. We believe in a world where there is justice. We believe in Invictum.

“Fortes soli, fortiores una”

“Strong alone, stronger together”


Policies and Procedures

  1. Customer and Cargo First
  2. Stand to the Last
  3. Rank is Rule, Follow Chain of Command
  4. Admirals and Officers Retain the Right to Remove Anyone from the Organization For any Reason
  5. Admirals and Officers Have the Final Say in the Addition and Removal of Officers by Majority Vote
  6. Be Respectful
  7. Be Ethical
  8. Use Common Sense
  9. Hackers will be Banned and Reported
  10. Free Speech Organization
  11. Roleplay is not mandatory

“Fortes soli, fortiores una”

“Strong alone, stronger together”